A Short Story (not serious)
Tell us something we don't accept
You just described a fraction of character stereotypes in all fiction! I get it! Hahahah!

@Fenrisulfr presents:
A Short Monologue
A dormant RPer
Kal Mithrazon: /e walllean
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
At first I was all like Yeah! and then I was all like meh.
This is why I don't go to Pocket D.
I wonder how people survive in RL... It's not like there are stereotypes in RL. No sir! |
Sure, over zealous hammy characters are annoying but you know who is the most popular character in the new batman cartoon? The large ham Aquaman. OUTRAGEOUS.
Sure, stupidly moody introspective characters are annoying, but who had the greatest super hero movie of all time made? Batman.
So the OP pretty much said both extremes of super hammy and super moody characters are out.
Same with "lets go RP in the base and not play the game", I mean if thats fun that's fun. He even had the SG members agree with the leader so I don't see who that's annoying?
You know who I find annoying. Farmers.

Sure, over zealous hammy characters are annoying but you know who is the most popular character in the new batman cartoon? The large ham Aquaman. OUTRAGEOUS.
Sure, stupidly moody introspective characters are annoying, but who had the greatest super hero movie of all time made? Batman.
So the OP pretty much said both extremes of super hammy and super moody characters are out.
Same with "lets go RP in the base and not play the game", I mean if thats fun that's fun. He even had the SG members agree with the leader so I don't see who that's annoying?
You know who I find annoying. Farmers.
But my post was more or less directed at people who keep wailing on Pocket D cause it's "uncreative" and "unoriginal" and "stereotypical" and lots of other things. What else would you expect? It's not like it's some sort of academic convention of professional writers...
Now let's go farm some of them Rikti Monkies! Yee haw!

Oh, and OP, you forgot to mention the random chick (It's invariably a chick) with the staunch tirade about the evils of ERP in her bio, who invariably assumes any male who talks to her is, in fact, after ERP.
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

... *Feels vaguely dirty, and wanders off to cleanse himself with lye*
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
@Insane V Presents...
A Short Story on Virtue
As told from the point of view of a dormant RPer
Fightmonger Zallitharsus: We must gathereth our forces and fight for the right to become Incarnates! Forsooth! Watch as I draw my War Mace and activate my Shield powers! Gaze upon my Valkyrie kilt and ring strap chest option! For some reason my eyes are on fire! What ho!
Punky McLonerguy: I'm so brooding and all of my plots involve deep introspection, which is similar to brooding but worth repeating. Also I use the Hipster hair style, Young Face 5, the Motorcycle Leathers jacket/sleeves and the Spiked Collar detail. I mean, I wouldn't be brooding and introspective without those key items.
Catgirl: SEX
SG Leader Clay: Let's go RP in our base for 5 hours and not play the game!
Clay's SG Buddies: HEAR HEAR!
General P. Military: I'm a Mercenary MM with Mall-Ninja-level knowledge of guns and I always wear a suit. Watch as I sit in Pocket D and use /atease to look like I'm paramilitary. Please say hello to my associate, John Q. Agent.
John Q. Agent: I'm that guy who always follows the General and says cryptic things and never answers "yes" or "no" and always responds with words like "perhaps" and "possibly". I also talk about conspiracies, espionage and subterfuge even though I only know what the first one is. My other costumes all have gas masks.
Level 6 demon character: I AM ZORTHOTH! BOW TO ME, THE TIEM HAS COME!
@Insane V: ... @#$% this, I'm going to farm Council.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."