395 -
Oh hey, I just figured something out.
A 'worthy player' is defined as someone who has completed Mender Ramiel's story arc. -
I'll add my vote for dark blast as well.
Sonic would be better, except that when teaming any enemies that are sleeping tend to get woken fairly quickly.
If you're only in a duo though, it could well be worth a shot. The -res effect is very nice support as well. -
Seriously, they do good damage and you don't need to use a power pick on them and they're quite cheap to get.
And including those, the answer is: a lot. Say...10'ish? Maybe an even dozen? -
Quote:If you're having problems finding teams in Virtue, I doubt switching to another server will alleviate the problem.I am just not getting invites like I use to when I played a few years back, I am hardly getting any at all and I am level 34 ill/rad controller I do not mind making teams but believe me I have tried what is going on? Virtue is almost always in the red.
It sounds to me like you're getting a bit burnt out on the game. I'd recommend taking a little break, but judging from your post, you've actually been away for quite a while as it is.
Maybe give it a little more time before throwing in the towel.
And if you haven't already, see if you can get into the global channels; Virtue LFG Alpha, Virtue TFs, Virtue TFs 2010 and VirtueUnited. They won't guarantee you teams, but they'll certainly increase the chances
I don't know what else I can add apart from good luck. -
@Fenrisulfr presents:
A Short Monologue
A dormant RPer
Kal Mithrazon: /e walllean -
Only thing I can think of is that you're not in the right level range.
Reactive Armor's 15-40 only.
If that's not the problem, then I'd definately report it. -
This may be a little late, and already stated, but with fire blast - would it be possible for the rest of the attacks to be able to come from the mouth like fire breath?
Oh! And it may have been said again, but can we get an option for the powers from sonic attack to actually come from the mouth area, rather than the forehead? -
It happens to me on my mastermind sometimes after zoning.
Change zones, enter a mission or a base then go back out.
It should fix the pets. -
Realistically? Too big. Although physically possible, of course.
In the super-hero genre? Appropriately sized.
They could make the range greater on the lower end though. I'm sure a few people would use it. -
My understanding is simply having the enhancement slotted grants you the power.
I've got it in Soul Extraction on one of my masterminds, seems to be always on regardless of whether I've used the power recently or not.
You'll note the description for the proc doesn't have a duration listed like some other procs. -
Quote:Not knowing the exact thought processes behind the contest rules and schedule, all I can assume is that when they say the contest is at a certain time, it's so that people know when to turn up, and when they have the 20 minute gathering period, it's so that people can get into order and for any latecomers to make their way in.Nowhere did it say players could arrive up until the time judging started at 8:20. It DID, however, say that contestants were to show up (gather) at 8:00.
8:00 - Gathering
8:20 - Judging Begins
Having run contests before, I can tell you that it's much preferable to have everyone there several minutes before judging starts, to make sure everyone is given correct instructions as to where to stand and what is and isn't allowed (powers/pets/etc) while in line. That is no doubt why the posted schedule was put into place, NOT to allow people to run up and hop in line at 8:19 and say they were there on time.
Still, there is further room for clarification there.
They don't even specify which EST they're referring to. -
Quote:It seems like whenever someone comes up with an idea they like, if not them then someone who agrees with them will go, "Yeah! It could be a super booster!"
No, moron! Why are people so damn eager to get rid of their money?- Because they're worried the idea probably won't get made unless it's in a booster?
- Because if it's in a booster then they can enjoy a sense of superiority by having it while the poor people don't?
- Because they prefer the illusion of choice?
- Because they think Paragon Studios doesn't have enough booster ideas already?
- Because they believe that if that one idea they really like gets in a super booster then that booster will probably have more stuff like it?
Quote:Actually, having competed in last years competition and this one, I can see that there have been changes in the rules based on feedback, specifically clarifications on power usage.It was a concept contest? lolwhere? Definitely wasn't listed that way on Protector, not that I managed to get on it, because they didn't bother bumping their own thread or making an easy to read and easier to copy/paste time schedule for time zones.
Apparently the PERC really needs to step up and listen to the folks who are complaining about essentially the same things year after year. *sigh* it's a shame that things didn't go well here either, you'd think that on the RP server there would have been more interest...
Also, there was interest. When I was there, I saw approximately 40-50 people, not including the judges.
People complaining about latecomers being accepted mustn't have read the entire OP. Arkyaeon specifically says that judging doesn't start until 20 minutes past the hour. (Take a look at the Judging Times section.)
I know I didn't notice anyone getting in the line after 8:20.
Oh, one last thing.Quote:• We will be looking at biographies in the finals. -
Control powers, solid damage, good defences, stealth if you just want to go past all the trash mobs to complete a mission quickly...
Crashless nuke, decent psi resists for those annoying psychic elite bosses, protection from enemy control powers, and also confuse for fun and enemies like Rikti Guardians. (if having half a dozen Accelerate Metabolisms on you is the sort of thing that you like) -
It'd be nice to have alternate choices for some of the power pool animations.
For example flurry could be given the old animation for thunder kick as an alternate.
And kick could be given alternate animations such as the current thunder kick and storm kick for those people who want martial arts with their dual pistols.
And boxing could be given some of the alternate animations for the super strength punches.
Also, Is it possiblefor the current Kick animation to not cause redraw? It doesn't seem any of the weapons would get in the way. -
Let's see...
Delusional Megalomaniac? Check.
Lone Wolf? Check
Emotionless fortunata? Check.
Zombie scientist? Check. (Scientist who works with zombies, not a zombie who is/was a scientist. Awesome concept though. Doctor Decay?)
Shy, bookish librarian? Check.
Faceless soldier? Check. -
I think when a roleplayer has a choice between either pvp'ing or roleplaying, they'll usually choose roleplaying.
The same applies to the choice between rpvping or roleplaying.
And I'll have to agree with Malech here regarding the rpvp community. I don't recall there ever being such a thing. I know there were a couple of rp themed open zone pvp events, and pvp events that weren't aimed directly at regular pvp'ers, but an rpvp community? Doesn't sound familiar. -
Personally, I figure it's always been a case of concept over functionality.
I recall back in ye olden days when an ice/cold corruptor was actually fairly decent in pvp, I actually had jump kick instead of combat jumping.
Edit: Also, my fortunata has flight and does not have hasten due to it not suiting the character. (Darn flaming hands.) This makes her slow in chasing when it comes to pvp. To be clear, the slowness in chasing is due to flight, not the hasten. The hasten just prevents her from getting perma-mindlink to counteract the reduced defense that she receives for entering the pvp zone.
Also, I'd like to blame the changes back in I13 for making things unneccessarily complicated and putting the boot not just to rpvp but regular pvp as well. -
I've got much of what you have, except for a Radeon x550.
I'm enjoying the game, but I would like to get around to upgrading my video card. -
Quote:They could double the cost and I'd still empty my bank account.Also, just thought I'd throw out the fact that if the CoH store had the option of letting us purchase a random costume code for $2 I wouldn't have any money left in my bank account.
And those other guys'.
Speaking of booster purchases, where did they get the idea that sporting emotes belong in a party-themed pack?
And speaking of the Party Pack; ]Memetic agent deployed[ where's the cake?
Or the emote to blow the candles out? -
Has anyone mentioned the hostage rescue missions on Oranbega, with that one piece of the map where one hostage and their guards are hiding in an optically camoflagued cul-de-sac?
Yeah, that one's a bother. -
The singularity has strong psionic resistance?
How did I not know this until now?
Psionics are my most hated enemy power! -
One of my heroes lied on her application and said that her powers were magical, rather than mutation-based.
She'd rather people thought of her as a magician rather than a mutant.
Regarding your character with the perception, I'd say I was tech-based so that I could make a big show with some special glasses/goggles and take them off when I wanted to pretend I was talking 'honestly' with someone. -
I've had some issues with latency over the past week, I just assumed it was my ISP being a bother.
*shrugs* -
Aiyah! I'm so dissapointed to have missed this one. Just came in after work to see this message.
-Fortunate Prelude-