I'm liking Dom but......
Its all in how you perfer to play.
A Dominator is a decently high damaging, and is a somewhat survivable AT because of its Primary set being Control.
It also depends on the role you wish to play.My self personally.I perfer Tankers, Defenders, Controllers, and Corruptors because I perfer good to excellent survivability when I play.
Also, the understanding of a build really depends again to the role you want to play for the specific AT.
Id suggjet you try many ATs and combos until you fit into one or feel more comfortable with a AT and exsplore from there.
I can't find the right build i like. I tried Earth/Fire but i m just looking for some suggestions. I m really having a hard time finding the right arch type to play just wondering if i should play Dominator and if so whats a good build
I like three things in general.
Controllers. Defenders and Corruptors because they pretty much can screw up a bad guys day.
Blasters because they can make a bad guys day end quickly...
Tanks and Brutes because you can punch them in the face all day.
So dominators work for me because they combine two of my favorite things.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
the red side ats are a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of them, the imo just out class the blueside ones. the red side ones, solo MUCH better.
doms are damage dealers first, like blasters, but controllers second. It kinda looks like the opposite but that is how they play.
You use your controls, to build dom, whether a soft control disorient/stun/confuse, so you can get in an blap bassically. I control to build dom primarily thru my aoe immob/soft controls.
Once you get domination up, you are free of status effects, so you are a squishy blaster with status protection, but can also control. So you can become a blapper without the ability to get held/stun/immob etc.....
Doms blossom late, like in their late 30s, and once you really get one down, work on some global recharge in you build, it is basically pure damage using control/dom to protect you. Its kinda a game to keep dom up and control, so you can blap and damage.
With global recharge, they completely rock in their 40s. Completely. They can be challenging at lower levels.
If this sounds like something you would like, then look at your secondaries. That kinda determines where you play/blap, ranged or melee.
I can't find the right build i like. I tried Earth/Fire but i m just looking for some suggestions. I m really having a hard time finding the right arch type to play just wondering if i should play Dominator and if so whats a good build