376 -
You could also put Gaussian's in Rage, Soul Drain or Build Up. It may not be super-efficient to do so, but it works.
Children except for Penny Preston and Penelope Yin. Technically, they're teenagers but... eh.
Although it might be make amusing MA arc if some mad scientist went berserk with a "youth ray." Imagine having to fight the Littlest Longbow or the Kiddie Kouncil.
Or the 5th Grade Column. -
No, for typed defense (smashing, lethal, etc.) the game checks against the attack type to determine your defense against it, and it uses the highest value applicable. For example, if you were attacked by an energy blast (smashing/energy damage) and had 30% smashing defense and 12% energy defense, the game engine would calculate your chance to be hit based upon your smashing defense, the highest in that case. Later, if you were on the receiving end of a pure energy typed attack, you would have only 12% defense.
The soft cap for either typed or positional defense is 45%. Even then, there are some attacks that are typeless (Hamidon) and some that lack positional tags (most Mind Control powers). Also, some enemy attacks may not have what seems like the correct type.
EDIT: Hurr... what them other two said. -
Here's a list of contacts with repeatable missions. Another feature is that the repeatable missions always feature the zone enemies and give predictable rewards.
So, if you like fighting Cimeroran Traitors for arcane salvage, talk to Marcus Valerius, or Rikti for the XP bonus (Borea) or Rularuu for Kora Fruit (Dr. Huxley). -
The giant monster in Sharkhead is Scrapyard, not Shipyard. Just an FYI.
Also, an easy way to find Marcone bosses is to head to the Flop in St. Martial and beat up bald dudes in white suits or guys wearing black suits and white hats. Mobs(ters) with those two costumes will always be bosses (consigliere) or underbosses (for the Untouchable badge). -
Voltaic Sentinel is like my neice.
Doesn't hit very hard.
Draws a lot of aggro.
Has delusions of grandeur.
Disappears when there's work to be done. -
I have a lowbie Mercs/Therm at the moment, and I think it's fairly solid. I don't find recasting the shields to be a problem, and they add to the mercs' decent s/l resistance.
In a team setting, Forge provides stronger buffs than World of Pain, but for fewer targets. Heat Exhaustion and Melt Armor can wreck tough enemies, though.
Plus, you could make the soldiers run around screming "It burns!" -
You can pile as much neon on top of it as you want, but it's still a desert.
Paraphrasing Sam Kinison:
YOU LIVE IN A DESERT!! UNDERSTAND THAT? YOU LIVE IN A DESERT!! NOTHING GROWS HERE! NOTHING'S GONNA GROW HERE! Come here, you see this? This is sand. You know what it's gonna be 100 years from now? IT'S GONNA BE SAND!! YOU LIVE IN A DESERT! We have deserts in America, we just don't live in them! -
Quote:Welcome to Justice.Philly, you know what would solve that? Moving the HELL away from the east coast! It snowed in Vegas for about 10 minutes this year.
And welcome to Justice.
Also, snow is WATER, and I'd rather put up with the climatic inconveniences of a Midwestern February than die of thirst in the freakin' desert. -
Neurodyne (L50 Mind/Elec dom) will participate.
And percolate
As Vengeance bait -
For my part, Kheldians are an extremly "busy" AT and require more micromanagement than others. I've played dominators, defenders and masterminds all using keybinds, and Khelds are still more work than all those others.
I can't comment on your Mids' data, but to answer your question about dual builds, yes, you can have one build specced as a huntsman and the other as a crab. VEATS benefit a great deal from the dual-build mechanic.
HOWEVER, please note that if you take any powers from the crab branch, your character will always have the crab backpack present, no matter which build you're using. It's a cosmetic issue but something to keep in mind. -
Lots of folks PvP by fighting for spots in the Hive for Hami raids
Better line up a week in advance. -
The other thing about set bonuses is that they don't scale by AT. A set that grants 3.75% ranged defense gives the same bonus to masterminds as it does to defenders. I'm not saying the bonuses should scale by AT, and it would likely be a coding nightmare, but it might be interesting if a set that granted a damage bonus gave a 6% increase for scrappers or stalkers but only a 2.5% increase for controllers.
Also, the PvP IOs have dual effects, based on the character's presence in a PvP environment, so maybe there could be future IO sets that granted bonuses based on AT, or maybe even origin. Hey, it could make character origin mean something again -
Also, because of the way defense bonuses from IO sets work, almost any toon should be able to get to the soft cap versus at least one positional type (ranged, melee, AoE) or one damage type (smash/lethal, energy/negative, etc.).
High defenses also keep mezzes and debuffs off you, at least until that first defense debuff hits. So softcapping lets you build that elusive tank/mage character, as long as your luck holds -
Quote:It's true that sometimes you have to plant your feet and trade blows as a tanker. However, what I've usually experienced is that tanking is more about the next fight to come, not the one you're currently in - the leapfrog method of staying one mob ahead of the team and moving on as soon as the current fight is in its last stages.*I dunno, outside of Super Speed shooting into the midst of the foes, as I said, or Cloaking into the middle of them, I'm not sure that's such an incorrect description. It's definitely easy to just stand there and throw punches until the foes are dead.
*Tanker Tuesday events in all their non-stop rolling thunder glory excepted. -
Also, the glowies in that mission are always in the same places. The map doesn't change.
More weirdness: I think her remains are in both MAGI offices, but I can't log in right now to check.
Bella played with dynamite
Couldn't understand it, quite
Curiosity never pays
It rained widow seven days -
Trivia: Black Scorpion is the only archvillain who has Taunt as a power, not that it does him much good.
Thanks for the input. I decided to be a nasty, selfish villain and take Super Jump just to spite the jetpack vendor in Grandville.
Also, one of the reasons the CoX AI seems dumb is because the standard mobs don't have access to most of the player powers. Custom mobs can, however, and a buddy of mine got in real trouble fighting enemies in the Rooster Teeth AE missions because the baddies had access to Build Up and activated it before they'd attack. Those mobs weren't really "smart," but the existing AI can pull some good tricks with access to the right abilities.
As far as allied NPCs go, I've always found Faultline to be fairly intelligent in applying his powers. He will get lost if you turn two corners, though. I guess he doesn't wear his glasses because they clash with that cool leather jacket. -
I recommend Archery, Trick Arrow or Assault Rifle. Then just make sure the character wears a short skirt.
Panty Shot.
I'm probably going to hell...