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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Reading over this thread, it seems to me like a whole lot of people are being WAY too picky and snobbish about their names.

    Because, you know, naming your characters in a pretendy fun-time game is SRS BZNS!
    That's why I like Virtue so much. In our name thread, we actually congratulate one another on great finds. Very few of us are snobbish about names, and actually trade and release names to folks who ask nicely if we aren't using them.
  2. I killed one of my creations just over a month ago. It was too galvanize my SG's RP, and shake some things up. He was a lvl 30+ scrapper. But his soul is in Tartarus now, so there is always a chance for resurrection....
  3. I've had this happen once or twice, when I was playing my Energy Tank. Being the brash, arrogant goofball he is, his response is usually this:

    Psichic Guy/Girl: "I read your thoughts, learn your every desire, whim, and secret."
    Me: "Then you must know that my one true desire was for you to spread peanut butter on my butt and lick it off. When are you gonna start?"

    I usually don't get bothered afterwards. If they do persist, I start into some really, really dark fetishes.
  4. That's okay, Michelle. I'll just keep pitching myself for the Issue 17 or GR trailer you're bound to make.

    No need to feel mopey, you're stuff makes alot of us happy.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    You'll never get Phantom Rider, it's a Marvel name.


    Might as well remove that one from the list, it will NEVER be available due to trademark. The others are fine.
    It's taken, and I've sent the holder of it a /tell. It may become unavailable if it gets released, but for now, it's taken by someone.

    And it'll stay on my list, even if it become unavailable. Hope springs eternal, and all.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    "No Limits", my Issue 16 trailer, is now available on YouTube, and my website's Video page.


    However, due to funding restrictions, punch and pie are not available at this time.

    Awesome as always! But I wasn't in it....*sad clown*. But still, a great piece of work, Michelle. Paragon needs to hire you.
  7. Gaelic_Reign

    Vet Award?

    He doesn't know who Westley is? Wow. PL'ing is only a small percentage of the general population, and appeasing them is like appeasing the PvP'ers. The minority do NOT rule the majority.
  8. This is game NOT dying, CO is NOT a threat, AE didn't kill the game, PL'ing is still around, you just have to hunt harder for them, Stamina isn't needed all the time, there is no more grind, people are friendly if you aren't a drama queen/diva/griefer, there are plenty of good names out there, there are plenty of people to play with, unless you play on some of the less populated servers, then it's harder to find teams, but folks are having fun.

    'DOOM'slingers need to step away from the keyboard for a day or two, see the sun, meet a girl or guy, unlikely, since some are probably pissy at the world because the devs don't listen to them.

    This game is fun, and as long as my SG is around, I'll stay here....well, unless 'Old Republic' or 'DCUO' really knocks my socks off.
  9. This is a bad idea, mostly because of griefers. I spend alot of time developing the rep of my creations, whether for good or ill, and I don't want some other jerk I may make mad in some way, creating a clone of me, and besmirching my name.

    And there are plenty of good names out there. I recently got 'Horizon' on Virtue, and he'll be my big project for GR.

    But there are names out there I'm looking for that'd I like. They're listed in my sig. I'd like to have them, but I can be patient until they come free, if they ever do. I do agree that a level increase to around 10 would be nice for purges on accounts over 90 days, and a complete wipe of accounts over 4 years inactive.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Let's get them all out of the way...

    WHO: Samuraiko. Dark_Respite. That chick who makes videos.
    WHAT: Has made an I-16 trailer.
    WHY: Because 10 players or so are hellbent on me not retiring.
    WHEN: By Friday.
    WHERE: Meh-to-decent-rez version on my YouTube channel (subscribe if you want INSTANT NOTIFICATION), and high-rez version on the Videos page of my website (and please don't hotlink directly to the video when I upload it... link to the page).
    HOW: On YouTube, click PLAY. On my website, click the video's link. If you mean "how" as in, "how did she make it?", go to the aforementioned YouTube channel and watch my six-part series "Toons on Film." You'll get the idea. If instead you mean "how" as in "how could you do this?", thank (or blame) the aforementioned players who won't take "no" for an answer.

    Did I miss anything?

    I'm one of the hellbenters, and proud of it. Oh, one more I in it?
  11. Not exactly sure, to be honest. There could be a couple of rerolls in my future though.
  12. And 'Teen Titan' is already gone....dammit.
  13. Gaelic_Reign

    I16 Real Soon?

    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    NO NO NO NO NO!!! I can't post my I-16 trailer yet, I haven't gotten the final music licensing permission! And if the issue goes live first, everyone will be too busy to watch it...

    I'll watch it, whenever it comes out, you know that. But don't forget me if you need a fresh face to the be the center of attention....or the guy getting the coffee.
  14. Mine's fairly simple:

    I used to read the first installment of "X-Force". One of the villains was Reignfire, and I liked the name. I didn't want to be called a ripoff, so one summer while some of my Irish cousins were over, they started teaching me some Gaelic. When I went to write, I wanted to have a pen name. And Gaelic_Reign sounded just enigmatic enough to work.
  15. Ya know, Eisregen raises a valid point. I wonder if Tyrant is the Marcus Cole from our world, and we got the one from Praetoria? Now that would be interesting.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    Now it seems to me that Recluse might have gotten the better part of the deal...

    Recluse has his own nation.
    Statesman is still just a government sanctioned vigilante.

    Recluse has thousands of loyal followers willing to die at his command. Statesman has to resort to public service announcements to get anything done.

    Recluse is surrounded by hundreds of beautiful, deadly women wearing skin tight clothing.
    Statesman has to pretend he's not peeking at Sister Psyche.

    Recluse has the option to maim, punish, humiliate, or even kill anyone that annoys him.
    Statesman has to "be better than that."

    Although they may fear him, people secretly think Recluse is "kinda cool"
    People think Statesman is a jerk and laugh at him behind his back for having a stupid hat.

    So, who got the better deal?
    /thirded! *After Hellsminion's agreement. I have no idea how to pyramid quote*
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

    Yet another NCsoft job I'm not qualified for...

    But damn funny description. I wonder if Sean Fish had a hand in that one...

    Everyone knows you're OVERqualified for just about anything NCSoft has. No need to cry.
  18. Gaelic_Reign


    It'll help my SG, I think. With so many zones being opened up, the team can go to just about any zone as one team, without worrying about level restrictions, and running out of missions in a certain zone.
  19. From what I gather, Jack never was much of a people person. But I really don't know.

    And now, who cares? We've got Issue 16 upcoming!! Woot, no more pink pom poms on my Energy Melee tank.
  20. Woot! D_R's back in the studio!

    And for all of those who want more Rogue news....patience. Enjoy the fact that Issue 16 is coming live soon.
  21. According to an email I deleted a few hours ago, CO is going live Sept. 1, or around that time. Sue me, I just speedread it...

    But anyways, back to CoX. I have a psy troller, Horizon, who sees the future, ala Destiny from X-Men. I'm planning for him to be in that grey area, between Hero & Villain.

    My only Villain, a Stalker, could very well come blueside for a bit, but I think he'll be a grey area type as well. He's an assassin, and the only real mad-on he has is for Manticore.

    I really don't see any of my Heroes going over to Redside. They are all Silver Age of comics type, so side switching never really occurs with them.
  22. Gaelic_Reign

    Windows Vista...

    To tell you the truth, Spartan, check out the tech forum for the Vista sticky. And if that doesn't help, ask some of the tech wizards who are always there.
  23. I want a second account. I even got a GvE edition for Christmas last year. I just can't find a reasonable priced PC or laptop.