Saturday Matine - From RWZ with Love
I'd like to join with Smithy of Wonders (level 49 bots/traps MM), please.

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
Stuck at work on Saturday this week. Have fun!
I'm in. Inhuman-Rampage, DM/WP Brute, if he hits 45 if not I'll bring whatever we need.
awakened death 50 necro/dark mm, Necrospider 50 Crabspider, Death's Hunter 50 claw/regen stalker, Inhuman-Rampage 50 DM/WP brute, Xander the Protector 50 Kat/sr scrapper, Phantom Force 50 Ill/Rad Controller, Friendly Persuader 50 Inv/Wm tank
Global: @Cinder Spawn
I'm tied up all weekend with my play. Have fun you guys!
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
I'll be mostly out of town this weekend. Have fun with it.
Discuss all matters related to the Justice server here.* |
Can't make it this week I have a dozen friends coming over ... have fun!

Char Site | My DeviantArt
I'll bring something, probably Operative Webster lvl 50 crab
Corporate Evil LVL 50 MM
Justice Server
Global: @Abraxxus
Neurodyne (L50 Mind/Elec dom) will participate.
And percolate
As Vengeance bait
I thought veng bait was my job as the sacrificial brute
awakened death 50 necro/dark mm, Necrospider 50 Crabspider, Death's Hunter 50 claw/regen stalker, Inhuman-Rampage 50 DM/WP brute, Xander the Protector 50 Kat/sr scrapper, Phantom Force 50 Ill/Rad Controller, Friendly Persuader 50 Inv/Wm tank
Global: @Cinder Spawn
I will again try to make it this week. Azuara 50 ice/elec/ice blaster.
Yes! I'll bring something level appropriate as well.
So, please add me to Alt/Team2

I'm Tanking / Bruting so get familiar with my hand signals.
MIght be able to make this. I'll bring whatever is needed.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

I and my wife had a great time. I'm glad we were able to squeeze into team 2. Shadowguardinal did pretty well I think... note to self... don't charge 3 Riders unless you KNOW the team is following you in
I forgot to take any pics after the first mission but here's the Clockwork King:
Don't worry, Penny! I'm here to protect you!
I'll keep you safe from everything!
Safe from villains, from Rikti, from heroes, from boys...
You'll be my little Clockwork Princess, safe and happy forever!
Don't worry, Penny! I'm here to protect you!
I'll keep you safe from everything! Safe from villains, from Rikti, from heroes, from boys... You'll be my little Clockwork Princess, safe and happy forever! |
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
Nice pic from team two! I see Syn in there.. the only thing of me thats in there is my dead imps and the Rad infection on the Clockwork King. I'm surprised you got a pic off before we dropped the King considering how fast he went down.
ClintarCOH - Twitter

This week will be a Lady Grey TF (L45-50) at the usual 1pm eastern time, with gathering in RWZ at 12:45.
1. Darkbridger - Fiery Caress (L45 Fire/Thermal Controller)
2. Ullikummis - Smithy of Wonders (L49 Bots/Traps MM)
3. MikeHoncho - Mike Honcho (L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper)
4. CinderSpawn - Inhuman-Rampage (L45 DM/WP Brute)
5. Katfood - ?
6. Steeple - Operative Webster (L50 Crab)
7. Abraxxus - Corporate Evil (L50 Mercs/FF MM)
8. Godpants - Neurodyne (L50 Mind/Elec Dom)
9. Azuara - Azuara (L50 Ice/Elec Blaster)
10. SynapseOverload - ?