2010 FArt Competition




Maybe I'm going to draw you again.

Related: How do you feel about sex with robots and angry bees?



Okay, I can tell that you're excited about this idea, but how about mutant bipeds with octopi for torsos? Also, angry bees.



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
Oh man! But I wanted to win...
Ok you can win...but I get the prize



Originally Posted by tigerztale View Post
Ok you can win...but I get the prize

Lol either way, we all have fun watching



Originally Posted by Thor's Assassin View Post
Lol either way, we all have fun watching
>.>..... <.<......

Yes. Exactly.



OK, voting community at large, your FArt Admin needs your input.

A City of Heroes group was recently set up over at deviantART. We've set up a section for 2010's FArt Competition, because its a great way to organize, archive, and (most importantly) display the entries to the interwebz! This also comes with the awesome bonus of us being able to use the polling feature to run the voting, which is very VERY handy.

I just want to know... do you all think it will be a huge problem for you to go to the page to vote rather than vote here? Accounts are free to set-up if you don't have one. This will also help the lurkers who no longer have an active gaming account. But I do recognize that this is the competition's home, so want your thoughts.

Looking forward to input!



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Okay, I can tell that you're excited about this idea, but how about mutant bipeds with octopi for torsos? Also, angry bees.


Stop picking on the Amerikatt!!!

(That's my job!)



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
OK, voting community at large, your FArt Admin needs your input.

A City of Heroes group was recently set up over at deviantART. We've set up a section for 2010's FArt Competition, because its a great way to organize, archive, and (most importantly) display the entries to the interwebz! This also comes with the awesome bonus of us being able to use the polling feature to run the voting, which is very VERY handy.

I just want to know... do you all think it will be a huge problem for you to go to the page to vote rather than vote here? Accounts are free to set-up if you don't have one. This will also help the lurkers who no longer have an active gaming account. But I do recognize that this is the competition's home, so want your thoughts.

Looking forward to input!
I'm big on this idea...

I think the vast majority of the active (even actively lurking) people here have accounts there and, as you said, it is free. The one drawback I do see is that... It is free. I could set up X number of accounts and if we're not requiring a CoH forum name to joing the dA group there's no stopping them all from joining and voting...

Still, I don't think many would do that (or maybe I just hope) and I think that danger is at least levelled off, if not outweighed, by the voting being anonymous. It won't stop people voting for the artist they're friends with but it will stop them for voting for friends just because the friends would see if they didn't... (hopefully this pressure isn't actively applied but we're human so there's always at least some subtle unconscious pressure of this type.)



Ah, I didn't even think of the non-pressured voting! That's a good pro (as you said, it could also be seen as a con... but I'm calling it more of a pro). I know during the last competition there was more than one instance of people having to defend their votes and it seemed to sour the overall fun. Keeping it as "just by the numbers", so to speak, should go a long way to putting a stop to that this year.

Also, to also put aside any fears, this will not be an anything goes sort of competition. I have no problem disqualifying entries if they don't abide by the rules/theme. I don't want any accusations on this matter hurled towards artists.... if people think there's an entry that doesn't meet the criteria for the month, they can come to me about it. So if it makes it to voting, be assured that its been screened to be acceptable.



If you open the voting up on there, then I think it kinda makes it a general art contest and not so specifically a CoH contest. Conceivably, people who are in no way related to this game can vote/comment. (Which is fine, so long as we're aware of it.)



Yeah, I've been trying to futz around with the Polls. Unfortunately there is no way to limit polling on that site. Any person with a dA account can vote on the polls located on that FArt gallery page, regardless of membership status with the City of Heroes Group page but it is still completely anonymous. I would hope though that folks wouldn't feel the need to pull shenanigans like opening up multiple accounts to get more votes for the FArt contest. Granted, participants can try to get friends to register with dA and participate the FArt polls...and while that could possibly turn it into a popularity contest, the flip side of having more visitors/drawing more members to the group isn't such a bad trade off.


It should be noted that qualifying submissions will be screened by Wassy and put into an organized gallery prior to the commencement of voting.



I was assuming polling limited to members...

As Bayani says, I don't suspect there'd be much (if any) creating of accounts just to vote until maybe the end when things get tight Still doubt there would be but *shrug*

But with wide open polling that does lead to the artist with the most watchers having an advantage, no?



That's an easy work around

weight the votes i.e.

dA votes counts for one point, votes here count for three



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I was assuming polling limited to members...

As Bayani says, I don't suspect there'd be much (if any) creating of accounts just to vote until maybe the end when things get tight Still doubt there would be but *shrug*

But with wide open polling that does lead to the artist with the most watchers having an advantage, no?
Not necessarily...maybe the artist who's most compelling in terms of getting their watchers and their friends would, perhaps. Again, I believe we're a solid enough community (hopefully i'm not being too idealistic/optimistic) that participants won't try any douchy shenanigans. Though we won't know for sure until the contest is in full swing.



For the reasons stated above, I'd vote against holding the contest on DA but if Wassy chooses otherwise, it wouldn't affect my interest or participation (in whatever scope) in it.



I think I would rather deal with Artz TrLoLz here than any possible Asshatery voting on the DA Site. I think the DA site would be great to mirror the discussions here and bring more people into the mix, heck a public poll over there would be cool too but it should not be the final decider for the contest.




Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Again, I believe we're a solid enough community (hopefully i'm not being too idealistic/optimistic) that participants won't try any douchy shenanigans.
I tend to be more of a pessimist and suspicious of people on general principle... Toss in that I heard at least three seperate complaints of various... err, questionable actions... during my various Commission Contests and I can't help but look for the angles people may take.

I actually believe the vast majority are good, honest people with integrity - It's a suprising change from the last game I played - but the problem is it only takes 1 to really throw in that monkey wrench.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

Stop picking on the Amerikatt!!!

(That's my job!)
Thanks for sticking up for me, Caemgen!

Foo, I don't want any mutie octopoids, angry bees, or ill-tempered sea bass forcing me to do naughty things. I'm afraid that I'm a little *too* old-fashioned and G-rated for such shenanigans, as I am from the era of 4-color funny animal comics.

Now, on the matter of whether the contest should be hosted here or on DeviantArt ...!

(*gets a step ladder, stands on top of a soap box, puts on her horn-rimmed glasses, clears throat, and intones with a sonorous cadence*)

I concur that the voting itself should be held here in the CoH/CoV art forum, although information about the contest could be mirrored on the DA site as well.

Once again, I am willing to be the subject of (*looks at Da Foo*) G-rated fare.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Once again, I am willing to be the subject of (*looks at Da Foo*) G-rated fare.
So you and a swarm of angry bees holding hands and maybe going to the Sadie Hawkins dance?



If people will feel that strongly about voting, then I would concede that voting should be kept here. However, I do believe that the art submissions for the contests should be posted by the participants on the dA page. Having a neat, organized gallery to host all of them would be nicer than just posting them one by one in a forum thread here.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
So you and a swarm of angry bees holding hands and maybe going to the Sadie Hawkins dance?
That could work, Princess. But the bees have to promise to be only moderately irate.

Yes, Bayani. An organized, centralized gallery for the artwork would only help matters. I hope that Miss Cashoo and Miss Psygon will get word of this contest and contribute their yummirific works, too.

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Well I'd prefer voting on dA if a way to keep voting to group members could be found...

I think the art should definitely be hosted there, both so the artist can have a bit more freedom if needed and so that it can all be found in one place without going through tons of chatter to find one piece or another...

The only problem I see with the art on the CoH Group is I believe Wassy wanted to extend the freedom a bit more than would be accepted on these boards and from the sounds of it you also want to keep the CoH Group on dA just as workplace friendly....?



There's also the option of outside polling sites which require registration so that people who aren't CoH players anymore could still take part.

Also: There is no such thing as G-rated art!



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

The only problem I see with the art on the CoH Group is I believe Wassy wanted to extend the freedom a bit more than would be accepted on these boards and from the sounds of it you also want to keep the CoH Group on dA just as workplace friendly....?

My own website will also still have a mirror of the competition, and THAT month (and there will be one) can specifically stay over on my webspace for display purposes =)