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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    You ever tried the Cavern of Transcendance TF?
    I think there's a reason it only gets played by those who are after the badge...I wonder what it could be...?

    Ah yes, Reichsman's lolAmbush attack waves...Horrible, horrible, horrible. I know, let's make this even more fun by simply SWAMPING them with wave after endless wave of attackers! Oh, and we're going to do it instantly, so they dont even have time to read the temp powers designed to sort of help with that stage!
    Seriously, at least have a pop-up saying what the temps do, so you dont need to scrabble blindly in your tray for them. And maybe a delay on Reichs spawning?
    No, I know the waves aren't endless...we found that out the hard way on our SG run when it first came out. We killed ALL of them. By hand. Slowly. And then we couldnt kill him, because back then the MM power that shut off his horrible Godmode was broken. And I was the MM...
    I didn't say 8 glowies. I said THREE. And that each one has a minute timer, during which the players are attacked. The strategy would be allocating forces to defend the players who click the glowies. And you only have to worry about more ambushes if a "glowie-getter" gets hit. This would be the CoT done RIGHT. Instead of just splitting up the team for a few minutes for no reason, you have players defending their near-helpless comrades while they finish their task. Think about in other games or media where one person is working on a lock or a computer and has their allies covering for them. That's what I was trying to get across!

    Heck, you could probably do it with only three players if each player has a few Temp pets and/or are controllers with pets. And hey, Masterminds would be perfect, too.

    lolAoE attacks are not fun either. That just sounds nasty. There is a large difference between 'Challenging' and 'Making Bosses Cheat'.
    So, do players cheat by having AoEs then? I mean seriously, this is a combat game, and you never ever ever expect to get hit? I didn't say the AoE would be instant death, i just said it should have longer reach than a 10 foot cone like a lot of AVs seem to have. That means the only strategy you need to employ is "Stand behind AV and mash buttons". If other characters are at risk of getting hurt, it spices things up. I mean heck, i didn't even mention end drain or a stun like Sciroco's AoE, which -otherwise- was pretty much what i want more AVs to have. Standing behind an AV with no risk of getting hurt is no where NEAR a challenge.

    Also, without more intelligent AI (and all AI being handicaped by agro/taunt rules), the computer has to cheat to be more challenging. I mean, Castle one made an off-hand remark that Ghost Widow can be stopped from using most of her powers by attacking her a certain way. And it's only a matter of time before the rest of the playerbase finds out just what's needed to do so, and then she'll no longer be a challenge, either.
  2. Yeah, one or two of those challenges might be nice, but handicapping the players in each mission and essentially turning the whole thing into a "Master" challenge (except less forgivable) isn't a good idea.

    Heck, even forcing the team to split up and then having to deal with constant threats within the same instance might be nice. I imagine maybe 3 glowies that have to be clicked at once, and they each have a 1 minute timer. While the timer is counting down, you get ambushed and the other player(s) have to defend their allies who're working on the glowies. Mind you, if you get "hit", then everyone has to start over again, and that would trigger another wave of ambushes to be defended against. Such a TF would then require at least 6 players (or 3-5 if one has a LOT of defense to avoid attacks!)

    Also, instead of not allowing people to rez, have more TFs use a "prison" map. It's already a feature within the game, it should be used more.

    Maybe more huge mobs. In the 5th column TFs, there are quite a few times where you come up against far more enemies than a single player can agro. These require a bit more strategy to get through unscathed.

    As for Avs, instead of just making them hugely resistant bags of HP, allow them to have (one or two) auto hit attacks that ignore who they're agro'd to. Maybe not enough damage to kill a player in one shot, but enough of a distraction to make the team scramble to keep itself alive. Give them 100 foot full circle AoEs so no one is completely safe.

    And you want a mega challenge? The tech already exists for AI to somewhat duplicate player powers (MA)... -iF- this could be done on the fly, along with copying the player's image, perhaps have the team fight themselves! Or rather, AI-controlled versions of themselves, anyway (threw that last part in to avoid any confusion with forced PvP).

  3. Will this be available for download later? I'm stuck with family and won't be able to listen ;_;
  4. EmperorSteele

    Taskforce 12/22

    Isn't that the same thing you did yesterday? =(
  5. ..I want to poke my brain out with a flaming spork now.

  6. EmperorSteele

    + recharge proc

    Very good, actually. You have a chance to proc PER TARGET HIT. If you have the max number of targets for your AoE, then you have a decent probability of getting the proc to go off.

    I'm not 100% sure if fissure hits the target once and then just continues applying knockdown, or if it makes a seprate roll for each critter within range every time it pulses... but if the later is the case, then the proc would be very good in this power.

    Psi nado is a little different: the chance to proc can only occur when the tornado hits, and not with each tick of damage (because the Knock-up only happens upon the initial hit). So it's still good, but not as good as it might be in fissure.
  7. Oy oy, welcome wayward disiple of the arts!

    ...Nah, nix that. MASTER of the arts =)
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    12/18 Master of Khan will be at 5 pm pacific

    12/18 Master of states will be at 8 pm pacific

    sign up on website in signature
    thank you
    So that's what, 8 eastern or 9 for Khan?
  9. oooh, now THAT sounds like a treat! Good show of solidarity, Shecky!
  10. uuhh, your calander is a day off on all those o_O
  11. EmperorSteele

    Let us solo TFs

    Bubba, the flaw in your argument is basically "If there's no simu-glowies in team content, it shouldn't be considered team content". What do you want the devs to do, add an arbitrary 8-click glowie puzzle at the end of the STF/LRSF?

    You want something that's IMPOSSIBLE for YOU alone before being forced to team. But the game isn't balanced around YOU. Imagine if the TFs didn't have player limits: Jonny Newbian comes along and sees Statesman, and talks to him. How far do you think he'll get before rampaging onto the forums crying about how "That statesjerk's mission arc is too hard!" and we all have to tell him that it's designed for 8 people?

    Now imagine this happening Every. Single. Week. Multiple times, even.

    Also, let's play the slippery slope game: Let's say the devs DO allow you to solo a TF. Eventually, the hardcore players are going to want badges to show off their awesomeness. What if the devs granted them that? What about all the other badgers who don't have the capacity to solo AVs? Mind you, the game and rewards system are balanced around SOs (except the invention badges, heh), and I don't see too many "AV killer" builds working without IOs, making badges for soloing TFs unfair.

    Any content that lets one person do it should be playable by a solo, SO'd Empath defender who only takes half their attacks. I realize that sounds sad, but it's how you make a game like this work for the most number of people.

    Yeah, you could have the contacts say "You might want to bring X# of friends", but does anyone ever actually pay attention to that? I know I don't.

    I guess the underlining reason for my objection is such: -I- wouldn't be able to solo most TFs (unless the AVs downgraded to EBs, though i doubt that'd fly). Don't get me wrong, I'm a reasonably competent player with IO'd-out 50s and such... but the majority of my characters' powersets and pool choices are not 100% conducive for this sort of thing, and that's honestly not fair. While complaints that we don't feel exactly like "Heroes" and "Villains" within the respective Cities theroef are valid, the title of the game ISN'T "City of Powergamers", and the devs opening up content that would embrace that sort of playstyle would only further divide the playerbase and force a lot of people who aren't up to snuff to quit. If you open up TFs to soloing, you have to nerf the crap out of them so that -anyone- could solo them... and then adjust the rewards accordingly. And that'd take away all the accomplishment and reason for trying to solo them in the first place.
  12. EmperorSteele

    NPC Makeover

    I'd go for re-doing the non-combat NPCs a little. Half the females look like they got punched twice in the face. And half the male citizens tower over my 6-foot tall heroes.

    However, they should be kept low-poly and semi-bland. After all, they're supposed to be background, and not much more.
  13. Prestige is an Inf sink.

    That's all it is. And there's plenty of those in the game that I don't see anyone complaining about, so, what's the big deal?

    I mean, you want to store 30 extra salvage? 100 prestige a month, please. 60 salvage? 200 prestige. If you want the capacity to store hundreds of enhancements, extra inspirations, salvage, and never have to leave your base for anything except missions?

    Gotta pay for it. The game is built around SOCIAL aspects and TEAMING and sharing resources. If you wanna do it yourself (and, I do, very easily, for the record), then go for it. But it's too much self-storage for any one character to have without something mitigating that ability.
  14. EmperorSteele

    Let us solo TFs

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    It's been asked for. Repeatedly. All reasons against allowing it are irrational, stupid, moronic, idiotic, dumb, ridiculous, asinine, illogical and pointless.
    Don't hold anything back, Bubba. Tell us how you REALLY feel!

    It's team content, plain and simple. If you wanna do something impressive and show-offy and keep all the rewards for yourself, go solo the Ritki mothership or Hamidon. Nothing's stoppin ya.
  15. EmperorSteele


    Iiintroducing the latest member of the ebil club... me!

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...1-17-07-38.jpg <--copypasta this, too big for the forums.

    Of course, i dunno if i can call myself "ebil"... The worse thing I've ever done was artificially inflate the number of bids on items to try and make people think there was stiffer competition for goods and cause them to bid higher.

    ... and it really hasn't worked =/

    Ah well, 1 billion influence... time to lose it all purping out my tank =)
  16. Ooohh, sounds good. Maybe i'll actually enter this time ^_^
  17. The problem is that any "standard time" or announcement as such will have the redsiders crawling out of the woodwork to pwn PvE-centric badgers.

    Best thing to do is get a small, really good team together, sometime late, and get the AVs that way. See if you can't find a couple PvP-experienced heroes to watch your back, if you're nervous.
  18. ...i just replied to your weekend thread, wtf.

    I can bring just about anything we need, all master-capable. I'll come along today if you get enough people =)
  19. If you need me to fill any holes, i have a master-badge-owning Mind/Kin troller, Fire/Em blaster, Emp/Rad Def, and a Inv/Em tank. Always glad to help on master runs =) Sign me up for anything with anything, just remind me later =)
  20. The thing with Liefeld is that he seemd liek he was going to be a prodigy... at 16, when he was first hired.

    Except, he never really got all that much better,

    Granted, for the most part, i think he was better with a pencil at 16 than I am now (give or take his anti-foot fetish), but the fact that he hasn't improved much in 20-odd years, THAT's the issue.
  21. EmperorSteele

    Vanguard Pricing

    I think the price of the COSTUME parts should come down a little, OR that the merits for random defeats and missions should increase. I mean, doing the arcs, you have: Routed out traitors, save Paragon City and teh Rogue isles, exposed Nemesis's role in the original war, helped sign a peace treaty, and saved the world... hell, you saved the multiverse! And yet, you CAN'T BUY A PAIR OF BOOTS.

    That's pretty stupid.

    I understand that the devs were enforcing a pro-raid viewpoint, but having that be the ONLY way to get enough merits to get ANYTHING is a bit heavy-handed, and they may as well remove merit rewards from everything else.
  22. "IO" is a player coined term for a type of enhancement called "Invention Origin". These have to be crafted (or bought from another player via Wentworths) instead of being dropped naturally like other enhancements or sold at a specific NPC store.

    IOs are a more complicated beast than normal enhancements. You'd do well to ignore them for now, and only worry about them once you've personally gotten better at the game.
  23. I was thinking of a power like sonic boom, but the main reason flight speed has the cap that it does is that the rendering engine isn't built to propel a player that fast. SS and SJ are faster, but that's because you presumably can't go high enough to see the entire zone then zip across. Your line of sight across the zone is usually restricted by buildings and obstacles, so it's not a strain on the renderer.

    If they could get over that, then i'd rather have the short-term super-fast flight =)