Ghost Falcon

Business Manager
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by munecaroon View Post
    On Union (EU) shard it says Online Store is currently not available as of today Wednesday, Sept/30th.
    With no free slots left, if I'd now delete a toon to make room, would I run into the same issue like last Friday when the vet and bonus slots appeared as locked?

    Thanks in advance
    Hmm...the in-game store appears to be online, and after checking with our Ops team, no outtages were reported.

    Please note that we did publish a new build to the Live servers today, and that if you logged in right after the publish was completed, the online store may not be immediately visible/available.

    If you come across this again on the EU servers, please file a Support Ticket.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Voidsurfer View Post
    Trying to see how service was "restored" on Saturday...
    Voidsurfer, please file a Support ticket (link contained in my signature). I checked with both our Billing and Customer Support teams, and we have not received any tickets regarding the in-game store since it was re-enabled on Saturday.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    I'm disturbed that there is no mention of a fix for the Ernesto Hess TF. We were told that it was a simple error for Hess but that they would have to "take a look" at the Katie TF. Yet the Katie TF is getting fixed already.

    The Hess Task Force was fixed in the prior build (published to Training Room last Friday - 1600.20090918.3T)

    • Striga Isle: Fixed bug in Ernesto Hess Task Force that sometimes made the computers untargetable in missions 3, 4 and 5 or made them spawn inside geometry (walls)."
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GeneralHospital View Post
    Yes,it is down. So is the store.
    Go to "News,Events,and Announcements" on the forum. You will see the posting there from Niviene.
    I suggest you do not delete or attempt to reroll a character. As this will affect the ability to use that slot and possibly loose the name until the store is back up and running.

    I've asked for the tool to be restarted. In the future, please PM me if you see it go down again. Now that I'm back from paternity leave, my inbox is now accepting PMs.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post

    I'm confused. As far as I could tell, the store was off-line, at least every time I logged in, from the scheduled downtime on Wednesday through sometime Saturday. (I wasn't on-line between Saturday noon-ish central time until late on Sunday, so I can only assume it was restored somewhere in there.)

    That's a lot more than 24 hours...
    The in-game store was going up and down during that time. We just left the messaging that it was down until we could get some of the back-end issues sorted out.

    It was up on Friday briefly, but then brought back down again.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infinite_Zero View Post
    ok, seriously now..
    The Dev's have been TOTALLY absent this past week.
    No patches to fix bugs. The Store not working at all, making charcter creation impossible.

    I am very very very disappointed in you guys. Not even an announcment saying any kind of problems in house... If this lack of Dev activity, right after a release of an Issue, is due to the H1N1 Flu from PAX, then an announcment saying so should be in order, so people know that their complaints are not falling on deaf ears, just really sick ones.

    Just an fyi that NCsoft was working on the in-game store issue, and services were restored on Saturday, September 26th (within 24 hours of the service outtage ). We are continuing to monitor the issue, and did not want to call an "all clear" without more data.
  7. Just an fyi that we'll be sending out another round of Issue 16 Closed Beta invitations tomorrow afternoon (Friday) 8/14 at approximately 2PM Pacific / 5PM Eastern.

    Please make sure that your Junk email filters allow emails from :

    Next week, we will most definitely still be in Closed Beta, and we plan to invite an additional wave or two then.
  8. It's been brought to my attention that some Beta players that were invited into Issue 16 Closed Beta have been disclosing some of the things here on the forums and on the Live servers.

    Please note that :
    • This breaks the confidentiality of "Closed Beta".
    • If we hear reports of confidentiality violations, (and we verify that the violation occurred), the player's account will be removed from Closed Beta.
    • Players removed from the Closed Beta phase will not be considered a "player in good standing", and even if they qualify for the "Veteran" Pool for Going Rogue Closed Beta, they will not be offered an invitation to that Closed Beta.
    I have to underscore that confidentiality during Closed Beta is critical.

    Thanks in advance for your understanding.

    -Ghost Falcon
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    Nice to get any updates we can get. Is the closed beta still at "friends and family", or have players started being invited in? (Yes, I know the friends and family are players, but you know what I mean.) Things going well?
    Updates on Issue 16 Closed Beta (as of 8/11/2009):
    • We have extended invites to three waves of Beta Testers.
    • There will be another wave of invitations later this week.
    • We are still iterating, so any pictures or videos from SDCC will be outdated by the time Open Beta begins.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
    Cool suggestion. I'd like to see that, too.

    I really hope they get the reverted patch fixed before going to Issue 16 Closed Beta (with a side of fixed STF).
    The reverted patch is getting fixed, and will be republished soon. The EU Training Room will be used for Public testing of Issue 15 builds while the North American Training Room will be used for I16 Closed Beta.

    We also need the EU Training Room to mirror the Live servers up to the point when we deploy the pre-Issue 16 download patch (i.e. where you predownload I16 data files before the next Issue is released).
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evolution View Post
    Its August 3rd and your server status page is still showing the server status from June 24th.

    This was take from your XML link at the bottom of the Server Status Page:


    If you guys aren't going to take 30 sec to post an announcement when you bring the servers down, then put up a Sticky up that lists your "scheduled downtime", or at least fix the damn Server Status page so that it updates accordingly.

    Nobody cares what the Server Status was a month ago.

    If you don't make some form of out of game announcement when you take the servers down, then people have no way of knowing if the reason they can't connect is because of a PC error on their end, or if its a server issue on yours.

    By having an accurate Server Status page, or a Sticky Post with your Scheduled Downtime, you can save your players (and you) allot of headaches.

    Atleast thats my opinion.


    The Server Status page should now appear correctly.


    -Ghost Falcon
  12. Attention Protector and Champion server players.

    We've identified an issue with those servers that are preventing access and affecting server stability.

    We'll be bringing those servers down at 7:30 PM Pacific / 10:30 PM Eastern for emergency maintenance.

    The duration of the maintenance is expected to take up to 1 hour.

    Further updates will be coming.
  13. I wanted to point out and remind OS X Tiger users that City of Heroes does not officially support OS X Tiger.

    With the launch of Issue 15, we placed a note in the Release Notes as follows:
    <ul type="square">[*]Please note that Tiger is not an officially supported Operating System for City of Heroes, and that when Snow Leopard launches, users using OS X Tiger may not be able to run City of Heroes.[/list]
    The patch note was put in place to remind OS X Tiger (10.4) users that Tiger is not officially supported, and provide ample warning that that once OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) comes out (September 2009), we will not support any OS X Tiger compatibility issues.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    The day I15 went live, I tried to buy 5 extra slots, and it failed. Ever since then, the slots don't show up in the in-game store. Anyone having better luck?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Mission Architect Story Slots were accidentally enabled in the in-game Store at Issue 15 launch (on Monday, June 29th).

    They'll be available....soon.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I think its great they the Devs are coming up with all sorts of new expansions, Booster packs, costume pieces, TFs/SFs, AE fixes, etc.. Thats whats keeping me shelling out my $$ every month, but its all FLUFF compared to playabilty. What about the issues concerning the server status??

    Freedom is constantly crashing and the lag in the game is pretty much unbearable in certain areas that its causing players to crash n' burn. Players are still crashing when zoning into missions or from zone to zone.. heck, I joined a AE team last night while I was sitting under Atlas Globe.. didnt even make it to the AE building before I crashed. I dont understand why they had to put AE in EVERY single zone.. especially Atlas.. Between new players logging in, AE running constantly, Wentworth customers, NPC interaction, Costume Contests, its pulling the zone down hardcore. Sure some may not be experiencing this due to their UBER rigs, but alot of people (like me) are using a 3-5 year old rig, or the same rig that they started playing CoX with.

    Just curious if this issue will be likely be fixed before I16 hits, but in that aspect I had hoped it would've been fixed before I15 hit live servers.. good thing I didnt bet any money on this one.. would've lost big time.

    And to top this off with a cherry, theres still the Chat bug when putting in your prices for WW and you end up with a buncha numbers when you send someone a messege... what about that? this was happening BEFORE I15 hit.. Definately thought this would have been fixed or set up as a priority fix in I15...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you're still experiencing map crashes after yesterday's patch (19.20090619.5T2), please let us know.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square">[*]Addressed several bugs that were causing stability issues.[/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ghost Falcon.
    ANY word at all about the client stability bug that causes the client to crash after playing for a while? This happens most often when zoning, but can also happen when needing to load new graphics (including UI elements for the auction house listings as well as SG settings screens). It's also a hazard when editing a base for an extended period of time, probably due to the multiple refreshes that happen while editing.

    Bare minimum, it "feels" like some sort of memory leak, and has a nasty habit of disconnecting (through crashing) players, not just myself, at extremely inopportune moments.

    So ... any word on THAT stability issue(s)?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When you crash out, and if you get a crash log dialogue, the most helpful thing you can do for us is to click the "send" button so that we can see the crash log.

    If you don't get a crash log, please file a support ticket and list down your system specs and as much information about what you were doing at the time (i.e. spent X hours on the Base editing screen, or X time on the MA editing screen, etc.).

    If you're seeing crashes when loading UI elements, please note down how long you've been online and which UI menu triggered the crash. (And again, it's important to include your system specs, graphic card, and graphic card driver info).

    -Ghost Falcon
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I just checked the build # and it matches Ghost Falcon's post from last night. So perhaps those notes are for this patch and not the one yesterday.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We've been fast-tracking some builds straight from Paragon Studios to the Training Room to crush some behind the scenes bugs. The priority was to resolve the French and German server access, and several bugs that were causing map instability.

    The 19.20090619.4T2 patch had a showstopper, so we fast-tracked 19.20090619.5T2 to the Training Room last night, and it was just deployed to the North American Live servers today. The 0619.5T2 Patch notes incorporates notes for both 0619.4T2 and 0619.5T2.

    As someone pointed out earlier, we do not generally put out release notes for things that are untestable by players,...but for this final patch, we did want to inform players that we had identified some issues that were causing map/zone crashes.

    I want to underscore that restoring and preserving stability are our top objective after an Issue launch, which is why those fixes were fast-tracked to the Live servers ahead of some gameplay issues (which would have required more testing time, and added risks to deployment).

    We have another build on deck (coming to the Training Room next week) that will resolve other issues discovered by our QA team and received from players.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    that is a fictitious date......Wed is 07/01/2009

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Corrected now.

    The Training Room publish was for last night (Tuesday), and scheduled to go to the Live Servers today (Wednesday). I was preparing two posts....and....oops

    Good catch.
  19. Training Room RELEASE NOTES for Patch 19.20090619.5T2

    Tuesday, June 30, 2009


    <ul type="square">[*]Addressed several bugs that were causing stability issues. [*](Europe Only)Addressed a bug that prevented European players from entering the French and German servers.[/list]
    <ul type="square">[*]none[/list]
    <ul type="square">[*]none[/list]
    *edited to reflect that this Patch was released on TUESDAY, June 30th and not "Wednesday" on the Training Room.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, I did what BasicSwardGuy did and got things moving.

    To answer CuppaManga's question, the .tgz file was set to open with Archive Utility.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can you please also list your system specs? I'm not sure if you already filed a Support ticket (please do!), but any information will help our Tech Support team track this down.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Ghost Falcon:

    I'm going to suggest you put all chat-related bugs into the *critical* category.


    Because chat-related bugs are the single most visble category of bugs in the game. EVERYONE sees them. EVERYONE deals with them.

    Seeing your most basic social interface bugged, in an established MMORPG, presents a very unpolished and unprofessional product.

    I strongly urge you to put all reported chat interface bugs on the "critical - do not release until fixed" list.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Yet another bug caught by players in beta and reported that was allowed to go live - and still is a bug.

    This is another example of why I don't bother testing and reporting on Beta because I feel that my work does not yield the desired result of catching bugs in beta testing - is there another reason for reporting bug in beta other than the DEVS fixing them before they go live?
    Are we really supposed to feel excited about playing a beta and reporting bugs if they go live and continue to be issues long after going live?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A fix is being implemented internally, but probably won't see the light of day until after Issue 15 is launched.

    We do read and appreciate all feedback.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Been trying to copy a few characters to test so I can try out the latest villian SF tweaks.

    None of the toons are copying over... anyone else having issues?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm looking into it. It should be resolved shortly.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    1. OSX 10.4.11

    2. I didn't reboot

    3. Created and deleted a new folder successfully.

    4. Don't have it but it's probably just like those above.

    5. I vote for Muon as guinea pig.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Mac developers have taken a look at this, and have a fix coming. (No ETA at the moment of when that code-fix will be applied to the Training Room though.)

    To summarize:
    Any Mac user using OS X 10.5.5 Leopard and higher are not affected.
    Any Mac user using OS X 10.4.X Tiger appear to experience the updater looping problem.

    We'll put a Release Note out when this fix has been applied, so please stay tuned!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This should now be fixed in today's publish of 19.20090619.1 (Monday, June 22) on the Training Room.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    1. OSX 10.4.11

    2. I didn't reboot

    3. Created and deleted a new folder successfully.

    4. Don't have it but it's probably just like those above.

    5. I vote for Muon as guinea pig.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Mac developers have taken a look at this, and have a fix coming. (No ETA at the moment of when that code-fix will be applied to the Training Room though.)

    To summarize:
    Any Mac user using OS X 10.5.5 Leopard and higher are not affected.
    Any Mac user using OS X 10.4.X Tiger appear to experience the updater looping problem.

    We'll put a Release Note out when this fix has been applied, so please stay tuned!