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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by strifenight View Post
    So im curious, I haven't seen one of these running around in Game for a while and was kinda wondering why? I personally have a lvl 30 Fire/SS tank and he is a blast to play, much more Scranker than Tanker but still a blast. Is the combo overshadowed by better synergy sets now> just putting food for thought out there.
    edit: I have a 50 fa/ss/pyre and I like it quite a bit. It's the only tank I've ever really liked and stuck with to 50

    However, it's probably because Shield greatly overshadows FA as an offensive set. So if you want to build an offensive tank bypassing shield is a conscious decision to take a substantial cut in your offensive abilities.

    Even elec in a lot of ways provides comparable offense to FA through unlimited endurance and a recharge boost.

    Both shield and elec armor are newer to tanks too so one would expect them to have elevated popularity.

    That said, Castle mentioned he'd look into improving FA in one of the Shield nerf threads, so hopefully it comes out on a similar offensive level as Shields after he is done with both of them.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It could be - but it'd be weird to have the mission objective hit you as soon as you enter the map
    It indeed would be if it is presented like it was in the screenshot. Glad you agree with what I said.

    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    We've got one screenshot to work with. I see nothing there that indicates that both can't be true/used.
    Fair enough. Based on what was presented in this thread you are entirely correct.

    I'd like to amend my statement. My hope is that the majority of our moral, or multiple outcome, decisions are made on the fly rather than as a choice prior to the mission commencing.

    Because if I'm an evil villain that likes eating puppies why would the same person hire me to save OR kill someone? Of course not everything is so black and white, like someone may hire you to go in and steal some files and while you are in there you make the decision to nuke the entire building and kill everyone or let them live. So that kind of choice could be presented before entering, but then should be completely optional once in there. Thus more or less eliminating the need for it to be presented prior to entering unless the contact specifically wants to weigh in with their opinion of what you should do. ie. "I need you to steal this, but there are a lot of innocents in there so try to keep casualties to a minimum". You then have the choice blow up lab, or don't once inside regardless of whether you agreed to do as he asked. Depending on the polarity of the decisions made and how far they are from the contacts own stance you'd think 1-2 severe enough actions would lose you the contact. Unless the contacts are presenting themselves as unbiased observers...but that would be silly.

    if that makes sense.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Where does it say you decide before the mission starts? That screenshot doesn't really show where that choice happens.
    Might be an outdoor mission?
  4. I don't like the we make our decisions prior to the mission commencing. I was hoping for more in mission on the fly decisions like we saw with saving/leaving the clone and robbing/not robbing the bank in the i17 batch.

    More realtime decision making rather than pre-planned and formulated. As of now I decide my actions well in advance of me making my actions. So if I decide to take out Bella, but then when I encounter her I'm overwhelmed by her allure and decide to join her. IMO a big part of being a super powered being is the ability to drastically alter lives with a split second decision.
  5. Very enjoyable. Well worth a watch.
  6. Frosticus

    Perma Dom.

    Safe as far as I know. Perma dom survived the great dom revamp already so it looks promising. Additionally its not like perma doms are that powerful in terms of reward rate. Also doms are pretty self contained. They aren't very good forcemulipliers (at least at this point in time) and they still top out at almost the exact same point as non-perma doms in terms of what they can or can not control. Basically with a few rare exceptions neither doms or perma doms are able to control AV's, but both can fairly easily handle bosses.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Raise your hand if you think its a load of crap that Defender SD still has the 120s recharge when Dom SD got nerfed to 240s ages ago and Corrs have been at 240s since forever.
    When I look through the app/ppp's I think every instance where the recharge has been massively altered to make the power weaker is a load of crap. It is unnecessary from a game balance perspective and only serves to make the lives of casual players more dull while disproportionately giving extra reward to min/maxers.

    Sadly though, when the time comes dollars to doughnuts says defender SD gets its recharge doubled.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 3dent View Post
    Hmm... Didn't OP meant that they wanted to solo AVs while leveling?
  9. If you want to do it on the cheap I'd roll a bots/traps. With a bit more investment they also scale to be one of the best AV solo'ers possible. There is little a well built and played bots/traps can't handle whether AV, GM, or full sized team spawns. With no investment it can still kill a bunch of them pretty easily. Very powerful toon.

    If you like to punch things in the face and still don't want to spend a ton of inf I'd suggest a dm/sr scrapper. Not in the same realm as the MM, but hey you get to punch things in the face.

    If you have a lot of money and want to punch things in the face I suggest a dm/shield. These bad boys can rip through stuff crazy fast.

    If you have a lot of money and don't care how the job gets done just as long as it gets done extremely fast and safe I'd suggest an ill/cold. I don't think there is anything that holds a candle to the combination of speed and safety it has.

    There are a lot of different builds in between and just so that you know when I say a lot of money I mean practically unlimited funds.

    My overall recommendation though would be bots/traps, they can do it on the cheap and also happen to be quite fast and safe if you invest in them. You can also get a ridiculously powerful build for a fraction of the cost of say an ill/cold.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hardknight View Post
    sticking with the rad/son and son/rad comparison, would the Defender outdamage the corrupter version?
    Proc'd out with high recharge the question is will a rad/son/soul out damage a son/rad/soul +patron pet?

    Lose the pet and the answer is yes by quite a bit. Against a somewhat large spawns the answer is yes by leaps and bounds. With the pet against a single target the answer is probably not.

    A large part of that is simply because defender soul drain is stronger and recharges twice as fast.

    I'd expect some shuffling around in GR though and quite frankly if they let controllers have patron pets the question of what does more damage a corr or defender will be answered by - a controller can do more damage than both of them put together. I'm only partially kidding with that last statement too, it wouldn't be twice as much.
  11. Having a ranged immob as part of your attack chain that deals solid damage is nothing to scoff at. Neither is having your target at the -dam cap most of the fight.

    Fully maxed out versions ya Fire/rad is certainly faster than rad/son, but all my examinations have the rad/son more or less neck and neck with the son/rad even with a 19% scourge rate (typical rate for AV's) as long as you don't factor in the patron pet. And I wouldn't factor in the patron pet as an advantage unique to corruptors myself, not when we know that app/ppp's are going to be opening up for all AT's. Defenders might not end up with any pet options, but when the date is as close as it is, you may as well just wait to see. A rad/son def would turn an epic pet into a damage machine with better AM, assault, and much higher debuffs.

    My personal feeling on corrs and defs is that if you aren't playing fire blast you should be playing the defender version of the toon. But for the most part they are pretty interchangeable.
  12. I'm looking forward to some of the new app options that might open up. If all goes to plan we should get some more thematic matches for fire, ice, mental, and energy based characters.
  13. I'm not understanding how anything could get into melee range with 3 rads, 2 of which are plant.

    Between double seeds, double carrion, double roots, and 3 Lingering rads anything that isn't controlled should be at the slow cap.

    If you guys are having trouble hitting things, but don't want to apply RI then maybe pick up tactics for one or all of the builds.

    If you can hit things the alpha shouldn't be an issue if both planters run in and apply seeds. It shouldn't really be an issue if only one plant is using seeds because only the bosses will be free and they should be slow capped from the follow up LR.

    edit: didn't realize you were triple boxing. Increase the def of the one that takes all the agro and that should solve most issues.
  14. Frosticus

    So... Stalkers.

    I see no reason not to allow great distance on the team member crit rate multiplier. Just link it to line of sight.

    That way if a stalker wants to bugger off and do their own thing they will not benefit, but if they fight reasonably close to the team and are (thematically) always within eyesight to swoop in and take advantage of a teammate opening up a foe, then they should gain the extra damage.
  15. Frosticus

    So... Stalkers.

    1.3 damage modifier. Same as I said elsewhere.

    If a stalker is going to placate a boss and have it turn and try to kill my corruptor he dam well better put it down before it reaches me!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post

    Ya it's not bad at all, but don't mistake hundreds of missions for hundreds of arcs. 100-200 missions really isn't that much content.

    Hundreds of missions in a game like fallout 3 would indeed be tremendous. Lots of them take like 2-3 min in this game, so you'll find you go through the stack pretty quickly depending on how you play.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SPiNE View Post
    WOA. Rule #1 about the fight club is that you NEVER talk about the fight club outside of the fight club.
    Dam you are right. I should have said. "only if you are tru warrier"
  18. Earth/fire dominator. Accept no substitutes.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    Except that Katana is actually better at PvP because it can generate better burst within a single BU cycle (and get more out of procs). The "big burst" that many players talk about with BS doesn't really have much of an effect on gameplay because it's really just based on single attacks hitting hard. Neither PvP nor PvE is about a single attack hitting hard, so the fact that Katana can generate better performance over the short term, the long term, and against multiple enemies means that BS isn't really a PvP set either: it's simply outclassed by Kat in everything except for the aesthetic of "smash".
    Maybe for fiteclub pvp, but not the rest of pvp.
  20. If you are having trouble with two plant/rads on the team I don't think replacing 1 or both with ill/rads is going to solve your issue unless your issue is specifically taking out AV's.

    Heck even if you were facing a group of AV's the two planters could sleep the whole group of them with spore burst and do singular pulls. And with 3 rads you shouldn't be having issues with single AV's.

    I think you should post up the plant/rad builds you guys are using. Something seems really off in your experiences and I'm doubtful an ill/rad will resolve your issue.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    If anything Im betting anything past a BU from the melee set will effect SC.

    This is pure speculation of coarse, but I feel that Castle may feel that the damage buff Agenst All Odd from the sheild set may be to powerful and needs to be ajusted.It may be put more in line with how Willpowers Rise to the Challenge perfoms.Meaning just enough to help, but not be totally overwelming.

    The thought about how AAO wont effect SC at all has crossed my mind as well.

    Pure Speculation at this point, and its just a uneducated guess, but Judging by the damage my SD/Axe Tanker can dish out, its one possibility.

    Iv capped hitting a mob for 550ish damage with SC with a BU and full AAO saturation at lvl 41.This might be far more damage then they intended for SC to do.
    In that same thread Castle stated he didn't feel AAO was a very big buff... it begs the question what he does consider fits the description of being a big buff, but ya.
  22. In a game with all the complexity of Play Doh DR is an unnecessarily complex and unintuitive system. And it's not that it is just complicated to figure out it is really poorly thought out and implemented making it even more laborious and constrictive.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
    I remember that thread. But I was more wondering about the person specifically mentioning a nerf for issue 18. If a nerf is coming, then so be it. Just wondering if there is something I've missed.
    There is no way to say for certain and abide by the rules to confirm whether or not i18 will include the changes to SC. So the person who said it would be i18 was either speculating or leaking info.
    i18/GR is a major update so I expect major power changes to be included at that time. The absolute best time to tick off your customers is when you are distracting them with a pile of shiny. So if Castle can squeeze in the SC changes I would expect them to show up sooner rather than later myself.