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  1. I vote for jumping effects on VS for sure. Anything to help elec.

    Back in the days, there weren't cell phones and calling contacts, when we walked up hill in the snow to school and walked up hill in the snow back home again....we could have more than one VS out at time. Those were the days i tell ya. All these changes over the

    I have like a level 44 emp/elec def that i basically refuse to play, but can't delete because he was my first char that i made it well into the game. I just quit playing him, because he was so crap-tastic after seeing what others sets could do. I will only play him on double xp weekends, so i will finally make it to 50. I need to look at the buffs to the set then.

    Its good to know, the elec blast got buffed, a look at its recharge times. I will have to look at that in mids and take my elec def back out. Its a shame the dam buff is only for blasters. The set has turned out to be lackluster on defenders. VS was supposed to make it different and give you that pseudo pet, but after we lost the ability to have two VS's out, then elec really became subpar.

    EM is great from what i understand and seen. Electric blast just wasn't. And, since castle is looking at underperforming sets (and alternative animations), lets hope elec is on his list. A little second look, like what he did to burn would be nice.

    VS should could use alittle something else. Jumping would help. An Alternative, would be some wide arcing thing around the caster, that would just shoot a blast out, kinda like a pbao and act like the pet. If it's blasts jumped, then it would be way cool (and the visuals with Short circuit/Lightning field/Cond Aura would be just friggin awesome)

    I would love to atleast see a jump effect added to VS.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thaumator View Post
    More of an "energy blast" type animation for fire blast powers, rather than the current one which looks like you're throwing a baseball ;p
    thats a good one. So true.

    You know, that got me thinking....

    Maybe two animations per power (one sword, one not, if applicable)

    and two effects choices per power would be awesome (one flashy, one subdued, and then basically none if an option).

    Oh and spines needs a major overhaul. I just can't even consider the set. Spines need alternative animations and effects.
  3. If you got a kheld, and use binds/macros for triforms, then you should be fine with all of this next stuff.

    Here is how I played my ninja storm.

    My play experience with them, is prob fitting. I was with VEATS, and with i19, stamina becoming inherent, there is lots of talk of maneuvers spreading all over the place. Endless stacking maneuvers might get the nerf bat, but I can tell you, with what I did, a couple of melee VEATS maneuvers, my ninjas were pretty stout in melee, darn near unkillable.

    With the set up below, they are fairly tough.

    Ninjas can be notorious for running a little amok. So keep that in mind, they are very fast, and before you know it, they can aggro a second spawn or create some problems. And I chose to avoid scatter powers unless I could control the scatter, gail was fine if used well. So, sometimes you can scramble around, because they move so fast, they get a second group. I was VERY careful about Hurricane, just to prevent scatter.....i think that is a little fun, the unexpected can happened with them. With that in mind, start NOW, looking at basic stuff, like the macros or keybinds, paying attention to BG mode. Look at naming conventions, can tie into your macros.

    With the fact in mind, the ninjas are a little nutsy (which can be fun), I chose to use BG mode, and provoke/taunt and maneuvers with steamy mist. Provoke does a couple things for you. Your ninjas react to taunted subjects, automatically attacking them (provoke helps when targets are slowed with snowstorm). The taunted enemies then attack you and KEEP attacking you, not your pets, so your pets live longer in melee. And the fragile ninjas take less damage and can attack more. And once i got Man/steamy and provoke/taunt, i quit O2 boosting/healing the all the time. Add in the pet resist/def pet IOs, and it gets better.

    Get the procs for pet def and resist asap. You can place a second set of them in Tornado later (with both IOs for pets, its 10 def and like 20% resistance to pets thru IOs, add in steamy mist 5%def and resist, and man 5% def....thats about 20% def on the pets if you stay in melee, I think genins have 6 def, jounins have 12 def, and oni has like 6 about 25% def and then provoke then focuses damage away from pets....). You become decently survivable and pets become survivable in melee. Add in taunt/provoke and its just like a tanker/defender your own private team. Its great!

    If you are good with the binds/macros, you can literally choose your resistance by the number of pets in BG mode. It is just how you name the pets basically, then editing the macros (yes, you can pull them right off the pet window, and drop them into your power tray, then edit them).

    Overall, loads of fun, challenging and you will learn a lot about game mechanics if you want.

    It’s a great combo !

    ( u will kick a@# and master skills on herding, proper kb, binds/macros and all sorts of stuff)
  4. Is that a khled in your Icon? you should be fine.

    I can tell you my experience with mine, on live it went to 26 or so, on test in closed beta with VEATS, I think it went to about 42 or 44. Might have been 44. You can be a baby taunt bot tanker, and a defender of your own little melee team with this set up. Its LOADS of fun. Wade in, and take the alpha, heal on the side, and debuff….and damage. Its great fun!

    I love mine, but once i got it "down" i just never got around to playing it back up on live. It's too easy Its a fun combo, seriously, its fun and fine. Mine works more like a "taunt" bot tank of its own private team, than anything esle. It can be some craziness (see next post), but i thought it was loads of fun. Its REALLY dynamic, so be prepared to “play” it. I don’t sit back and let it do its thing, you are constantly dropping some power (snow storm, freezing rain etc….fun stuff) I also used SS and Steamy Mist, just to charge into spawns and drop lightning storm or freezing rain, just like a tank to absorb the alpha.

    You need stamina but…that is all gonna change in an issue 19. I went with purely melee build and took man and provoke (it has a longer duration than an aoe attack).

    If you want a tank/taunt bot/private team, this was my take on Powers:

    Ninjas, just do the usual pet set up. Take the henchmen, and upgrades is what I did. I found smoke flash, to be kinda hard to use, and I was usually way to busy to use it due to all the storm powers.

    Gale: turned out to be pretty useful. Kept things on their back, and in corners, so the ninjas could attack and not take damage. Big plus.

    O2 boost, yes get it, you use in down time to heal the pets. I rarely use it now compared to lower levels.

    Snow storm, like it, and keeps things in close. More useful in lower levels, but good at higher levels, to drop that on boss or Eb. The -recharge can sometimes work against you in BG mode, -recharge means no able to attack, pets just stand there sometimes.

    Steamy Mist: sure aoe def and resistance….added with SS, and the MM can move in invisible, but henchmen are stealth-ed…they get the alpha.

    Freezing Rain: Yep, you will be dropping that all the time. I open with this, invisible (SS w/steamy mist).

    Hurricane: I was surprised by this one. Unless enemies are in a corner, then I would pulse it only. It would scatter, and then the ninja got all squirrely and then I could get into too much agro quickly.

    Thunder Clap: For a MM, it’s a great damage mitigation power. It is only a min disorient, but that cuts down on damage to henchmen. I liked this power. Again, slide in with SS/steamy mist and pop a TC, and drop powers.

    Tornado: I used for the IOs pet bonuses. There are two sets of def/resist pet IOs. One for MM pets, once for "fast recharge pets. Didn't use it much, due to scatter and teaming and my set up.

    Lightning Storm: whopping chaos..but loads of fun. The damage is nice, and its up a lot, so between Freezing Rain, thunder clap and now Lightning will be busy. Things go flying with this, its loads of fun. I would consider an immob with -kb on it which is MU patron.

    APP vs Patron:
    Choose what you want as patron or ancillary, I am sick of fireball on all my toons, so I am not sure what I will do on live once I get there. I think I would go for Soul Mastery, just for the Oppressive Gloom and its pure damage mitigation powers and stacking disorients with thunder clap. Mu has –kb, something to consider. Or if you are good with kb, field mastery has three kb to go with gale, so you could effectively keep everyone off thier feet. I might have to look at that for myself. If elec got lightning field, and ice got Chilling embrace…I would go with Ice. I was very unhappy the APPs really don’t reflect well on the roles of MMs. Hopefully that will change.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    Really IMO you dont need to be at the softcap. If you have about 30-35% defense its going to make a huge difference in how much incoming damage you are taking and while that extra 10-15% is a large number when you start sacrificing recharge in your build which helps Healing Flames come back up quickly and your AoE powers which have slower recharge come back slower I think that begins to be a problem for your Fire/Fire.

    I always tell people dont build a one trick pony.. which means if you fovus your build in one aspect only and ignore the others you do yourself a disservice. Fire was orginally designed to be the offensive tank set which I agree with particularly with the new burn and fiery embrace changes, prior to those changes I didnt feel that Fire had the offensive punch that it was designed to have.

    With a good build even with 30% defense will be every survivable because you should be able to take stuff down quicker than most other tanks can. Dont forget that Healing Flames is a massive heal that you can get up about every 15-20 seconds and that very important to your survival.
    I totally agree with Air Hammer, Brakner and Pilgrim. Pilgrim also has a great point....before the latest tweak to consume, Carnie pbaoe end drain, was just plain awful. So i build into positional defenses when i made mine.

    I have played mine up (its not a mids spreadsheet mock up), and payed attention as the defense numbers go up/down, and i change builds as i buy more stuff. I went thru a regen build first back when IOs first came out.

    I am finding, as i play both my brute and my tanker, which now basically have the same build, about 30-40 def (if you can get there) is just great, as long as your build is rounded out (not a one trick pony, all S/L). Build some recharge, recovery and some recharge. Regen is great but with global recharge, you got HF.

    Shoot you can "see" a world of difference once you hit around 20% def. 20% def is prob 40% damage mitigation on top of previous tankablitiy. You tanked before with 0 or little def, 20% def makes a huge difference in everyday game play.

    I ENJOY playing my fire tanker now once he hit the mid 20s def, instead of grinding. Its a huge change in player satisfaction.

    Note now, that fitness is becoming inherent, so there are things gonna change. For example, I will pick up, CJ, FE and Maybe Man or stealth. Will have to look, not sure about that. So, more defense powers (more def, pushing my melee to around 35%) and slot for LOTG (7.5 recharge). Might even be able to slot CJ or the other def, and boost alittle more depending on what happens with the slots. I may be able to reslot an attack into TODs. Not sure yet.Healing flames should be down to about 11 or 12 seconds with hasten. Pilgrim and I are both fans of Temp Protection and Winter's Gift Slow resistance. And if i pick up FE, more damage. You see where thats going, about 35% def melee, 25 % aoe, 18% ranged, with 70 resistance, 50% recharge AND more damage. Might see about slotting in 20% or more regen thru def sets.

    Not a one trick pony at all.

    DO THIS........., play your tank, have fun. It took me months to get my build up to the point where it is now.

    Farm and play, but target recipes you KNOW you are gonna need like Oblits. Then in about 4 months with i19 and 20, it all may change. But you will be ready. We got new inherents and the alpha system coming. Hopefully we get new enemies with better ai that will slice and dice our super, one can hope.
  6. Here is the data chunks from Mids. The first one is Psi APP, and the second one is Fire app.

    These are based on my builds, and i like having two melee and two ranged attacks, with the three aoe. No matter what, team or solo, i have a attack or always ready to go.

    Depending on what you decide on the fire powers, my rec is to just copy to test server and test out, or just level to 20 or so, testing all the powers out, and then respec into a good build around 20. The other thing, fitness is going to become an inherent soon, so....these builds will have to be rebuild SOON. Take them for what they are worth (ie set bonus for recharge!)

    My build, the first, uses Psi as APP, the second uses Fire. You get an attack and more damage with fire, but less def. I run psi, due to def and i try to keep a luck running all the time, to push my def into the 20s or so. I just am getting sick of fireball in all my APPs, so i went with psi for once. This is my build basically and its really close (meaning no numina proc and miracle, but i am basically running this build. I just need a those couple IOs to finish it out completely, but my build is basically there)

    And no purples to boot. Still it was kinda expensive, but i saw what doms could do before the dom change. If blasters only knew what doms can do, they would be jealous. lol Oh you will love your dom once you get it where you are comfortable. I have a hard time even looking at my defenders and corruptors

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    I like melee, if you like range, go with fire for the extra attack.
    Here is fire APP.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  7. here is my take, for what's its worth

    Psionic Dart- agree

    Mind Probe-agree, nice to couple with TKT, nice 1 of a 1-2 combo melee

    Telekinetic Thrust- i like this power, for the 2 or a 1,2 dead combo. And they go flying to boot. If not dead and now kb-e3d away, then nail them with MB or Subdue. I actually use this alot more than i ever thought i would. Having both, gives you flexiblilty to attack multiple targets in melee range.

    Mental Blast- I use this and Subdue, for 1,2 on ranged runners etc.

    Psychic Scream- cone, not a fan of cones, but for a cone, its a good. I use it.

    Drain Psyche- agree

    Subdue- I use this and Mental Blast, for 1,2 on ranged runners etc. I can stand in a group, 1,2 on melee with MP and TKT, and hit runners, with MB and subdue. Both these powers have a nice range.

    Psionic Lance-its a snipe, i can use it, just don't. Perk here tho, you can alternate PSW and then interrupt Lance (move after activating it) to build dom. If i have something hard and i want to build dom before attacking, i can use lance and psw to do it.

    Psychic Shockwave-staple power. Get it, it was GOD before the nerfage, now with enough global recharge, it is much better (but not what it was in its hey, still great power tho.

    Overall, pretty sound info. I have run some many builds, some completely "out to lunch" builds prenerf domination, over time, you can make all it work. Beefs insight into the APP and some fire powers is pretty good. I even went and ran an alternative APP with fire, based on Beefs post, on my current build, because with fire, you get two aoe attacks as opposed to just one from psi. Psi has one aoe attack, but i can perma Mindlink and get about 15 defense (or 25% damage mitigation) on top of my shield, so i went with that.

    I do use the test server, and copy over and try other builds. For me, the more flexible my attacks (ie two melee and two ranged, three aoes). I prefer pbaoe/melee instead of ranged, so find a build that works for your play style. Overall, this is a great dom set up.

    I will post two builds in the next post for you to look at.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
    Personally I think that this is super news... My defenders will now be able to softcap themselves so much easier, Manuvers, Weave and combat jumping is going to be the bread and butter of all my toons now. So that's a base 15% defense to all toons including the steadfast proc in tough..
    i am thinking this too....or stealth with SS, then we can all stealth missions, not just stalkers.
  9. i am wondering if this is the begining of....origin attributes, kinda like other games have things like dwarves and elves....etc. Mutants have a baseline attributes of y, magic have a baseline attributes of z, etc

    If you are a mutant, your baseline recovery (aka the new inherent stamina) will be y
    if a natural, your baseline recovery will be y

    Maybe 19 is just the begining. There is talk of new "systems".....maybe that is what 20 is about, a new attribute system of things like base accuracy, base jump, base run speed, base dexterity (defense), base contitution (resistance)

    something like that, with the alpha slots, totatlly changes all the characters, especially if the existing IO system were expanded in, say issue 20?????? lol

    this looks absolutely great! can't wait for this to start!!
  10. i know for my fire/fire/pyre tanker, this means.....depending on the slots situation, adding FE and maybe combat jumping and Maneurvers or stealth. That would basically add 5 more defense to a build that has upper 20s defense....he would be unreal with more damage with FE.

    well at this time, it might be better to put any previous glimpse or hopes/projections on previous Alpha information on hold.

    I believe Castle and the link, stated larger system changes were coming in 20......

    One can only hope on this new "inherent" is just part of a new system. I am hoping the new inherent system works with the orgins. This "new inherent", might be just something along the lines of "character attributes" like endurance recovery rate, regen rate, base accuracy rates, resistance to debuffing, baseline run/jump speed, etc.....hopefully a baseline dexterity (ie defense) and constitution (baseline resistance). I am hoping, that using other games as a template, a mutant might have a baseline regen, recovery etc, a natural then would have a different baseline regen recovery....we finally get the origins to mean something. I hope that is what it is.

    we might need to hold off on previous alpha information, i guess alot of this was planned. If we are gonna get that level of change coming, all our previous alpha info may be way off. anyway, we are only seeing glimpses at this point.

    Can't wait, was just in process of making a new tanker and all sorts of new toons for this expansion pack....ugh!
  11. oh @#$$, this is great i didn't see the news either. Man, that is gonna cause a whole lot of changes. DANG IT. I just redid my tanker and was hitting my brute.

    So we get three power choices, and......since we really don't know what they are doing with slots, assume no new slots. Hmmmm.

    My controllers are fine, but sure, resurect and a few others. Wow, that should make tanks tougher.

    hmmm, might look at tough and weave with man on lots of toons. Now that would be interesting. Someone already said something about everyone taking maneurvers, but you know, it is city of defense now. We need some way to enhance resistance (so they can put enemies that cut or debuf defense more). Maybe this is more than just getting a new inherent.

    Interesting news.
  12. Ninjas, yes need more love. They got some, but not quite enough.

    With changes going on, i think something was said about slowly looking at underperforming sets over the upcoming issues. Fire got a once over, its a big improvement, but could still use alittle more.
    Gravity came up (kept coming up) on the closed boards boards because of one of the iterations in Elec control was way out, and it was so over powered, it was fixed. So the dev are completely aware of stuff, they don't comment on it. They know. Why comment etc and get people upset you know.

    I hope they get alittle tweak.

    One of the things i found helped ninjas, was ofcourse the IOs for defen and resistance (having both).

    The other, maneuvers, and using BG mode AND Taunt/provoke. Taunt/provoke really helps, as it focuses aggro back on you, and off your henchmen, so the baddies don't attack your henchmen as much.

    Using all of those, they are still hard to control and die, but overall they become much more managble using a tanker taunt bot kinda of mentality. I do like mine. But i think they could use a baseline increase in def by about 6 pt each.
  13. i still have problems with soft capping, but i can get decent postional defenses. Just not ranged def.

    One luck should make me pretty, when i need it. I can also turn on and off weave if needed.

    The best i am coming up (and since i did perma dom which means hasten was a clickie power, so i am gonna use burn for immob protection, no combat jumping, AND no FE, can't get them worked in) is this so far.

    it is gonna cost out the wazz-u. But i can almost get about 30 sl and melee. Resistance is about 71. 46 percent recharge, some accuracy is the pits, but it should be compensated for thru the sets.

    I need to look at morality missions and the reward system to see if that would be the way to do it. It will cost. I have alot of this now, and need to finish it out. Been working this build up for awhile. Just need the attack sets. So only about 10 enhancements, ofcourse the most expensive ones are left, like those Numina and some of the kinetic combats. See my edit comment about Blazing Aura, Multi-Strike is an alternative there.

    here is mine so far. It seems to be pretty rounded out, meaning, its not great, or super strong in any area, and not got too bad of gimp going on either.

    Seems to be solid and playble (for me atleast)

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.803

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    tt tank: Level 50 Magic Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Fiery Aura
    Secondary Power Set: Fiery Melee
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Ancillary Pool: Pyre Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Blazing Aura -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(3), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(17), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(17), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(19), Oblit-%Dam(50)
    Level 1: Scorch -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(7), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(34), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(37)
    Level 2: Fire Shield -- TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx(A), TtmC'tng-ResDam/Rchg(3), TtmC'tng-EndRdx/Rchg(7), TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(15), TtmC'tng-ResDam(33), TtmC'tng-EndRdx(45)
    Level 4: Healing Flames -- Dct'dW-Rchg(A), Dct'dW-Heal(5), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg(5), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx(9), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(15)
    Level 6: Temperature Protection -- S'fstPrt-ResKB(A), S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+(37)
    Level 8: Combustion -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(9), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(19), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(23), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(27), Oblit-%Dam(37)
    Level 10: Consume -- P'Shift-EndMod(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(11), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc/Rchg(11), P'Shift-Acc/Rchg(13), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(36), P'Shift-End%(36)
    Level 12: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(13)
    Level 14: Super Speed -- Winter-ResSlow(A)
    Level 16: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
    Level 18: Burn -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(34), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(40), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(40), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(42), Oblit-%Dam(46)
    Level 20: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+(A), Mrcl-Rcvry+(21), RgnTis-Regen+(21)
    Level 22: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(23)
    Level 24: Plasma Shield -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(25), Aegis-EndRdx/Rchg(25), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(27), Aegis-ResDam(33), S'fstPrt-ResKB(43)
    Level 26: Boxing -- Empty(A)
    Level 28: Tough -- Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg(29), Aegis-EndRdx/Rchg(29), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(34), Aegis-ResDam(45)
    Level 30: Fire Sword Circle -- Oblit-Dmg(A), Oblit-Acc/Rchg(31), Oblit-Dmg/Rchg(31), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(31), Oblit-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(33), Oblit-%Dam(46)
    Level 32: Build Up -- RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 35: Incinerate -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx(36), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(39), KntkC'bat-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
    Level 38: Greater Fire Sword -- T'Death-Acc/Dmg(A), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx(39), T'Death-Dmg/Rchg(39), T'Death-Dam%(40), T'Death-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(43), T'Death-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(45)
    Level 41: Char -- BasGaze-Acc/Hold(A), BasGaze-Acc/Rchg(42), BasGaze-Rchg/Hold(42), BasGaze-EndRdx/Rchg/Hold(43)
    Level 44: Fire Blast -- Empty(A)
    Level 47: Fire Ball -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(48), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(48), Posi-Dmg/Rng(48), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(50)
    Level 49: Weave -- LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx(A), LkGmblr-Rchg+(50)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Gauntlet
    Level 0: Ninja Run
  14. Fire_Storm

    New Dom tonight

    i enjoyed elec psi in beta

    . I love my fire psi, but to me, psi has some nice hard hitters in melee range, and some nice ranged attacks. Very flexible combo, and throw in psi scream, psw, and now psi tor it has a great set of aoe attacks that recycle well. The disorient IO for end mod sets, can be added, but it will never be anything like the pbaoe disorient.

    Elec is just a nice set. kd, end drain, confuse, and the sleep all work well. IO for disorient, and psw chance to disorient, and psi's slows. Nice combo overal.

    I was considering going elec ice, i can see that being overall nicely powerful too. Just would have to look at the new app, to see if there would be a decent set to round out ice. Currently, kinda torn on ice or psi.
  15. i also would put your pets this way, and re-iterate what others have said. I keep tier one pets, not for use, but purely for bg mode at higher levels.

    Henchmen are damage sinks, or a combo of a shield/dull pain basically. I use the first tier only for this purpose as i get in higher levels. In low levels, i need the tier one pets, but after a certain point, i use primarily just my tier 2 and tier 3.

    If you look at body guard mode, when u summon, its like adding a sheild and small dull pain by effecitvely using a resistance type shield (the henchmen, which absorbs a percentage of the damage just like a shield, then dies) and dull pain (the henchmen absorb some of the damage thus allowing you to take more damage, ie kinda like increasing your hit points).

    Basically, its kinda complex, but i have my binds set up, to keep certain pets in BG mode, and others in offensive mode. I can swap out the stances on my pets, to basically change my tankability (i can change the number of pets in BG mode, thus changing my resistance, and my ability to take damage). If my recharges is right, then i can wade in, with all pets in BG mode, re-summon, and bascially keep the alpha. I can then selectively switch pets into offensive mode, and maintain bg mode or shielding as the situation eveolves.

    Keep the tier ones, they are invaluble in for your defense (but its really your resistance). That is probably more of the tankermind mentality people talk about.
  16. a dom does indeed play more like a blapper or blaster than controller,

    One of the major differences was (before i15 but still hoolds true, is dom is an auto power, not hasten) is dom is status resistance AND then you can Eventually, once you get enough recharge thu IOs, dom being on auto, its like blaster damage, with no mez. Its great. Blap with no worries, my dom is just a killing machine once he gets going.

    Some of the red side AT's just didn't translate well to the players. I still think if people figured out a MM with taunt/provoke works just like a tauntbot tanker, some of the red side ATs would be more popular. A dom is kinda blapper with the ability to take out a single target or mediate alpha.

    You will have alot of fun with your toon once you get it down.
  17. I guess i would love a choice of animations.

    i can't believe this game...and hows it changed.

    My biggies, would be a no sword/sword choice alternative. Oh a nice something for fire sword circle or ice sword would be great.

    I agree, some chest eminations would be great too. I guess you could slap your thighs for something like hand clap.

    Fist slamming the ground would rock for a few things.

    And maybe an alternative to the squat, thrust of assasin strike would be good, some wind up big whopper of an attack. The animation just seems to be lack luster.

    I know, make "animation alternative" like power set proliferation, add new animations to a couple sets every issue.
  18. i am leaning to demons and pain, with the right IOs, the some of the pets get basically brute resistance (then add in body guard mode to divide the damage....) should be tough as nails. Sounds great to me.

    I was just sorely disappointed in app from beta. So my MM is on hold.

    I haven't played a mm in forever, but got a question, does your IO defense pertain to pets as well?
  19. Playing a Dom durring beta, i skipped the chance for disorient in CA (CA was not a end drain, it was a stun at first, so i slotted for stun). That was why i never tested that proc in that power. But as the power set evolved, CA changed to a pbaoe end/regen. I planned on using the proc to stack with the CA as a pbaoe stun.

    Just because it was beta, i slotted chance to stun in most of the powers, just to see how they would add up, and i agree, you can spend your slots better (if you slots are good, then do put them in, by all means)

    I had one in the aoe imob, chain kd power, and something else. With large groups, you would see one or two stun. If you got the slots to spend, then sure do it. But as it stands right now, u could prob use slot it for end (its end is better than the regen)
  20. I and a few others, were vocal about stopping the apps from being released as they are, and it wasn't we were just unhappy with this or that. It was alittle more than "i want this power".

    Some of the ports and powers are fine, others, like the whole MM pool, just need an overhaul. The power choices for MMs, are just poor and questionable.

    But, it had a target date, and had to be released, and Praetoria was prime target and being able to cross sides.

    I am wondering, and prob a few others, if there isn't going to be an "re-address" to red side origin APPs soon or the next issue. I hope so.

    The doms are sets are fine for a first pass, but other ATs, need some attention. Hopefully, as power set proliferation continues, we get some APP proliferation and futher diversification as well. That would be nice.
  21. Fire_Storm

    Electric Control

    Since the beta boards are open i guess.

    i went with elec psi dom in beta, (it went thru ALOT of changes thru beta) Still like it after all the changes, hope it will get some tweaks up regarding small isssues, once the devs get enough data see what the set is doing. Overall, thought it was a blast. Not sure what the controller thought of it.

    Would prob go Rad if doing a controller, the pbaoe hold and pbaoe end drain would be choice.
  22. the red side ats are a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of them, the imo just out class the blueside ones. the red side ones, solo MUCH better.

    doms are damage dealers first, like blasters, but controllers second. It kinda looks like the opposite but that is how they play.

    You use your controls, to build dom, whether a soft control disorient/stun/confuse, so you can get in an blap bassically. I control to build dom primarily thru my aoe immob/soft controls.

    Once you get domination up, you are free of status effects, so you are a squishy blaster with status protection, but can also control. So you can become a blapper without the ability to get held/stun/immob etc.....

    Doms blossom late, like in their late 30s, and once you really get one down, work on some global recharge in you build, it is basically pure damage using control/dom to protect you. Its kinda a game to keep dom up and control, so you can blap and damage.

    With global recharge, they completely rock in their 40s. Completely. They can be challenging at lower levels.

    If this sounds like something you would like, then look at your secondaries. That kinda determines where you play/blap, ranged or melee.
  23. so the loyalty closed betas starts tomorrow? NICE

    that means the beta build hopefully has been thru most of it horrible crashing and completelyy out of whack testing phase is ready for the players.

    Having been in a few of the closed betas over the years, the early builds are not that hot. A lot of frustrations like find the glowie, and the glowie is located behind a wall or something like that. When IOs came out, it was like beyond confusing....and half of them didn't work in the powers they were supposed to at first. Sometimes in the early builds, the "new and shiney" isn't there, because they are fixing the code after new changes unexpectanly breaks something esle.

    I am glad this is FINALLY going to this stage, that means GR beta is stable, and polished enough to play....with some feedback and data minining, they might actually make the scheduled Aug release.
  24. Fire_Storm

    AoE lawnmowers

    Doms are good. My permadom fire/psi was ungodly till they fixed He easily out did my brute at full fury always charging from spawn to spawn.

    Back in the days, two perma fire psi would split an entire map set for 8 and do it in nothing flat....working separately on different sides of the map. I was even shocked at how obscenely fast xp was. Now, after the whole dom revamp and psw, it is just "fast"

    Wondering what happens when he switches sides, and gets some new ancillary power set.....maybe a new set with a better aoe (they can get two or three aoes with a soft control)....

    GR might pull certain doms into aoe lawnmower kings again.
  25. i was thinking about ds/pain. Seems the demons are resistance based, which can be a pain, requiring alot of healing, as they take a portion of the damage each time they are hit, instead of dodging it with defense. Been toying with adding both the IO pet resistance for additional 20% resistance, and with the pbaoe resistance from pain, it seems to put some of the demons into the 50% resistance range, which is dwarf or brute level resistance. With a aoe heal, might not be too bad at higher levels.

    Add in another 10% defense from the pet IO sets, and another 5 from maneuvers....and they might be pretty darn survivable at higher levels. Use taunt/provoke for BG mode, and i might be pretty stout especially with the heal.

    I was just trying to avoid the reist/heal continual heal thing. That gets so boring, hurt heal, hurt heal...But i plan on rolling a DS/Pain once GR goes live. With blueside buff bots coming to the party......should be a fun little tank.