Bob the Binder




No, I'm not talking about a cartoon construction contractor turned demon-summoner.

I'm talking about a new tutorial-type contact, similar to the AE director and the university professor.
At L16 this contact would get auto-introduced to you. Why L16? Because the average character still has room in his power trays for a macro button or two, yet it would not bother trial account players with an advanced option.
Where Bob would be:
Bob would hang out in the Steel Canyon University. (His cousin, Binder Bill, would hang out in the University in Cap Au Diable.)
What Bob would teach:
Bob would greet the character with:

Hi! Would you like to...
A) Learn about keybinding?
B) Learn about Macros?
C) Purchase pre-made Macros?
D) Block being bothered by Bob?
Selecting "A" would start a tutorial about binding commands to keys, warn about keys that are better off not messed with, etc.

Selecting "B" would start a tutorial about using the /macro command, including use of the custom_target_next command, putting multiple commands together in a single macro and editing existing macros.

Selecting "C" would open up a window, similar to a Enhancement store, where a few (couple dozen?) pre-made macros would be available for perusal and purchase for ultra cheap. Say, 5 $Inf each. (Of course, like any other macro button, they could be editted at will, but that would be up to the player.)

Selecting "D" would award an account-wide badge to the player, which would prevent the contact from popping up in the contact window of his alts. He would still be able to visit Bob whenever he likes, but it would be on a "Don't call me, I'll call you" basis.



That's.... actually a really good idea. It would probably require more player input than most features, but I can't see any downside to this.



I like this idea, but I would have it as part of the University tutorial. I would have the last contact in the IO tutorial send you back to talk to Admissions Officer Lenk/Dean John Yu. There could be a window with a quick description of keybinds and macros with the choices "I would like to know more" or "No thanks, I already know about them" and the contact would clear. After that there could be a menu like the trainers have giving options for more information that you could read anytime you want.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Playing this game for almost 5 years and only using a handful of binds/macros. Because I find the macro system a weird unintuitive thing with weird commands in even stranger combos that defy for me any logic. Yet is so important to get the most out of your character.

So: Signed/Stamped and Sealed for approval.



/signed as well.

The current in-game help system that talks about macro's is about as useful as a kin who didn't take ID, SB, Transference, and Fulcrum Shift.

However, since a new experience is planned for new players in Going Rogue, maybe it'd make more sense to stick Bob the Binder over in Praetoria.



The Cursed Sorcerer approves. This is covered in the manual, but it would be way easier and far less tedious to have an in-game macro/bind tutorial!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I like the idea, but I'm not sure what the point of purchasing the premade macros is if it's going to to be priced so low that they might as well be free. Either make it free, or make it cost, but there's no sense to taking a silly middle ground.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



I suggest that you can 'purchase' them with inf, not $. And perhaps you could have workbenches to build your own macro. With some recipes of handy pre made Macros.

Perhaps with the option for a library of player made macros.



I'd love this idea. I use macros a good bit, especially on my RP toons. Also, I keep forgetting my important keybinds :S