Diminishing Returns in PVP...
It's because when you get higher numbers, it gets hit by DR harder. So the sleet is only a 30% def debuff so it doesnt get hit too hard. But once you start getting up over the 40's stuff gets hit by DR harder and harder. It's an exponential curve.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Welcome to post-I13 PvP, where all sorts of things happen that you just can't counter. Don't worry about seeming lost, because everyone else is still trying to figure out how the system could possibly be considered fair.
Don't expect any changes to these rules in the foreseeable future.
Oh, Good morning! d;D
Going against an equally skilled and built cold, the odds should be about 50/50. Since Fortunata damage is so terrible you have to rely on your defenses to equalize any offensive advantage your foe has. In a situation where a foe has a way to negate those defenses (ie. defense debuffs, significant constant to-hit buffs ala rage, or significant end drains) your advantage will be nullified and possibly you're simply overmatched.
If it was sleet that was the determining factor, you just need more practice. You shouldn't be stationary enough for that to be an issue; unless you were in the cage there's plenty of room to avoid such things.

Most Amazing writes, " I have yet to find why or how they justify this as fair, I myself PVP with a Rad defender and Thermal controller so I'm not all against the debuffs, just trying to see how this is fair...."
Hello my friend. Your concerns are duly noted. It is fairly obvious that the gods of the PvP world are clearly not as educated or experienced as you or I in the rules of combat. If it were me, I'd have traveled back through to the space-time continuum and engage in brutal combat sport in a glorious arena where the rules made the most sense. Of course because of my immense strength and peak physical condition everyone would be obliterated.
Pretty much what mac said, except what he left out is that it's unfair and stupidly broken. Something he understandably wouldn't say since he is more than likely in closed beta.
Don't expect any changes to these rules in the foreseeable future. Oh, Good morning! d;D |
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
In a game with all the complexity of Play Doh DR is an unnecessarily complex and unintuitive system. And it's not that it is just complicated to figure out it is really poorly thought out and implemented making it even more laborious and constrictive.
Don't feel too bad, the frustration goes both ways. Try having a build slotted for ~60% global acc, 60-70% acc slotting in attacks with build up, psychic focus, tactics all slotted for to hit. If that wasn't enough having Forge and Fortitude on my psi/em and still barely able to scratch a widow in elude with the 6-8 attacks in that BU/Aim window. I wish it was an exaggeration.
Even if the outside buffs weren't slotted for to hit, that is 125% to hit, and 120% acc.
This was mentioned in another thread, but it bears mention: having to do calculus to figure out how much damage a given power should do is not making things any more accessible or easy to understand, even for the people that know the system.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
This was mentioned in another thread, but it bears mention: having to do calculus to figure out how much damage a given power should do is not making things any more accessible or easy to understand, even for the people that know the system.
/e points to sig
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
My sig owns your sig.
OK, I'm going to be doing my first bit of whining about PVP so if you don't want to hear it or don't have a way to make me "see it your way", consider yourself warned.
I've noticed several times while 1v1 with my Fortunata that my defense gets hit really hard by DR, which I knew would happen going into the character. So I built up my defenses pretty high in Mids. I've got my defense at 72% to Melee and Ranged and my AOE at 68% (although this hardly matters in PVP)... When I go into an Arena event with DR ON which is the usual setting, as we all know. My defense drops from 72% to 43% a rather noticeable drop... meaning only 60% of my defense is actually available to me with DR on (in other words DR takes away 40% of my Defense....)
This is something I usually would not have a problem with until a couple days ago when I was fighting a good friend on his Dark/Cold Corruptor..... On his dark cold I noticed if i stood in his sleet I was a dead man no matter what... so of course I avoided the sleet for the rest of the match, yes it was a pain... Is it manageable yes... but is it fair to those that are not able to avoid the sleets...
So I continued the evening fight him and winning half of my matches and losing the other half, all matches were determined by how well I was avoiding sleet... This started to get on my nerves so I finally loaded up my other account with my Cold Corruptor on it and slotted it out just like his... and the results were without DR my sleet did a -32.45% def, next match I left DR on and found that it only dropped my sleets numbers to 25.82%, yes a drop.. (honestly I was surprised there was a change at all)
Anyways, what it comes down to is DR takes away 40% of my defense while DR is only taking away 20% of his defense debuff, also consider that my widow has a 29.4% defense debuff resistance... I have yet to find why or how they justify this as fair, I myself PVP with a Rad defender and Thermal controller so I'm not all against the debuffs, just trying to see how this is fair....
--PS: Please correct me if my numbers are off I took them all straight from arena and my Combat Attributes NOT FROM MIDS.