389 -
Please at least for the week blow up AE, let it be rubble until the invasion is over.
Of Course you could double account. If your system can handle running two CoX at the same time. And if you cant spare $15 for one month you could do a free 14 day trail. Only then you have to transfer 50k at a time max. I'm assuming though that you do trust yourself, and aren't roleplaying a thief with your new toon.
Well it took forever, ungodly number of petitions, and about 10 emails. The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Given that the last 3 resubmits the mission was unchanged, but now sometime yesterday while at work it is now unbanned. The same GM that called it a farm is the one that unabanned it. This whole thing was too much hastle for a "game".
If you're curious its mission arc 236903. -
Can your mission ever get unbanned? It says you can modify and be resummited but do they unban them?
Seems heavy handed not to allow an appeal or an edit. -
I would like to suggest creating a new server that doesn't have AE in it. I already know if you did this I would transfer 4 of my main toons to it and rebuild a SG.
I hate so much what having AE has done to this game; from the Atlas spams to the almost dead TFs (except Speed ITF).
Yeah save your typing with the move to a different low population server, start in Galaxy, and you don't have to do AE knee jerk replies.
For the record I would support a pre i13 PvP server even though I don't PvP.
When major game changing events happen we should have an option to say NO THANKS besides our checkbooks.
I bet that if there was a non AE server it would easily be the third most populated one. -
I would rather see AE run more like ouro. 5 level blocks, unable to auto sk up, and can't add people after it starts.
This would curb power level farming. It would allow user created mission to be level specific. Often a mission made for a level 20 balance is too easy scaled up, and a mission made for a level 45+ balance can't be scaled down.
By not allowing people to be added it would fix the can't enter mission bug or seperate map bug. In addition to speed up play by not having to wait for the leader to find more peeps. -
One of my bigger pet peeves (I have many)
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First problem... way to high strung if you have many pet peeves in a game.
When I invite someone to a team, it is assumed that that player is competent
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2nd mistake. never assume anything. People from 5 y/o to 95 play this game, new player or 5 year vet, people with great reflexs and those who forget where the keyboard is. Its a big enough job to take of yourself without micromanaging others.
If I invite a Tanker, I assume that s/he's going to be capable of getting all but a small amount of the aggro and staying alive through it without much help. I don't assume that the Tanker is going to be lacking half of the powers from his primary, have every power in his secondary, and need help surviving being attacked my more than 3 enemies because he wants to be a Scrapper in Tanker's clothing.
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Why not? Doesn't a well seasoned player like yourself know how to highlight a toon, right click, and see the powers selected? Even if a person has the "perfect" min/max build doesn't mean they know how to play; or how to play "your" way.
If I invite a Scrapper, I assume that s/he's going to capable of dealing damage and not needing much help staying alive. I don't assume that the Scrapper is going to need the constant attention of every support toon on the team just to get out of a group alive.
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Great after reading these last two my I "assume" that if my defender on your team won't have to waste my time buffing/healing the tanks and scrappers leaving me more time to not use my energy blasts.
If I invite a Blaster, I assume that s/he's going to be able to throw out enough damage to speed the group along. I don't assume that the Blaster will slow down the group's speed because s/he wants to see all of the mobs scattered because it makes him feel more powerful.
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Is it ok to slow down the group with a */Dev blaster setting traps, or are your scrappers in too much of a hurry to allow the Dev Blaster set up time?
Anyone that has a playstyle that actually inhibits team effectiveness is inhibiting my enjoyment of the game.
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Hey that's why I pay and play for your enjoyment. You can thank me later *wink*.
When you join a team, there is a certain assumed level of contribution. If you're not going to meet that level of contribution, whether by being a Tanker without a taunt aura or shields, a Scrapper without mez protection, or a support toon that doesn't have or doesn't use those support powers, let me know before I invite you.
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Do you go into a big speech before you start each and every team? If not how am I to know what "level" that "you" assume I have brought to the table? Should I explaign that my toon is poor and I have only SO's and no purples?
Judging from your rant, I guess you don't like concept toons. People taking a power for (shock) because they just want it.
You don't have a right to control others. It seems that the only common problem with all those bad players is that you "assumed" something.
But hey people telling other people how to play their toon is one of my pet peeves. I just assume people aren't [censored]. -
I agree people will do what people will do. But please if they do put in an AE don't put it in starting zones.
I've already migrated a couple of toons over to Virtue and pulled out of the dust a bin 1 on Champion. Just because Atlas on Freedom is so bad (Well Freedom is getting bad period, well ok Freedom was always bad I just put up with it.)
Its just that I really want Rogue to work but fear that human nature + AE will make the whole thing blah. -
to OP: grow up $15 is cheap. Subscribe its even cheaper. HBO package is $15 and I'm on here more than I watch TV.
About TACO BELL: You never pay for the food you only rent it.
Wal-Mart - Still brings the sux. In the real worl $9.72 for an item that normal costs $9.99 elsewhere really isn't a bargain. Given the true cost of what Wal-marts have done to the small towns they are in. (I'll shop Meijer's and Target even though its a 40 minute drive over the 5 minute drive to Wal-mart. Heck I'll shop Circle K over Walmart) -
-When a team leader agrees to form a signature taskforce, each member of that team will be granted a temporary travel power, and attack power that is derived from the offering hero's origin.
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Already does : Sprint and Brawl
-Players can now form any taskforce at the registrar's desk in Atlas Park.
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Why for those 50's who leveled only using AE and don't know how to get to other zones? All this would do is add more spam in Atlas.
-Player made story arcs now offer recipe and enhancement drops at a reduced rate compared to normal story arcs.
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already do its called Devs Choice. Otherwise easy/crap farms would get drops.
-Players that cannot normally obtain safeguard missions due to level restrictions can now visit the PPD training building to experience lower level safeguard missions.
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Sorta like this one. It would be easier if you are just exemplared to level cap on safeguard like a TF/SF.
-New badges have been added that unlock new costume pieces, primarily chest and cape details.
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Maybe 1 badge at either 40 or 50 thats allows cape details like logos. Maybe, would be nice if they were already in game.
-We have dramatically increased the maximum number of members a supergroup can have.
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Maybe. I tend to go with let the SG manage themselves. If you need room start a sister SG or purge low/no prestige or unlogged toons. Raising the cap to 250 if possible with without major coding changes.
-Coalitions have been reduced to a maximum of four supergroups.
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No Thats like saying you can only have 4 friends instead of 8. Again the bigger the better but let sg manage themselves. -
If Going Rogue will be its own world they please no AE. If you put AE in the new game noone will play the game instead the players will stay in the starting zone and just farm.
If you ignore this suggest then I would hope that you learn from AE in CoX. Make it its own zone and put the enterance somewhere besides starting lowbie areas. -
hmmm, well I figured it must just be dumping for badges, so that makes sense.
That is not philanthropic though, quite on the contrary, that is free market greed. You get more slots to dump more stuff to devalue more items keeping the poor poor, and the rich rich
Half joking there. You do realize though in your philanthropic gestures though that new players like me actually get hurt by that, because if I could sell a computer virus for 500 I get double what the vendor would give me. Now I can sell them at that price, but it takes much longer with all the 100 auctions up there, and as I have much fewer slots, I can't actually afford it a lot of the time, so I have to vendor them for 250, losing out actually.
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You do realize that those who have been around a while and/or actually play the market deal with millions in transactions not sub 1k. I could care less what my kin weapon sells for but I do care about what Num +reg, +rec does. -
Joy of all joys!!! They nerfed tickets!!! Just when you thought the market could bounce back with the influx of recipes.
It's a joke now and not worth the time as far as I'm concerned. Besides the vast majority of 4-5 star content that I've tried should not have been rated more than 1-2 stars.
Poorly written, boring content that makes no sense should not get 4-5 stars.
What I'm afraid of is the voting cartels artificially inflating the ratings of their missions for badges makes the search for actually real 4-5 star content too time consuming and not worth it.
I14 should now be called Mission Waste of Time.
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The MA had only one real purpose and that was to bring people back to farm toons fast. Since thats not the case now all we are left with is crappy stories and bad design.
No matter how much sugar you sprinkle on a turd its still a turd. -
OK I have a love/hate thing going on with AE. I love the ability to gain fast levels and try new builds. I hate the secondary effects its having on regular teaming and TF.
That being said it has all been covered in this thread.
The only thing that I would 100% like to see changed is remove the AE building from Atlas.
I dont care if you keep it in Galaxy for low level toons or drop both since the contact isnt until you hit level 6. But the AE has destroyed the Social gathering of Atlas.
By removing the AE building in Atlas; Galaxy would have the Arena and the AE. Atlas would have the Sewers, Wentworth's, Vanguard, and the return of the social gatherings.
Doing this will still allow level 1-5 to still use the AE and spread the load of the server around to different zones.
The lag in Atlas is too much. MMO are as much social as they are game play. Please rethink keeping AE in Atlas. -
So should we expect in i15 that we can't buff/debuff teammates now?
instead of giving the respec the day of release why dont they just wait for like 3-5 after.Because in teh past they have given on the day and people scream we want another.
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Well I'm not going to wait 3-5 days. We need 2 or none. Giving only 1 means we have to choose which of our TWO builds stays gimped. So either let us fix both builds or just don't take care of your player base. One respec is like french kissing your sister. -
From what I've seen already V-day is a bust. Not a lot in Pocket D. Most people begging for a villian to help them out. Lucky to find one. Took forever to get to the DJ mission and its what a quick 30 secs...(fly to snaptooth kill him! fin) that was a very big disappointment. Well got the costumes on one male and one female toon. The wreath and sandles are pretty good. The heart overlay isn't worth the run imho. The toga doesnt allow the roman or valkyrie chest piece so you cant look like some of the roman guards with the cloth skirt but armor on top bummer.
Did the find the presents mission... really its just another blinky crate same as random radio mission. Really dropped the ball there. Nothing for the end either?!!
Really dont feel like doing the missions again for any more toons. But might make a throw a way villian just so the sg can do all the missions this weekend.
After the great Halloween and X-mas this is so disapointing. Can you at least open the ski slopes back up?
Here lets help you with ideas for next year.
Custom Weapon - Cupids bow (maybe even temp power)
Roses to give to people like X-mas present.
Already said in thread boxers with hearts.. you already have boxing truncks just reskin them.
Co-op mission where you need a female toon and a male toon duo to do the mission. -
Trial: Second Respec Trial
Contact: Captain James Harlan
Merit rewards: 20 (-5)
Trial: Third Respec Trial
Contact: Major Richard Flagg
Merit rewards: 20 (-5)
So Trials now don't even give enough merits for a random trial roll? That's just stupid.
Why call it a trial recipe then?
Break the recipes up into common, uncommon, rare, and unique. Assign a value for a random roll to each catagory. -
I hear a lot of complaints about how long it takes to gain merit awards, and truly it is not that bad.
Considering that the best IO recipe cost 250 Merits, how long does it really take to get, if one is smart.
There are three different leveled re-speccs, each awards about 25 merits a piece and can be done within an hour (with a good group). Also Manticore awards about 25 Merits and can be done in an hour. So if you do these 4 TFs you get 100 merits, in just 4 hours, yuo can repeat this for the next two days and end up with 300 Merits!, that is 300 merits in 12 hours of play, that is not really bad, whn you think of it.
But I see a lot of pro market folks, slamming the merit system, do they have a conflict of interests? You bet they do.
Lets explore a Miracle +Recovery level 20, 250 award merits (10 hours of TF work) or 60 Million influence at the Market.
Lets see here, a good farm team can harvest 1 Million an hour, in general, Oh my did I say Farm? So at this increased level of earning versus doing threads, TFS, and zone hunting, it would take 60 hours to save the 60M influence. Frankly I take the 10 hours over the 60 hours hands down.
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Your 1 million an hour is way low.
Farmers are asking for 2-4 million blue side for perma 46 farms. During x2XP weekend that number doubled.
The invent of level pact and perma 46 have pushed the numbers way up.
So if Farmer A has 3 perma 46 thats about 10 million a run (1 for the 50 3 on average for each 46); 4 runs an hour so 40 mill + drops. Lot easier to to earn inf than merits. -
Add a candy cane keeper outside the chalet door in Pocket D once its closed. I'm sure there will be more people wanting to redeem thier canes after the event.
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It takes away the uniqueness of the event. It also will devalue the winter gift IO set that some of us have worked hard for in order to put on the market latter this summer. If people can just go and buy CC any time then turn them in anytime, there would be no real value in theses items. Also the Candy keeper sells temp powers that could make the game embalanced if they were left avalible full time. (A cheap self rez, flight, hold, and Debt protection.) Everyone knows the dates to complete what needs to be done. Too bad CC will be worthless in a couple of hours. -
Long List:
Snowman head akin to the Pumkin head of Halloween.
Emotes: Snow angel, build a snowman, and caroling
Convert 1 PvP area into a giant snow covered snowball fight, with snow forts, and no powers.
3 on 3 Ice hockey
Option at end of all TF/SF during holiday event to get equal number of candy canes instead of merits.
snowman invasion ala zombie invasion
Replace blimp in Atlas with Santa & reindeer
Xmas trees replacing some of the trees in the zones
costume pieces: Fur lined skirts, mittens, elf cap, reindeer antlers -
Unlock Vanguard AT by reaching level 50 in all 14 base AT.
Finishing KHTF under 15 minutes rewards 100 extra merits.
Oracle costume unlockable* after 50 successful ITFs.
(*unlockable only for male builds)
Earn Baby New Year pet for 500 candy canes.
All 4ft. tall catgirls are being played by one 40 y/o guy named Leeroy Jenkins.
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. -
Yes please fix the crashing!!! I can live with something getting 33% bonus instead of 20%, or a toggle still dropping when it shouldnt. But if I crash every other mission the game is unplayable.
Does the reactivation weekend mean that all of us with paid accounts will get 5 days before being billed, or is this still just giving free stuff to people who won't reactivate after they get their 5 days of play in?
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I wondered about this too. Do we get 5 days tacked onto our accounts? Or is this just giving stuff to lost players in the HOPE that they comeback and current paying people be damned? Also noticed redname skipped answering this question to takel the hard one of how many free custume slot you get (which is answered as soon as you log on to your toon.)