Baseless Speculation: Incarnates vs. IOs
Just outta curiosity, from where have you heard/read that comment from a Dev regarding the Incarnate system to equal out IO's? I won't say I'm the most intense forumite, but I still do try and follow around with what's moving in this game, and I don't recall any comparison between Incarnate stuff and IO's, so would you please be so kind as to show, where you've found the comment?
@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)
If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself
You're wrong.
But as I was thinking it over today I recalled something one of the Devs (I believe it was Posi) said in regards to the new system. Part of the intent behind Incarnates is to allow more casual players to attain levels of power that will be competitive with IOs.
Cuddly as always Talen. Glad to see you're still hangin' around.
UPDATE: Found it. It's from Black Scorpion during the Razer Q&A.
I'll admit my memory was a bit off and exactly what Black Scorpion means is subject to a bit of interpretation. He says that using both IOs and the Incarnate system will provide benefits so obviously they won't be mutually exclusive and one won't be marginalizing the other (Which is very good).
But he also says that characters can maximize their abilities through either method. The way I'm reading that it means that characters who utilize the Incarnate system will achieve increased performance regardless of whether they have IOs or not. As to whether that increase will be comparable to IOs can't be determined since we don't know enough. And if it is, what level of IOing? Generics, frankenslotting and sets have vastly different levels of performance. Generally a blend of all three will do the most to boost a character but, as I said before, we don't know enough about the Incarnate system to make any solid comparisons. That's why I titled the thread Baseless Speculation
UPDATE: Found it. It's from Black Scorpion during the Razer Q&A.
Q21 “With the upcoming Incarnate System that will be introduced with Going Rogue, will we notice a reduced effect/value of the current invention system in comparison with the new Incarnate abilities?” BS: The Invention system bonuses are not going to change because of the Incarnate system. As for their value, each has their part to play in the scheme of the game. Most importantly, Inventions are a part of characters throughout all levels - the Incarnate Abilities are exclusive to characters who have "peaked" from a powers perspective at level 50. There will be characters who maximize their effectiveness via Inventions and characters who maximize via Incarnate Abilities, but there will still be benefits gained by doing both. |
But he also says that characters can maximize their abilities through either method. The way I'm reading that it means that characters who utilize the Incarnate system will achieve increased performance regardless of whether they have IOs or not. As to whether that increase will be comparable to IOs can't be determined since we don't know enough. And if it is, what level of IOing? Generics, frankenslotting and sets have vastly different levels of performance. Generally a blend of all three will do the most to boost a character but, as I said before, we don't know enough about the Incarnate system to make any solid comparisons. That's why I titled the thread Baseless Speculation

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I think this bit is interesting:
Emphasis mine.the Incarnate Abilities are exclusive to characters who have "peaked" from a powers perspective at level 50. |
Begin baseless speculation:
Now, as I've been lead to understand the incarnates system is sort of looking like new epic pools. In other words more powers and slots. But I dunno if that's just people talking or if that's accurate (at this stage I think no one does though it might be possible to disprove if a Dev formally shot the idea down somewhere).
Adding a new defense toggle to a squishy is competitive with adding set bonuses via IOs in terms of the end result. Do I think it will be this simple? No. I'm guessing the are not going to make it easier for us to add more set bonuses AND more powers with the same scaling that goes on from levels 1-50.
I'm assuming it will be different somehow. But that said, adding a new toggle would allow two ways to get to the softcap: powers and set bonuses.
End baseless speculation.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Titan's Quest - Artifacts
Hey everyone. Just had a thought knocking around in my head and wanted to throw it out for everyone to discuss, critique, ridicule, etc.
Ever since the Devs announced the Incarnate System as a method of further increasing our characters' power people have been extremely excited. Everyone's dying to grab their favorite 50 and give 'em the power of the gods. But as I was thinking it over today I recalled something one of the Devs (I believe it was Posi) said in regards to the new system. Part of the intent behind Incarnates is to allow more casual players to attain levels of power that will be competitive with IOs.
I can't help but wonder how exactly that's supposed to work. Those of us who frequent the forums are well aware of the fact that IOs can almost completely transform a character. Reaching the Defense softcap no longer requires external buffs, powers that must be used with proper timing out of the box can now be made perma with +Recharge bonuses, +Regen bonuses make naturally hardy ATs like Brutes and Tankers so tough nothing short of multiple AVs can pose a threat to them. So how exactly are ten levels of Incarnate status (And whatever comes with it) supposed to match that? And more importantly, should they?
I'm all for casual players having some way of making their characters more powerful but it's my personal belief that those who invest more time and effort into the game should receive better rewards. I'm not saying those of us who can afford IOs should be so l33t as to sit atop the heap like the gods that we are (Wait, what? Nevermind). But there should definitely be some degree of separation between what a fully IO'd build can do and what an Incarnate character can do. After all, the requirements for an Incarnate as we know them are met by doing what a player would be doing in the first place, gaining XP and running content. IOs, on the other hand, require a decent amount of investment that's got nothing to do with the regular game.
I dunno, just been giving that some thought. Have at it fellow forumites
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