2010 FArt Competition
I will not be participating as a contestant, but will offer my services in other ways.
I think Foo is propositioning me...
Too bad you can't enter though. I was going to carry your win into some sort of bonus for you for January =(
I can, but I think it's more classy if I don't participate again.
And my proposition is thus: I can do some arts for the contest. Maybe an example piece for the theme, something like that.
Stick figures on notebook paper is okay, right?
Glad to see you doing this, Wassy. I was worried your high-flautin' classes would take you away from us comic style geeks and into a world of classical art
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To the delight of some and chagrin of others, Wassy shall be your ring mistress for 2010's artsing battle royale! We've had testosterone in charge for a couple years, and its high time to get a woman's point of view on things! Even if that woman is probably more lecherous than most men here... *ahem*
We shan't start things until January, but I wanted to get the post out now so we can have a good turn-out. Tell your friends and neighbors and random people on the street and the cops that tell you to stop harassing them!
Even if you are reading this post without an account, or are pretty sure you won't have one later in the year, don't let that stop you from participating! I'll gladly take all submissions via email or any other means that are convenient for the artists. There will probably even be a page on my website reflecting the competition as well (Frost, if you're reading this, please make a page and thanks!). Doing this also means we can get a little friskier than the PG-13 rating from time to time >=D
We all have so much fun during the year with lots of FArting, so please do spread the word!
Any non-account-holding types that have further questions can email me at wassy@wassyart.com