Which powerset would you recommend for a "magical girl" type character?
Well I would go for energy/elemental attacks myself. I can't think of many MGs who don't attack at range. Well, there's Cutey Honey and the even more etchi Kekko Kamen who do fight hand to hand but lets not go there.
For ATs I would think Blaster/Defender/Controller for CoH, Kheldians as well if you have them unlocked. For a "bad" MG Mastermind/Corruptor/Dominator should do the trick.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
The only "magical girls" I know anything about are the ones in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and between them you've got Energy Blast, Electrical Blast, Super Strength, Broadsword, War Mace with the hammer option, and Dual Pistols. Also Force Field. And a big frikkin' laser that we don't have anything like, a scythe, and I may be missing some people, as well.
So... take your pick, I guess. It is magic, after all, so you can justify pretty much anything. I'd go Energy Blast. When in doubt, blast it through a wall!
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
Some sort of elemental themed Controller or Defender: Fire/Therm, Ice/Cold, Cold/Ice, Kin/Elec or maybe even FF/Energy tinted bright pink
A Blaster would be too aggressive for a type of light hearted magical girl
I've got a human/alien magical girl/senshi toon, and she is a fire/ice troller and seems to be doing well so far. So I'd agree that most troller or fender sets would work well.
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
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Well I would go for energy/elemental attacks myself. I can't think of many MGs who don't attack at range. Well, there's Cutey Honey and the even more etchi Kekko Kamen who do fight hand to hand but lets not go there.
For ATs I would think Blaster/Defender/Controller for CoH, Kheldians as well if you have them unlocked. For a "bad" MG Mastermind/Corruptor/Dominator should do the trick. |
The choice between blaster and tanks is more a choice of what role you want to play. Tanks are meat shields with a great responsibility to keep aggro off the squishies. You watch the squishies to make sure they dont' die.
Blasters have less responsibility, and I would think would be a better fit for an anime type. They do try to keep melee toons alive by targeting through them at times, but otherwise their mission is to kill kill kill and not die.
I have a fire/ice blaster with all powers tinted white. She's not anime, but heavily themed. Her name is Saltier.
I'd base archetype choice on the personality of the gal. Aggressors or tomboys would be blasters or scrappers, team leader types would be defenders or controllers, and stoic types would be tankers, maybe defenders.
Don't forget the pigtails and shoulder kitty.
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I immediately imagine a War Mace character using the sparking tech mace as her magic wand. Use normal, rainbowy Invulnerability or hot pink Willpower for her other power.
Though at one point I did have a magical girl-type character who was an Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller.
Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma
Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator
I recommend Archery, Trick Arrow or Assault Rifle. Then just make sure the character wears a short skirt.
Panty Shot.
I'm probably going to hell...
I've always seen Magical Girls, the Sailors especially, as either Blasters or Defenders. Traditionally, they're pretty fragile, they survive mainly because they get a really big first attack. I would say Blaster probably fits overall, but Sailor Mercury for one would be a Cold/Ice Defender, just because her powers are so defensive in nature.
The more action oriented fighters, though, like Cutey Honey or Battle Angel Alita, I would set more as Scrappers. They don't really have magical attacks, though. Even with them, I don't think I'd go so far as to pick a Tanker, unless that was going to be the joke, the tiny little delicate looking girl who is actually indestructable. Tankers aren't really offensive, though, they're more about defending the team, like Defenders.
BTW, I have a Magical Girl themed character, but she's not really magic, just obsessed with Anime. She discovered she had mutant powers, and decided to fight crime with a name she came up with by combining all her favorite characters. So Sailor Cutey Rei. She's more like Cutey Honey than anything else, with a sword (bigger than she is) she's a Broadsword/Regen Scrapper.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
When I say Magical Girl, I mean like one of those female anime heroes like Sailor Moon or Pretty Sammy.
So which power set would be best for someone in that style? Flame powers from the Tank powerset or flame powers from the Blaster powerset? (Or maybe something else!) |
My stalker "Stabbitha" is based on a Dark Magical Girl concept.
She was on her way to a Magical Girl academy and somehow got switched with a girl being sent off to an assassin's school. Due to her superior skills and powers, she graduated early, annihilated her class and teachers, and is now in the process of testing herself against tougher and tougher opponents. She's in Paragon (and the Isles) to test her killing skills against superhuman targets.
Name: Stabbitha
Class: Stalker
Primary: Dual Blades
Secondary: Willpower
Aux 1: Fitness
Aux 2: Leaping
Patron: Soul Mastery
From watching Sailor Moon Abridged, I'd reccomend Blaster, Defender or Controller. Maybe the mysterious protector as a Scrapper or Tanker.
I would never classified Alita aka Gally as a "Magical Girl".
First no stock "gettin naked except for the sparkles/ribbons" transformation sequence.
Second no shouting out of attacks.
Third no finishing attack with catch phrase.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
When I say Magical Girl, I mean like one of those female anime heroes like Sailor Moon or Pretty Sammy.
So which power set would be best for someone in that style? Flame powers from the Tank powerset or flame powers from the Blaster powerset? (Or maybe something else!)