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Short and sweet
Ion - ranged, potential to hit most targets, chance for extra damage, slow cast, secondary hold/endurance drain
Pyronic - ranged, fastest cast, Fire DoT, secondary stun
Void - PBAoe, middle cast time, chance for extra damage, secondary damage debuff/knockback
Cryonic - Ranged cone, middle cast time, chance for extra damage, secondary slow/recharge debuff/hold
Reactive - resistance debuff/fire DoT
Diamagnetic - To Hit debuff/Regen debuff
Gravitic - Recharge debuff/Recovery debuff/slow/secondary effect
Paralytic - Defense debuff/Damage debuff
I usually use Ion or Pyronic for judgement for the ranged ability, Pyronic for a fast hard hitting attack, Ion for a slower but more devastating attack. For interface I am using reactive on damage dealers for the extra damage. -
The only thing I will add is watch your recharge.
Throwing recarge at a build with endurance problems will make it worse by allowing you to use your high endurance (and most damaging) attacks more often. Get your endurance under control then add in recharge. -
EBs are fine. Just need to defeat them all.
The trial versions also count for the badge so Anti-matter (only in the Tina arc 40-45) and Siege (only in a mission not in any arc) are not so hard to get anymore if you run the trials. -
I'd be tempted. First the spawn clearing capabilities of Nukes are greatly exaggerated. Without some big external damage enhancers everything below lieutenants is dead, lieutenants may be dead depending or will be affected by secondary effect, bosses will be hurt, Elite Bosses will go “what was that”, Arch Villains and Giant Monsters just look at you and say “Seriously dude, you thought that would hurt me?” Second while the crash can be mitigated I wouldn’t mind having a tier 9 power with no crash.
Think about it, even with lesser damage then now the damage is still enhanceable where Judgement is not and will probably still be greater than the Judgement powers. Having a Tier 9 that is more damaging then Judgement but that can be fired with the same abandon and similar frequency would be nice. -
I took them on one of my blasters. As stated they are small (you quickly lose sight of them in any battle). They work well and I am happy with them.
I am at Partial Core Improved Ally right now (Assault & Shield Drones). The assault drone puts out very good damage and the shield drone is a good buffer to have around.
Just wish they would be out more then not; 5 on 10 off makes them hard to rely on. -
I use either Pyronic or Ion. They both have the same range but Pyronic fires quicker (1 second vs 2.5 for Ion). Ion I believe has the more damage potential since it can hit more targets (40 vs 32 top for Pyronic) and has a 20% damage proc. The biggest problem with Ion, beyond the activation time, is that if the initial target is un-hitable or dead you get a fissle and do nothing.
Void is a PBAoE so if you are in melee it is a good choice, it tops at 32 targets but has the 20% damage proc in it. It has a KB effect depending on the path you choose which most won't like.
Cryoic is a cone for that reason alone most avoid it except for theme purposes. 32 targets top again, has the 20% damage proc or a spd/rech and chance for hold. -
There is nothing special to attaching beacons to the telepad. You just place them by it and they automatically attach.
I am betting your problem is you have the telepad in a Teleport Bay that only takes one beacon http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Teleport_Bay.
You need to upgrade the room to at least Teleport Chamber 1 that will take two telepads and all 4 beacons for them. -
Quote:This ^Not quite, actually - given how Teeto mentions slotting, it's pretty safe to assume he's talking about the overall *boost in damage* from aim/BU, not their damage *buff* values (which aren't the same thing). Normally a power does its base damage. With slotting, you're up to about double base damage. Toss BU's 100% on top of that and you're dealing triple base damage, which is a 50% boost on top of your 'normal' enhanced value of 'double base damage'. Similarly, adding aim's 62.5% brings you up to '2.625 times base damage', which is about a 30% boost above the normal 'twice base damage'.
The damage bonuses from BU and Aim are to base damage not enhanced damage so you will not get 100% increase to enhanced damage; as indicated by Neutrino it ends up being about a 50% from BU and 30% from Aim when looking at overall damage from the attack. -
Quote:Don't sweat it. Most of the stuff they listed is crazy stuff people are doing to try to increase their rewards and not newb mistakes. Follow your team leader and do what they do and you will always be in good shape (unless you are the team leader then you may want to request a demotion before the trial startsThis is my favorite part of this thread. I'm waiting on some shiny new RAM to come in the mail in a few days before I can even attempt the trials, and I've got anxiety over being told I'm doing it wrong already with the intensity of the "thou shalt not's" pouring out of the sky. I hope I get a fair chance to acquaint myself with exactly how they work and what I need to do before anyone starts throwing lightning bolts at me or booting me from the league.
Quote:Looks and smells like a bug to me. The intention seems to be to enable temp travel powers not disable them in the trials so I doubt this is WAI.So, is it intentional that temp travel powers (i.e. Ninja Run, Raptor Pack) are now disabled in PvP? Not seeing anything about those in notes.
For the record, that would be a bad decision, particularly in regards to the powers that people payed real money to get. -
Quote:I think the Jury is still out on that one.Hm. Are Mastermind Pets now being counted toward 'participation'? IIRC, they were not.
MM's were mentioned in the developer post but it didn't acknowledge a problem just noted they were aware of the complaints.
Nothing in the patch notes specifically addresses them, just says they adjusted the tables based on data collected. -
And don't forget we did fight a bunch of AVs in that first mission of Ramiel's arc as a full incarnate and they spawned as yellows. If GG is right and we get more level shifts and powers fighting a bunch of AVs with all that power might not be anything more then fighting a bunch of 54s when we had no power.
Converting as needed.
At the rate they drop I am thinking either they won't buy anything super nice in the future or it will take a truckload of them to buy it so I am not hoarding them for some future maybe.
I don't convert them as soon as I get them but I don't hesitate to convert them when needed. They are about the only way to get commons since for whatever reason my character only gets uncommon tables and occasionally a rare and once a very rare. -
Personally I don't see a reason to take any time off. I usually take the 2nd warning as the time to switch over to beating on the boss spawns for a bit. 10 seconds of that and you can return to the AVs with no rings.
No, the system won't allow you to slot another lore enhancement or even upgrade the one you have while it is recharging.
Quote:Lambda will always reward better from my experience but the BAF should not be to bad. If you are getting 10% your leagues are not aware of the problem of iXP not being shared across the league.I still cant figure out why the LAMBDA seems to reward better.
The boss spawn groups during the AV battles are the major source of iXP and equal members of every team need to be doing that part!
In the leagues I run it seems everyone gets 20-25% iXP (well depending on the slot since the 2nd one requires more iXP to unlock).
My tactic is to divide the scrappers evenly across the teams and call for all scrappers and one controller to handle the spawns (toss in the controller because they are so awesome at locking down the group and keeping them bunched. It is so annoying when someone hits the tightly packed group with KB and scatters them. You then end up with 1-1 battles rather then just blasting AOE until the group dies). -
LOL, someone owes you a big thanks.
For me I want with Warworks and intend to get the fighting Victoria
1) Warworks Ally
2) Warworks Core Ally *** currently at this level ***
3) Warworks Total Core Improved Ally
4) Warworks Core Superior Ally
I read that these were the highest damage set and since I went more defense on the other incarnate slots (interface -to hit debuff, destiny the defense/resistance buff) I wanted to go damage here.
I know some go for buff but since this pet has a long recharge and is only out for 5 minutes I just didn't see it as a reliable buffer so I am going for all out damage when they are out. -
thoughts ...
I have run many Lambdas as team lead and as a player and have never had one where we have enough acid to close the doors. Even when we get all 10 we end up with 7-8.
Now this could be that players have them and just don't notice for sure, but given the amount of times this happens I am wondering if something else is going on.
Is it possible that a player on the acid team who is defeated or in the hospital at the time of a container destruction gets selected for acid but can not receive it and thus none gets awarded? -
I think once the launch goes there is a 60 second timer, if you don't click the green button in that time you are kicked from the league and the rest go. What you are seeing may not be people hitting the red but being auto kicked because they were AFK when the launch went.
When I have run leagues I have received tells from them trying to get back in but have yet to find a way once we launch. Anyone else know a way they can rejoin? -
I share your frustrations but I don't think the WST rotations and the current spat of maintenance are related. The maintenance is over i20 and some of the issues that have resulted from it. The WST rotation can be handled without any maintenance (other then this week when Posi 1 went belly up on them
The reinforcements from when you fight them single should be a non issue as they die when the AV does. The only reinforcements you should have to deal with are the ones that spawn during the double AV fight.