Character concepts?
The costume creator is my biggest timesink, as well as my biggest source of inspiration. I create things in it that, for me, pushes the envelope as far as combination of parts is concerned. I also listen to music when I craft outfits. Interestingly enough:
Metal yields demon/magic/villainous
Electronic yields mutant/robotic/cyborg
Orchestra yields demon/heroic/mysterious
Hip-hop yields occult (blame Tech N9ne)
Maybe that'll help. I find that after listening to the music, crafting an outfit, I sit down and ponder a name. When the name hits, I immediately feel how the character came to be. Mutations, deals with the proverbial devil, a life of crime, a freak accident, determination.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

Sources of Inspiration
- Most of the time I have a very basic concept and then proceed to get struck by a random bolt of inspiration that takes them away from what I expected to develop.
For example, my dark/willpower brute was originally going to be a generic 'corporate henchman' style of villain; but they ended up becoming an office manager for Arachnos who, on their days off acts as a villain to indulge their taste for sadomasochism. - In other cases an aspect of the costume gives me inspiration.
My claws/sr brute has robotic lower arms and his original costume included some golden yellow and a flight mask.
I decided he was a former Goldbricker who'd lost his arms in an accident during a burglary and had the replacements paid for by King Midas. - Sometimes I'm inspired by something I'm reading.
For example I wanted to make another mastermind a while ago and had been reading The Zombie Hunters. I ended up making a necro/pain mastermind called the Necrobiologist. Of course I'm only using the name of the type of scientist so he's not a rip-off. - Sometimes a name that you've had for a while simply 'clicks' with a power combination that you'd been wanting to make.
Like my assault rifle/radiation corruptor I've recently made. He's a mutant gangster called Slim Green. (Name from this webcomic)
If you're looking to make a character that you connect with, keep the concept loose and not too definite. That way there's more room for the character to develop in a way you connect with.
To be honest though, I toss lots of characters on the scrap heap because I just don't develop any attachment and have a few other concepts that, like zombies, I just keep on resurrecting and then deleting after a while.
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Uh... It really depends.
I never begin with a costume and then create the character. I always make a character, and then come up with a costume - perhaps that is why all my characters are plainclothes. The ideas can be rather random: I made an Indiana Jones expy (female, admittedly, and a mage) because I felt like playing a Badass Longcoat, and I made a time traveler from the future as a way to mock all-knowing enigmatic time traveler concepts, as well as an homage to PBF Archive. My main is, i freely admit, something of an Author Avatar, although thankfully not abused.
Oftentimes I begin with a concept I want to explore, or, more frequently, subvert. My main character is a direct subversion of suprheroes as a whole, I have a subversion on tragic destined-to-die heroes, a subversion on time travelers, and a subversion on psionicists.
I doubt that helps, but this is my lot.
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Taking Care of the Multiverse
I myself aim for what is largely flexible and work with an idea which stems from inspiration from other materials. Often times mysticism works for me because you can have just about anything mesh well, from robots to mutants; and then work with a concept.
I have the same problem.
It's not that concepts are hard to come up with. It's getting a concept I want to stick with.
In fact, outside of my main (who's been rerolled into many different powers sets, as I try to find a combo I enjoy), every concept I come up with, I just don't care to keep RPing.
Had a few close ones, but something happens which kills me wanting to do anything with it. A player leaves, to many times OOC knowledge is used.
My suggestion, just keep trying
What might work for you, is what worked for my main...start with a case of amnesia, and build it up from there and don't be afraid of little retcons.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I start with a loose concept, then try to find an AT & powersets I can stand to play, and finally buckle down to create the costume. I can lose days in the costumer, srsly, so for starters I just try to get a rough look. I can refine it later, but what's important is to have something to build on. More often than not, it'll come full-circle and the costume will influence the final character concept as I find combinations of pieces and colors that click with me.
I take the same approach to their story as the costume. I don't try to create the new character's entire story at once. I start with an infocard-sized summary and let them tell me more as I play them, and I always keep an open mind about letting others in if they have a great idea for some shared background. I'm still learning about characters I created years ago.
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I pretty much just slap my schnitzel & taters on my keyboard and character concepts come out. Yeah - I'm that good.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I pretty much just slap my schnitzel & taters on my keyboard and character concepts come out. Yeah - I'm that good.
Back on topic: Bad puns, even if the pun doesn't make it into the name. Conversations with other people that get out of hand. Accidentally mashing together paraphilias. Figuring out the absolute worst kind of person to give a specific sort of superpower to and then giving it to them. Finding some sort of psuedoscientific concept and using that as a basis for the person's powers. Mining pantheons that aren't Greek, Roman or Norse.
Character Concepts that never run out of style:
Classic Mary Sues
Robot Ninja Pirates
Pirate Ninja Robots
Pirate Robot Ninjas
Any combination of the above
A bear
A catgirl
A Lion, with no cars in sight
A demon
A Pervert
An Anon
... jesus christ, theres so many character concepts. HOW CAN YOU NOT STICK WITH ONE?!
I was wondering where you guys get your character concepts/inspiration from? What gets your creative minds working, and all that jazz? I mean, I love COH, and I really love the vibe here on Virtue, but I just feel like I'm the odd one out because I can't come up with a good, solid character to RP.
So, any of you guys willing to share your muses/inspirations/mystical treatments for coming up with characters? =P. |
Sometimes I simply have a powerset or powerset combo I want to try out, look at what the powers do and derive a concept from that. I wanted to roll a Fire/Earth Dom to see how the combo of Hot Feet and Mudpots would work out for me. The combo seemed to call for a volcanic concept, and the result was a mutant who'd actually been worshipped as a volcano goddess on her Pacific island home, rolling some inspiration from the X-Man Storm into this one.
And very rarely I just stumble on a name I want to use and the rest follows. Witchslap kinda came that way. The concept kind of fell around the name, but of course it didn't necessarily call for a very tight one.
I can't really claim there's a definite easy method to arrive at a concept. Knowing a lot of trivia and having a multitide of interests helps, but it all still needs to fall into place and you need to like the end result. The only thing I can say for sure is what's not a good way to come up with a solid concept: Trying to be too original. Truly original ideas are one in a million. Do something, anything, well and the fun will follow. End up all over the place and you may end up with a mess.
Winston Churchill
For my first character (which is the one I am most attached to and love to RP) I got in mind my favorite superhero, which in my case is Superman. I thought about the things that I liked about his character. He is undeniably good, well liked and respected by his peers, and just plain iconic. Then I built my own hero around those concepts. You might think I ended up with a Superman clone, but it actually wound up in a fairly different place. Think hard and spend a lot of time on your bio. I find I am much more attached to characters when I write bios for them before playing the first mission. I loved the character so much that when GR came out, I made his Praetorian counterpart and now can't decide which I like best. Autobiographical characters can work well too. Just think about yourself and the characteristics that would come out if you were behind the mask. I rarely use the costume creator for inspiration, and when I do, the character usually feels pretty thin. The costume should be a reflection of the hero, not the other way around.
I'm not sure where my concepts come from. It feels like I have a little switch in my mind that I can turn on and -- once it's given me twenty or thirty ideas -- I just flick it off and choose from those.
I posted a thread some time ago where I gave sixty people new character concepts, just based upon their name and astrological sign. When I'm in 'on' mode I could do that all day.
I do keep an active catalog of things that currently interest me (at the moment it's woodblock prints, artwork inspired by the Black Plague and Alexander McQueen's shoe designs), so I suppose I unconsciously draw from that shifting pool.
>implying the way a bunch of rocks float around in space has any bear on how people think, act, and/or perform


I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City
I'm not sure where my concepts come from. It feels like I have a little switch in my mind that I can turn on and -- once it's given me twenty or thirty ideas -- I just flick it off and choose from those.
I posted a thread some time ago where I gave sixty people new character concepts, just based upon their name and astrological sign. When I'm in 'on' mode I could do that all day. I do keep an active catalog of things that currently interest me (at the moment it's woodblock prints, artwork inspired by the Black Plague and Alexander McQueen's shoe designs), so I suppose I unconsciously draw from that shifting pool. |

Right off the bat, I'd just like to say that this is more of a curiosity question than anything else, and if it's been asked before (which it likely has), I'm just going to apologize right now. =P.
But yeah.
So I'm no stranger to RP'ing - I've been doing it for a few years now via several forum-based RPG's and whatnot. But for whatever reason... I just can't seem to come up with a character concept that I really want to stick with in-game. I have ideas, and I think they'll be good, but I can just... I can't ever really connect with the characters I try to make.
So I'm coming to you guys.
I was wondering where you guys get your character concepts/inspiration from? What gets your creative minds working, and all that jazz? I mean, I love COH, and I really love the vibe here on Virtue, but I just feel like I'm the odd one out because I can't come up with a good, solid character to RP.
So, any of you guys willing to share your muses/inspirations/mystical treatments for coming up with characters? =P.