2010 FArt Competition




Hey all,

Sorry but it looks like I will not have time to enter the contest after all. A lot of opportunities have opened up for me to hopefully get my novel published if all goes well (About a .05%, but still a chance). So I will drop by the forums now and then and cheer you all on from the sidelines.

Good luck to you all, and sincerest apologies to Wassy.



Originally Posted by tigerztale View Post
Hey all,

Sorry but it looks like I will not have time to enter the contest after all. A lot of opportunities have opened up for me to hopefully get my novel published if all goes well (About a .05%, but still a chance). So I will drop by the forums now and then and cheer you all on from the sidelines.

Good luck to you all, and sincerest apologies to Wassy.
I'm both sad and happy at the ame time. Glad to hear that you're maybe getting something published, but I was really looking forward to facing off against ya.


related to the competition, we could do more of a 1:1 or "vs" system... but that'll also take a lot of commitment from entrants.



Originally Posted by tigerztale View Post
Hey all,

Sorry but it looks like I will not have time to enter the contest after all. A lot of opportunities have opened up for me to hopefully get my novel published if all goes well (About a .05%, but still a chance). So I will drop by the forums now and then and cheer you all on from the sidelines.

Good luck to you all, and sincerest apologies to Wassy.
That's awesome news about your novel, Tigs! (*yummirific huggles*) Good luck with it! (*crosses paws*)

Sorry that you won't be competing in the graphic arts competition, but I'm glad that you're pursuing literary arts, all the same!


(*supa-kitty huggles*)

Go get 'em, Tiger!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
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Originally Posted by Johnnykat View Post
Did I miss the official topic for this months FArt competition?


Somehow we ended up with two threads and the important one slipped to the second page... Wessy also edited the first page of the neglected one to reflex the topic - Find it here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=203932

Oh, and feel free to top the post to get it backon the front page!



Originally Posted by tigerztale View Post
Hey all,

Sorry but it looks like I will not have time to enter the contest after all. A lot of opportunities have opened up for me to hopefully get my novel published if all goes well (About a .05%, but still a chance). So I will drop by the forums now and then and cheer you all on from the sidelines.

Good luck to you all, and sincerest apologies to Wassy.
While sad that you'll miss the competition here, - its positively exiting about the possibility of the novel! I'll keep my fingers crossed!



ack... dose anyone have any general ideas??

..all I can think of is having Matchstick impaled on a stick ...



I just got a new idea about how immunity could work differently. What if you could save it till you actually needed it? You'd have to declare you are using it before voting starts for the month, because otherwise you could keep submitting mediocre work till you are actually voted out to throw the immunity card. You would also be allowed to hold on to only one immunity at a time.

A big potential problem I see is multiple people using it in the same month when we are only down to a few people. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea...how did immunity work in the last 2-3 months last year?

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I wouldn't mind if immunity worked so he who held it could play it if eliminated... But I would limit it to like expiring after two months and only one could be held at a time - winning immunity 2 times in a row would refresh your time limit to use it, nit give you two chances to us it. I would also probably make all immunity "tokens" void the last 3 or 4 months...

I wouldn't be opposed to a bye month either - where each person in could take a pass one month and one month only. I'd say this could be used any time before the deadline but that no more than 1/2 or 1/3 of still live entrants could be on a bye- and of course it would be first requested first granted... This also should end at the last few

Course it looks like we may also need multiple eliminations if we want it head to head the last month...

As for 1st 2nd and 3rd places, I would probably only consider the last 3 months totals for any overall rankings and would probably again not use the last few months.

To me, the last 3 or 4 months are nitty gritty time and should be won or lost on the merits of each piece individually. A certain amount of slacking in early or middle rounds is ok but at the end, with the title in your grasp, if you cannot manage to give your art what it needs to win then your not the champion this forum needs... Or deserves.

anyway, if any modifications are being made they should be done before February voting starts...



I think I prefer the KISS method. No need to overcomplicate things with more stuff that Wassy needs to keep track of. The current way is simple and works fine. You win one month, you get immunity the next month. Most anything else would need explained out the wazzoo and might end up with some oddball loophole that no one thought of until too late.



That works too . And I have no problem with that per se...

I did hate last year when someone had RL issues rear their head and they missed a month and were thus eliminated... That's the only reason I'm in favor of a bye at all...