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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    They haven't been announced yet -- perhaps Avatea would have done so today, but with it being a holiday in the U.S. that obviously wasn't going to happen.

    I'm betting she updates the thread on Tuesday morning.
    Originally Posted by ATOFelix View Post
    i normally get them from paragon wiki, but where are the weekly's normally posted?

    forum or launcher?
    Forum, see link in Eric's reply.
  2. I created 3 characters during my trial period. The first was Golden Avariel who was an electric/electric blaster. I was very bummed when I found out there were no bird wings in the game. It seemed like a terrible oversight. Another veteran player we played with had pity on me and gifted a butterfly wing recipe. I immediately crafted them then hovered my way to the Steel Canyon tailor to put them on... which was also when I discovered you could turn the color copy button off! Wow! I can have more than 2 colors! Fantastic! But not enough money! Had to come back later after a friend who won a lot of costume contests gave me enough influence to cover the fee.

    She languished at 29 for a long time because her party fell apart and I kept waiting for them to come back. Once experience control was in the game I exemplared her a lot for the double influence without getting ahead of the others. Man she made a lot of money and found a lot of mid-level salvage. A couple of months ago I finally started playing her again and she made 40 this weekend.

    I was first in line to get the valkyrie costume and finally the Avariel had proper wings.

    My second character was Shadowguardinal who was a dark/dark tank. It was a hard slog for the first 20 or 25 levels but we eventually got the hang of a tank/controller team and she was my first 50 after a bit less than 2 years. She was also my first incarnate and my only one (of my 4) to have all 5 slots at tier 3 or higher.

    I can't say I like blasters more or less than other AT's... I pretty much enjoy them all.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dygital_Punk View Post
    ok not to be harsh but they knew this was a holiday weekend so why didn't they post July's WST before it? This is just annoying from the perspective of someone who makes up the Events schedule for their SG.

    ok rant done :P
    Ditto, very annoying.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
    I love "Oh, Wretched Man" (Seer Marino's arc). It does a good job demonstrating that Villains (and in particular Arachnos) are people with families and relationships (that last beyond the grave).
    Oh yeah! Definitely!
  5. The Terra Conspiracy (Ginger Yates) - losing Tanya to the DE was heart-wrenching.

    Part 2 of Twisted Reflections (Special Agent Jenni Adair) - death of someone close

    Piercing the Veil (Gordon Bower) - the ghosts are so sad the first time you have to fight them.

    A Path into Darkness (Colleen Nelson) - the pieced together story from the clues was moving (and a fitting origin for Requiem)

    To Save a Soul (Madeleine Casey) - your contact's decent into madness is just too cool

    Me Myself and My Other Selves (Dean MacArthur) and Good Villains Never Die (Leonard) - is a fantastic series with a range of emotions.

    Old Friends, New Enemies, and New Opportunities (Vincent Ross) - I haven't run this through completely but I helped my wife with the last 3 missions and they were a lot of fantastic fun - especially the last one.

    The Cult of the Shaper (Diviner Maros) - I love the contact and I love this arc. It *feels* epic.

    I could list more but I suppose I was only supposed to select one... if so just the one on top.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
    This is one of my pet peeves. A player shouldn't have to resort to the forums for this information. It's an important in game activity and the info needs to be IN THE GAME. How about making it part of the Message of the Day upon logging in?
    I'd love it to be in-game and MotD is the perfect place, however I like to know well in advance what it is going to be next week so that SG activities can be planned.

    They used to announce a month's set of targets the Wednesday or Thursday before the 1st but June's didn't get posted until the 6th I think. I REALLY REALLY want them to announce it earlier than that - like yesterday for July. I hope they get it out today because with Monday being a holiday in the U.S. there is a chance that it won't be announced at all before it goes live Tuesday morning.
  7. But see, I didn't get that out of it at all and probably they didn't either.
  8. Not really taking sides, but the in-game version has apparently transparent panels with the radials and panels being the same color, while in the cgi version the panels are opaque and a different color from the radials. That's the main difference aside from the shoulder hoops which need to either be dropped from the official render or added to the in-game model, I don't really care which as I think the costume is fine either way.

    I'm not sure how big a deal any of that is on Sister Psyche, I'm just saying Techbot has a point that they are different.
  9. Speaking of which, it is past time for July's strike targets to be announced.

    *calls out* Oh Avatea! We need you!
  10. I like the cover. To me Sister P looks overwhelmed by the psychic cries of thousands of people dying at the same time. It's got to be pretty rough and more than enough to put anyone out of sorts. Heck, she might not even actually be seeing anything but that at the moment the picture depicts. Different people seem to be interpreting her expression in different ways.

    I did immediately notice the pale BAB's but eventually chalked it up to glare. It couldn't hurt to recolor him a little darker for sure.

    I also think the style is a little cartoony for my taste and it gives them a less realistic look. But there isn't anything really wrong with that if it is the style they've settled on for the load screens and it is applied consistently. Overall I like the picture's action, composition, and color and I'm satisfied with it. It certainly conveys a sense of the destruction unfolding around them.

    Now I'm going to have to think up a new alt to create and take in there so I can run it when it goes live because I'm loving the whole idea.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    From the Paragon Points Clarification thread:

    I assume that's only one "set", not all the costume pieces. Since there was one set for males, and one for females, it would presumably be $10 for all the costume parts. I'm unsure, but I'm hoping that it will still be possible to buy the full booster packs for 800 points, or the equivalent of $10.
    Nah, it says "Complete" set... I have to believe that's all the costume parts but not the power or emotes (are capes & auras part of the "complete set" no idea). I don't know what those extras might cost.

    If I were an optimist I'd say they are cutting the price and that IS the entire pack... but I'm not.

    It's a good question because I'm conflicted about buying the Animal pack. Should I spend the points I get for free and hope I have enough for all the other goodies I expect to be for sale when i21 goes live... or buy it now and store them against future buys.
  12. I definitely run arcs trying to get ones I haven't run lately on whatever my latest alt is I'm leveling up. I only run radios/safeguards when I can't seem to get the contact I want. I run tips as filler now instead of radios. I only run AE missions for the tickets or as a change of pace. The current fire tank farms just make me sad.

    Red side, since I'm forced to do newspapers for contacts, tends to go too fast in the lower levels to do many (or any) arcs but after level 20 or so things finally slow down enough that I can start doing them over there too. I find it harder to do red-side leveling though because most of my friends want to do blue-side so I reserve it for my solo characters.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Auroxis View Post
    you can't use certificates on characters that don't exist.
    This is why Certificates for supposedly globally unlocked costume parts are a bad idea. How long before your e-mail is clogged with certificates you don't want to delete? Or are they somehow immune from the normal e-mail limit?

    Hopefully it's a stopgap until Freedom is released.
  14. I would think two-handed weapons will either be one-sided (swords/polearms) or two-sided (quarterstaffs/spears and maybe 2-bladed swords/double-lightsabers). I wouldn't think you could animate it to allow both staffs and huge two-handed swords at the same time.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
    To change the character of the encounter entirely you need to prevent Power Surge altogether. So if you can't stack mez to keep her from acting, you need to time it just right to give you a chance to finish her off in a rush. Save Aim/BU/reds/yellows and make sure you don't take her health down too low, then buff up and use something such as Nemesis Staff (the yellows are there to make sure a VR/temp power hits) to send her flying, follow up with about 2s of your highest DPA attacks and then queue your biggest hitter.
    So pretty much the same strategy as fighting Paragon Protectors although they are much less dangerous than Shock Treatment they are just as annoyingly hard to hit when they hit their super defense power.
  16. Thanks StarGeek!

    Of course, now I'm wondering if it really is 40 or if it is 39 like a normal level 35 contact.
  17. My blaster ran around in circles screaming like a little Hin girl for a couple of minutes trying to avoid dying.
  18. I think the OP did mention he wanted to open the store "for giggles" so I'm guessing he's already aware of where all the stores are.

    Serafina is listed in the Wiki as a level 30-50 contact so that's obviously wrong. I know I tried to run the science store in Bricks during a late-run aura mission (42nd I think) and he wouldn't talk to me either so I had to go to Borea to get my rikti. I'd be interested in what the real upper limits are for those stores. Is it 30-40?

    I have Golden Avariel up to 38 now (or will soon). I'll have to go and talk to the stores I don't have open yet (like Serafina) at each of the next few levels and see when they stop.
  19. Whatever it is will probably be level 20-29.
  20. I'd get 14 if I slipped to Premium but the first two would be my namesake blaster and my tanker Shadowguardinal.

    But then, I don't intend to stop paying my subscription unless something drastic happens and then I probably wouldn't have internet either so... meh.
  21. About two months ago, maybe less, the character list on both of my servers got randomly shuffled, I think into the order I created them. I fixed both and a few days later Justice was shuffled again. Hasn't happened again since then.

    I thought the problem was fixed until then because it had been so long. Of course, it was never very common for me... maybe 5 or 6 times (counting those two) since I started playing the game.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    (*Hercule Poirot voice*) "Eef yoo haf to strain ze leetle grey cells, zen eet wahs too long ago. Ne c'est pas?"
    Heh ok fair enough. I thought I knew but didn't want to blurt it out and be wrong... which I would have been because I thought it was late February or sometime in March. In fact the last double Xp was the end of January (the 27th) so I wouldn't expect another before the mid-to-late July.
  23. Rioting over sports... the veneer of civilization seems stretched very thin sometimes.
  24. Didn't we have one recently? When was that?
  25. I used to send tells to everyone with the Help Me! title but it didn't take long to realize that none of them were actually in need of help. The closest I got was "yeah, how do I turn that off?" and "I need a team", both had more veteran badges than I did once I looked at them. I think that most new people are going to blow right by that prompt and not turn it on and have no idea it is available later. New players are usually more interested in jumping in and killing things that reading all the stuff.

    The last time I asked someone with a purple name was over the weekend when I came across a 50+ month vet on a level 50 IO'd out the wazzoo character in the market. I sent a tell along the lines of "I'm guessing you don't really need help" and he said "I'm in neeeeed!" I just lol'd and told him I only asked because he had his help-me option turned on and he replied that it was sexy. I told him it wasn't so sexy to have a golden "Help Me!" above his head and he retorted that he always accepts donations. That made me chuckle considering the purple sets he was carrying around and I told him he probably had more cash inf on that one character than all of my alts combined were worth. I got "heh, probably" back. While amusing, I'm planning on ignoring purple names from now on.