Character Concepts you always thought of and never used. (Or alts you've deleted or shelved)
I have a character, Gleaming Bolt, that I've reincarnated a million times. I love the concept, but damn no one wants to team with an NRG blaster lol Currently, he's shelved, but would definitely come out of his semi-retirement if the opportunity arose.
Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.
The Inventor - I have tried to make him several times only to delete him. He is a hero or Rogue that is a mechanical genius and builds all the tools he uses to fight injustice. Little bit of a Forge homage.
Paragonian Knights
Justice Company
I am a better writer, than I am a player, and as such I could fill this thread with great ideas that I could never implement into the game. For me, I always seem to play a Tanker/Brute in every game I play.
The one character I will share with you that has been (and still is) a tremendous struggle to play is my character Hypermind.
Hypermind is the daughter of my main character, Dinah Might. I thought, what would be a great contrast to my current character, would be that Hypermind was a more "mental" character, then physical. This would create a conflict in their relationship that would be great to work with.
However, as I normally play "superman" type characters, I like to rush in and "bash and smash". Holds, slows, and other support type powers are not for me.
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Well, as the thread says: Have you ever had a character concept you've never gotten to use, or had to shelve due to inactivity?
Baron Von Victoria: Magician who uses illusions and magnets to defy gravity and astound his foes. Deleted. Ill/Grav Controller.
Rage of Calypso: Petty thief who gained (some) control over storms. Storm/Ice Defender. (Shelved)
Teen Hawk: Want-to-be Captain America fanboy, who was beaten by thugs after preventing a womans molestation. Body was discovered by wandering Crey and was spliced with Hawk DNA. Archery/Trick Blaster. (Shelved.)
Speeding Wasp: Russian infiltrator who discovered a suit that could be used to run at super-sonic speeds. Claws/SR Scrapper. (Deleted)