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Pocket D
In the Lore for Pocket D, DJ Zero is a rather powerful mutant that can create tunnels and bends in space time. He uses his power to maintain pocket D and has gone to great lengths to keep it a neutral ground. Now here in lies the rub that irritates me so..
- Fights in the D...
I believe powers are suppressed and will not cooperate with someone who wishes to start a fight with me in the Pocket D, although I won't complain about people text fighting with each other in the D, so long as I'm not involved and it's not too obtrusive.
- "I don't take level into account"
Again, I simply won't cooperate with this person if they wish to start a problem. Although financial power and connections might not be covered by the level system. I'd most likely take it on a case by case situation. It hasn't come up all that often.
- "I have powers that don't exist in the game"
It'd have to be case by case. I haven't seen this much myself and if I did, it'd depend heavily on the person behind the other keyboard.
It's possible that they could roleplay it quite well.
And of course if they're the type to have overpowered, non-existent powers then they're probably also the type to not be able to roleplay it well.
- "I'm immune to all Psychics" and "I can see through stealth"
This one I can sort of understand. Some psychic people out there might want to take over your character and completely mind-frog them. Putting in a blanket immunity to psychics is an effective, though extreme method of countering this and, if they can pull it off well, is fairly acceptable unless they wish to extend this into the arena.
Seeing through stealth?
It'd have to be case by case. If the other character has a super-strong sense of smell and my character's stealth wouldn't normally hide their scent then, sure, they can track my location just fine.
On the other hand, if they've a good sense of smell but my character's stealth is simply being super-uninteresting or some sort of 'fades-into-the-background' psychic ability that the other character isn't immune to well...they could smell them but so what? There's a lot of people here and they all have their own scent. And this scent isn't really all that fascinating. I mean, there's a guy over there who smells like cinnamon.
- Fights in the D...
Hopefully I'll be able to make it.
The place looks quite nice. -
And here I was expecting William Wallace to be where Statesman is.
- Well there was the French Brute.
A villain with a vendetta for the low-level defender Minionette, who somehow managed to defeat him on her own. He'll eventually be in a short AE arc. He's mostly based around a few battlecries and simple theme:
"I'll tear you apart like a baguette!"
"Time for some filet Minionette!"
"I'll kill you! I'll slaughter you! I'll commit (French word that sounds like murder) all over you!"
Yeah, his understanding of the French language and culture are seriously lacking. You can damn well bet he'll be wearing a stripy shirt and a beret.
- And then there's Jonathan Grahilah aka, the Mana Thief.
An Energy/kinetic corruptor who's even got a bit of a history behind him and a minor reputation as a teen idol. With website.
I love the costume but I've already got one corruptor which I'm working on and he hasn't really developed have much of a personality in all the times he's been brought back so...he's been locked up in the Zig for over a year now!
- And the good Lady Reprimand.
A stern and unyielding archivist who decided to use an uncatalogued pair of medieval, magical skyglasses to take to the air and fight crime.
- Well there was the French Brute.
Action RP.
Light RP.
And, I don't know. Immersive'ish?
What I actually tend to do is act like the character. So even when I have to ask about OOC things like Incarnate Trial mechanics, it's as though that character is the one talking about it. -
Well I can't really say I'm hating the "I'm back" threads as I've only recently come back myself, so am yet to experience many of these "I'm back" threads.
Hello. -
Not to worry Dinah, I was already kinda coming back anyways.
Resubbed for two months and found out just over an hour ago that CoX is switching to free-to-play.
I'll still be around, switching from character to character and indulging my altitus. -
CoX is going free-to-play?
Wow. Wowzer.
Erm, what can I say?
I'm surprised. I seriously wasn't expecting this. -
Ooooh, I get it now.
Does it say anything bad about you or me that I didn't realise you weren't serious until I read Tramontane's response and took another look? -
My necro/pain is a blast to play.
The abilities are best when in the middle with your zombies, so I've taken Air Superiority and KO Blow so I can be in there where my help is needed. I also have a hold so that I can take any problematic enemies out of the fight quickly.
I have a lot of fun solo. -
Quote:This makes sense.Not naw, but HELL naw. Dude, you basically just said "Uh, wait until you're just about to cyborz before you say 'I hay, I got a pen0r, kekeke! Still wanna go through w/it?' and that is foul.
See, UNLIKE IRL, we can't see the undeniable features that many intersexed people have. Adam's apples, shoulder and hip structure and things of that nature that tend to give it away.
You can play "The Crying Game" if you want, but I don't think there's any harm in using the tag. The tag's a courtesy. Stop worrying about what sounds politically correct and what doesn't. You should be more concerned with how it's gonna affect the quality of whatever relationships you develop both ICly and OOCly. Might as well be upfront 'bout it all. Sure, you'll get a leg humper or eight, but there ain't no damn futa-burnin' party out there lookin' to tie you to the front a buick and crash it into burnin' buildin'. Sure, there are some lold*ckgirl" type folks out there, they're everywhere. That's why we have the ignore button. Funny how so many folks forget 'bout that thing.
You're really making this more complicated than it has to be.
And, unless there's something else you'd prefer, I'd go with the Intersexed tag. It's shorter and less specific than hermaphrodite and doesn't have the ERP connotations of Futa. -
The upper balconies on either side look like CoH, but the raised ramp into the portal looks a lot more like Stargate.
If the lower portion of the portal was in a low pit, and entry was flat, then it'd be more like CoH.
I'd like to see some time portals that aren't always circular.
Like a semicircle or a square or something.
I know they're the best shape for surface area : perimeter but come on, a little variety please! -
If you never have an issue with hitting the enemies, there's nothing you want to recharge faster and you never have any problems with endurance, then you might as well go musculature.
Or just hold onto your shards and see what else comes along with Incarnates. -
Well let's see...
Fortunata Prelude would be lost in the middle of a brightly radiant aura of power with only the barest, fleeting glimpse of a young girl in a too-large fortunata uniform that hangs loosely about, hiding her in the folds of cloth.
The Necrobiologist would be a dirty, empty lab-coat. Or as something actually creatable in the costume designer, with his usual scientist's garb, rubber gloves, boots and protective filtration mask. Only difference is that behind the eyepieces of the mask are empty eyesockets.
Fenrisulfr would be a twisted, obese version of his usual self, almost like a fuzzy Jabba the Hutt with a wolf's muzzle.
The Follow Up appears as a faint version of his physical self, except his robotic hands, forearms and legs are golden, and a glowing tracery of his nervous system overlays his entire body.
The Crystal Witch would be tiny, and weighed down with unseen burdens. Her magic brightens the air about her with little sparkling lights. -
I recently rediscovered the joys of Knockback Increase.
+60% knockback/up for an hour for a single piece of salvage?
Beautiful. -
Sources of Inspiration
- Most of the time I have a very basic concept and then proceed to get struck by a random bolt of inspiration that takes them away from what I expected to develop.
For example, my dark/willpower brute was originally going to be a generic 'corporate henchman' style of villain; but they ended up becoming an office manager for Arachnos who, on their days off acts as a villain to indulge their taste for sadomasochism. - In other cases an aspect of the costume gives me inspiration.
My claws/sr brute has robotic lower arms and his original costume included some golden yellow and a flight mask.
I decided he was a former Goldbricker who'd lost his arms in an accident during a burglary and had the replacements paid for by King Midas. - Sometimes I'm inspired by something I'm reading.
For example I wanted to make another mastermind a while ago and had been reading The Zombie Hunters. I ended up making a necro/pain mastermind called the Necrobiologist. Of course I'm only using the name of the type of scientist so he's not a rip-off. - Sometimes a name that you've had for a while simply 'clicks' with a power combination that you'd been wanting to make.
Like my assault rifle/radiation corruptor I've recently made. He's a mutant gangster called Slim Green. (Name from this webcomic)
If you're looking to make a character that you connect with, keep the concept loose and not too definite. That way there's more room for the character to develop in a way you connect with.
To be honest though, I toss lots of characters on the scrap heap because I just don't develop any attachment and have a few other concepts that, like zombies, I just keep on resurrecting and then deleting after a while. - Most of the time I have a very basic concept and then proceed to get struck by a random bolt of inspiration that takes them away from what I expected to develop.
I...think? you missed the return of the 5th Column to the Rogue Isles and Paragon City. There are a couple of new taskforces concerning this.
The first tier of Incarnates, (the Alpha slot) were released. With any level 50 character, speak to Mender Ramiel for the story arc.
Couple of new high end task forces and some new challenges in strategic thinking. Check out the wiki at CoHtitan when it's up for more. I'm sure I've missed a bit.
Oh! And some powers have customisable animations now! -
Of course, there's only one thing for the Crazy 88s to do now.
Have a huge celebration party in their huge, lavish base with everyone in black tie/formal dress, drinking tea. (We are in the celebration season after all.)
And don't forget the hired waiting staff. -
I myself can't help but find myself thinking of enemies that already come with special AI tricks. Like how Family hitmen try to stay at range at all times and how certain units prefer to be flying when they attack.
Perhaps a ranged group where the npcs have something to keep them away from other npcs so that they cannot group together? Might also make knockback powers more desirable as well.
Or heck, how about melee enemies with repel?
Confuse would never have been so much fun. -
Interestingly enough, they didn't appear for me the first time I was in that mission, but did when I ran through it on another.
They look a little like Lusca tentacles to me. -
Quote:Depending on the archtype, some people use a ranged attack on the clone while continuing to attack Trapdoor with their melee, others send off a couple of their pets to attack the clone while continuing to fight Trapdoor, and others lure him into the lava and keep him in there with knockback/down or immobilise powers.Not sure where else to ask this. Is the second door mission of the Alpha Slot arc even soloable? If so, how? I can beat down on Trapdoor no problem. Then he does his "create a clone" thing, and starts regenerating. Once he has 3 out, I can't dent his health any more, even with him in lava. But if I go after the clones, he heals to full anyway. Any advice for a soloist?
Or they get some help. Teammate/s, Shivan Decimator, Vanguard HVAS, Snowbeast, Zombie, PPD/Arachnos Reinforcement, etc. -
Well the best thing with the mercenaries is that they tend to cluster at range, usually well within the area heal for twilight grasp.
Also the tar patch keeps the enemies at range for longer, which is where the mercenaries shine.
Not to mention ample opportunity to get an achille's heel proc to stack with tar patch, should you choose to slot it in the soldiers.
And of course you've got plenty of control with the spec ops and dark miasma's control powers.
I had a merc/dark a while back which was very enjoyable. -
Kinda pitying honestly.
It's not excessively hard to level in this game.