395 -
Quote:Here's the link to the Technical Issues and Bugs section. It's listed under DevelopmentThis was the closest I could find to anything like that. Couldn't find any Tech Support section.
Sorry Shikraria, looks like you were caught out by a troll.
Sometimes they come into Atlas from the Skyway tram.
And of course, the fact that they said that CoX sucks is a dead give-away that they're not all that bright in the first place.
Consider it a learning experience. -
Yep. SS/SJ.
Anything else hasn't been updated for pvp yet.
Well, they did update teleport.
*snrk* -
Why didn't they want to give [Pistols] the full range of secondary effects available on the other powers?
I made my own story arc.
I really should get around to putting that on the AE at some point.
But yeah, it is a bit bothersome to have to choose your branch at 24.
I guess they had to do it that way because of the crab-legs or some other mechanical purpose? -
Ooh! Ooh!
Whirlwind used to allow abilities to be used without their animation time!
Much better graphically, thematically and fun-wise. -
I have a level 40 claws/sr brute and absolutely love him.
Once I get the endurance issues under control he'll be even better.
I'll echo the replies of those who say that it isn't really a burst damage set but...yeah; it definately doesn't have any problems from my perspective.
My attack chain is usually something like Follow Up, Strike, Slash, Focus, and a brawl or two until I've got some Fury built up and then I use Eviscerate on the last few ones alive.
As a scrapper you likely won't have to waste time building up fury and can unleash Eviscerate earlier on. -
Quote:To be fair though, all you need for an impenetrable disguise is a pair of thick-framed glasses and a cheap suit.Eurgh, looking a a lot of the descriptions floating around I'm kind of glad there aren't many 'epic' stories right now. There's a ridiculous amount of wanted heroes, criminals operating in Paragon City, 'undetectable' vigilantes that only change the colour of their costume, etc. Seems 'epic' equates with 'no consequences' to most people.
Did I reply to this already? I can't remember.
Ah well;
No, I haven't. Not to my recollection anyway.
I'd like to, but my character personalities and Australian time zone makes things a little difficult. -
I doubt there's any way for Makai to make-up for that horrible, horrible pun.
Quote:Oddly enough, I've been finding it even easier to justify my spending than before. Especially with the new expansion coming up.Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the henchie exploit didn't need to be fixed. It did.
I'm just mildly annoyed with NCsoft on the whole right now. They keep painting a shiny new coating over old content and expecting us to be distracted by the glisten.
For me at least, Issue 17 and Going Rogue will be the breaking point. If I don't feel a freshness in the game with them, I think I'm done. With CoH and possibly with NCsoft. They haven't been impressing me of late and I'm finding it harder to justify handing them money every month.
Well I hope you've enjoyed your time in the City of Heroes, Staccato. I'll admit the hardest thing for me would be finding something else that I enjoy just as much. -
Quote:He said what I wanted to say, but was unable to say due to mild sleep deprivation.You know the rule, "There's always one..."?
The MRP and ERP folks, by and large, are good people who aren't doing any harm and won't bother you.
Re: the rest of the server, again--largely good people doing good things. Second-highest-population server, full of nice people. -
What to expect...well, I've never been on any other server so I can't say a whole lot about how things will be different from your own server, but for the greatest majority of my time here people have been nothing but nice and pleasant.
Don't expect every single person you meet to be a roleplayer, but do expect a lot of people to actually have a character description in that little box.
By the same token, don't feel that you need to have a description for your own characters.
Most of the people I roleplay as at the moment don't have a description.
The people on the Virtue forums do not represent the entirety of the population of Virtue.
Note:I am Australian and don't spend hours in the Pocket D and thus, might miss out on the 'ERP primetime' if there is such a thing; but I've seen surprisingly little of it, considering how long I've been around.
I suspect it's blown out of proportion. Innuendo notwithstanding. -
Quote:Ah, but just imagine the outcry if Animated Tails® was released on its own.I think you and I have different definitions of "so much"
Generally, people always complain that this wasn't what they wanted, but in this case we have an added reason for people to complain - hate-mongering.
I can see the 'headlines' now.
Fans of the online roleplaying
game, 'City of Heroes®' were
stunned today as Paragon
Studios announced the newest
addition to their game: animated
tails. The reaction of subscribers
was an easy one to predict as
... -
I use the 'looking for' flags very rarely.
Most often I just stick with the comments section.
Although...does ANYONE still use the 'looking for patrols' option? It seems like a vestigal tongue. -
This is the sort of thing I like and wish to see more of.
A big issue with a lot of cool stuff, and then a small, totally awesome, QoL piece tossed in there as well.
If it was just added on its own, then people would complain about the waste of time, but since it's coming with a whole lot of other stuff, people don't mind so much.
Hurray! -
Quote:I wasn't going to comment, being happy enough to just read the amusing failure but this quote right here is incredible."You know, real pvpers don't run and superspeed away. You're terrible. All you did is attack me from range, use inspirations, Hibernate when your health was low and hit your aura for heals. You never fight toe to toe, ever."
It touches me in my happy place. -
Oh dear god!
I don't think I've ever physically recoiled in disgust at something that I've seen on the internet until just now.
Lycanus...oh gawd. Why?!
On topic:
Belts + tails at the same time? I'm liking it.
And I also hope to see at least one bushy tail added in. -
Quote:I don't know the memories you refer to, but I think I know exactly what you're talking about.Right, the guys who rolled RV on an Ice/Fire Blaster and an Emp were abusing broken powersets and game mechanics.
Give me a break.
When two people could roll the zone it was either because everyone on the other side was bad (this is a possibility but there are a lot more bad players now than there were then, yet it's easier to not be bad now, wtf is up with that), or because those two were just that good. Inspiration management, evasion, and team/player synergy are all but forgotten this day in age, yet those were the tools which allowed two good players to come out on top even when badly outnumbered.
Before I13, a good player using a "bad" build could roll mediocre players using good builds (anyone remember when Silent Method brought an AR/Fire to kickballs and got kills on it, or when Ajax won a dueling tourney on an Ice/Sonic Corruptor?), because skill actually meant something. These days PvP comes down to who has more numbers and who has what character, because the skill gap is so much reduced. Oddball lineups don't really work anymore, because skill doesn't make a big enough difference to account for the discrepancies in build.
Although I was often one of those huddling around the turrets just outside the Arachnos base in Siren's Call, hoping that this time this time, we'd be able to take down that blaster before he got away with another scalp...I miss those days.
Of course, a few weeks before I13 came around, I'd actually been in the habit of tossing down a couple of yellows and trying to chase the empath away.
I don't recall the last time I was in a pvp zone...
Oh yeah...
Warburg for a Biological Nuke and Bloody Bay for Shivan Shards.
I guess it's kinda nice not having to worry about stalkers in Warburg anymore.
Waaait wait wait.
Area of effect attacks have a higher chance of getting pvp IOs on kill?! -
It's a common complaint.
The problem is with the power animations themselves. They NEED to have the Widow claws for it to work.
Same as how you can't have a crossbow for trick arrows. -
I think I've got the right spot; though it seems your screen is set to a larger resolution than mine.
I'm only at 1024x768
CoV #1 -
I have to say I've never received any requests for powerleveling on any of my well IO'd characters.
I was complimented on my bonuses one time, but that was all. -
Quote:I believe the test server updater's having some troubles.I am having trouble downloading test to my PC it is windows xp 64 bit? i follow the instructions but it wont connect ... thoughts???? any one anyone ... bueller bueller ... sorry i couldnt help myself on that last part
Just leave it connecting overnight and it'll get through eventually. -
I've hopped on maybe half an hour ago and it's connected and downloading at 29.5kbps.
I'm looking at an estimated 15 and a half hours if it keeps up.
So yeah. It looks like my estimate of 15 and a half hours was unreasonably optimistic.
I figure it'll be a while yet.