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Quote:What a minute there. Allow me to retort. You didn't GIVE me nothing.I guess it wasn't enough to just give away the Going Rogue Expansion features away as a benefit for VIP subscription and allow just any subscriber to change their alignment for free.
I bought COH (x3), COV (x2), COH collectors, COV collectors, COH Architec, and COH Going Rogue. I've been paying a sub for 1 account for almost 4 years now another off and on for 2 years. I've bought every little pack you put out. I paid for the ablity to swap sides, I paid for the ability to use AE, I paid for to change the sex/model and looks of toons. I've paid for transfers, toon slots, and renames.
As far as saying the VIPs can use their FREE 400 points to go toward this. The points aren't free.
For $15 I either get 1320 points, a token, 1 pargon reward and the goodies of that reward up front, and about 80% of the content. Or I can get 100% of the content, 550 points (at the end of the month, Pargon reward (whenever you decide to reward it) and now throw away crap or 1/3 a costume set after waiting for the reward since I'm top tier. Nothing is Free its a choice of A or B. One bundle or the other.
But you want to know what would be a great service? How about VIPS get their rewards up front like the free players get? At least this way we will know when we will be getting them. Or conver that $10 transfer to a choice of several $10 services (Transfer, character slot, rename, or side swap) See Choice is good telling someone look what we gave you when you are giving them something that they dont want or will never use is the same as not giving anything at all.
Oh wait I'm wrong you did give me something. I won a party pack in a pocket D event. So I guess we are all good now Bro! -
Wow missed the boat again. If the side swapping tokens were around 80 points instead of 800 I would of bought them like M&M's.
Why? Simple to play with people. The ablity to go to any TF/SF then go back to my homeside would be so nice on the low pop servers. But to do that right now would be $20. I wouldn't think twice about spending $2 to join a couple of redside SF then come back. Or to see if Patron Power would help out that questionable toon were Epic Power isn't so Epic. But never at $20. Besides my luck as soon as I bought on of these Paragon would offer Patron unlock tokens at 400 points.
And to those that are saying its that price to encourage people not to use them at will? What other business creates a product then intentionally makes it so its customers won't want to use it?
Sure I could sell you a shirt but we already sell yarn and thread. You could just spend some time making your own shirt or we'll make you one for say $2000. See some people don't mind spending $2000 for a shirt but we find the little people won't bother us and will keep using the thread and yarn when they need a new shirt. -
In the short term I'm sure the packs look like a winner. But I don't see them as a long term money maker. The reason is there just isn't much to them. Once you have the outfit there's nothing that's worth the gamble.
AIO's can be earned in game, the power ups are drops in game, and most of the common stuff like the insperations are junk.
The packs need more to them.
Add character transfers, character slots, purple recipes (even if account bound), A-merits, Threads, E-merits, Incarnate rares. These choice items would be rare cards but would give reason to keep buying them.
Right now alignment swap costs 800 points. A transfer costs 800. A character slot the same. I wouldn't buy any one directly but if I got one from buying 10 packs at 80 I wouldn't feel ripped off. These are all virtual items. COX only looses out when we don't buy. They loose nothing if I buy X over Y. -
Got to love how the main draw to being VIP is still screwed up, and the Bad Costumer service is front page for all new people to read before they buy into this game. Just like a Burger Joint with a health score of D is on thier door as you enter.
Quote:Well let's put it this way: Wizards of the Coast has been a very successful gaming company for the last 20 years based on this generic "collectible card game" model. My simplistic guess is that if it worked for them it'll work out for Paragon Studios too.
True but one thing with Wizards, at least with their first online version. If you collected a full set of virtual cards you could trade them in and Wizard would send you an actual full set. So there was a physical item you could get to the virtual one. BTW this included the "foil" cards so you could earn a rare all foil set.
Also Collecting and Building your deck was the game. The only way COX could be like this is if your powers were based on what "cards" you have, not your archtype or level. -
Why? It can't be because of Heroes entering PvP thru the Villian side or vice versa. Since they already have an alignment restricted door check in Pocket D, Vanguard Building, and Midnight Club. As well as Loyalist/Resistance doors on Gold Side. So checking who can enter PVP from what side shouldn't be a problem. Besides Opening up both sides to each would be a cheap way to expand the game.
Too bad once you were attenument to do the V-day mission tips you can't just go to any zone as an agent for cupid. That would making doing the arc worth it.
The fact that Heroes can't go Redside when there are longbow over there, and Villians can't go Blueside when there are Archnos there. Is in and of itself stupid. NPC Heroe and Villians can swap but players can't. I was so hoping when I seen my V-day tip was sending me to Nerva Archipelago that this was a hint of crossing sides. But nope. Really why the block on side switching? Why not have contacts for each on both sides?
So how long til the heart emote/aura is purchable from the market? And how much? -
d. always all of the above. Also hoping it mixes with thinktank head.
Again D. All of the above.
Why not all three? Mix and match. -
D. All of the above
Quote:No. It is special Valentine event BECAUSE it only happens during the V-Day event. If they just added the arc to the normal game, then myself and others wouldn't be complaining about leaving people/toons out of the event because of the level restriction.These arcs involve some major changes for Arachnos and Recluse - it's more like content that happens to have a kind of relationship theme to it, rather than special Valentine's Day content.
Promotional and holiday events shouldn't leave people out period. No level restrictions, no pay/free restrictions, no only this server restriction, and when ever possible within the law no country restrictions.
Wish for a moment before people jump on the kiss the devs *** bandwagon, they would look at how this effects other players first.
If you are a new or realatively new person and are playing during this time. You may not be able to play in the event. So now what make them wait a year to find out what they missed? And then that year comes around but old timers go bah! same old thing as last year so they don't run it. (see snaptooth missions on V-Day and X-mas) So a good chance that new person who missed out this year will have a harder time next year to do it.
That is why its dumb to put level restrictions.
Yes Halloween had a low level restriction. It wasn't too bad since most people could reach that level in a hour in the sewers.But level 30 for a casual player is a big hurdle. -
Really? level 30?
Special Events, Community events, Holiday events.... should always be for everyone.
How hard is that to grasp? -
You guys need to fire your marketing team. Seriously! fire them. Get new blood in there. Maybe somebody who actually made a living selling stuff.
That said. I got the bow only because it is the first new bow in a long time. -
Are the drop rates higher on Exalted? the reason i ask is I get a ton more drops on this server than any other. Seems like every other ITF I get one and almost every Warrior farm.
On Freedom or Virtue I've had months without seeing one. But on Exalted from day one I get 1-4 a week easy; and a few weeks even more. Had 3 ITF's were I got 2 purples.
Am I or is this server lucky? Is it because its VIP or a smaller population? -
Quote:You are most likely correct. A while back the Devs asked about this type of thing and the Midnight Arc was listed as an arc people would buy to skip. Just like Cape and Aura missions.Obviously they're going to start selling "Midnighter Access Tokens" in the Paragon Market.
I know it seems the reason is to fix the "bug" but really its a money grab. -
Since most people aren't in San Fran, and you love VIP Costume Contests.......
Hold a VIP Costume Contest, Winner gets round trip tickets for 2 to San Fran with hotel for 2 nights for the event..... -
Quote:Its not just the 60 day part. Its that email has in the past lost items to weird bounces, resets, rollbacks, and bugs.Why would it take you more than 60 days to pull an enhancement off of one character and slot it on another?
Emails were never intended to be used as storage bins and the 60 day limit is more than enough time for a player to find another alt to hold any extra enhancements until he decides where to put them.
Invest in extra enhancement trays that way a character can hold 30 enhancements. That way 2 alts can store all the enhancements off of another alts build.
Also I was hoping it would roll back to Character item thus making everything easier.
But it is what it is and the fact that I can reuse Market ios is a good thing. Just seems like a backward step after the devs allowed more enhancement slots and io stripping to make reslotting easier.
Least now others know what happens when you unslot a market io and email it. -
But its Death! common People the name has Death in it. That makes it x10000 times better than a name without Death in it. I can see it now. You could dress in all Black maybe just a little blood red, and have skulls and stuff........eeeeeeewwwwww creepy.
And a Quasi Military/Command name from one major faction. Now think of all the power of middle management that title brings to the table. That's pure value. Sure its not an over powering Evil Title but it does say mess with me and I can turn your day into DMV hell. -
Well here's the answer.
Used an old dead account.
Logged in.
Spent 100 PP on Market IO
Claimed it on a toon (From Character Items).
Emailed to self via global.
It arrived in the INBOX.
This means that yes it has a limited life of 60 days.
It does have the limited space based on how many emails you currently have.
This does put a hurt on Stripping a toon with alot of Market Io's and the idea that you could loose an item that you paid for isn't very nice of Paragon either. -
Ok before I do this I would like to know.
Since Pargon Market IO's are account locked. When you strip them from one toon to email them to another does it go as a CHARACTER item (effectively unlimited storage til later) or does it go via ACCOUNT item (limited in time to claim and space by number of emails)?
This is important as the first would allow me to use the ios at my leasure the second I would have to swap back and forth between the 2 toons and be ready to use the io's now.