Mini personal Super bases

Ad Astra



Ok this is the idea, I was hanging with a coalie buddy ClaranceZ dues is awesome, any wy he was having a problem crafting in his sg(causeing him to quit and me to loose better contact with him, witch is annoying cause that guy helped me get to lvl 50 fast) The main leader in his sg Evil Origins kept locking the salvage racks so he couldn't craft easily. He went and started his own sg and made his own base for crafting. That's when I had the idea.

A smaller more apartment like personal super base. The lair works like the sg base only it's smaller and only you can access salvage racks and so on. This would also be helpful when you join a sg that just started and doesn't have a sg base or the base isn't very useful.

Porter/med bay: Like in the normal sg base porters and a med bay can be made(their for making it easier to get places and go to the lair for inspirations.) although having the big porters would kill the amount of usable space I propose a more compact porter for lair use only.

Entrance to Lair: This is where I did most of my thinking... I think about the dumbest things when it comes to my ideas, instead of using the sg base portal thing, you would enter a building and in there a portal for lairs all so the lair shop keep(more on that later) in this building it would look like the lobby of a apartment building or hotel with a contact to tell you about the lair addition and to bring you up to date on any updates done to it (like new wall hangings or furnishings)

Making your lair: Well did some good thinking about this part too... being as its basically a small version of a sg base you'd just set it up like a sg base. adding and taking rooms, placing and deleting items.

Sizes: the largest size would be equal to the medium size for the sg base. the medium the small for sg, and the small a few blacks smaller then the small of the sg base.
Items: all the normal sg base items plus some more homely furnishings like a bed and a kitchen area. new wall hangings and floor decor. All in all mainly the same as the sg base. except for the porters witch would be considerably smaller (also more on that later)

Raids: No raiding lairs. that wouldn't be cool... nor robing, even though that would be a great mission for a villain.

Teleporters: Well being the normal porters are really big and take up a lot of space I thought new ones from portal corp could be put in smaller and better looking.

Beacon missions: these you will get from the lobby contact in each zone. They will give you a mission that will can be soloed, but will be pretty hard for the more squishy players. These missions will allow you to tp to that city via your new portal corp teleporter. instead of the normal areas you port to where you can get ambushed while zoning and get you head rocked (has happened to me) you get ported to the lobby of the areas Lair building a nice and safe place.

Payment/ fees: The Lair will cost infamy/ influence as rent, the bigger the lair the more you spend on rent.

Items: That shop keep I mentioned before, well that's where you'll get all your decor and equipment... company name idea Lair out fitters; we meet your lair needs. This is were you buy your new portal corp porter, med bay equipment so on and so forth. This saves you time on making everything cause all the sg leaders now how annoying that is when you first get started. This cuts down on the whole major time spent making things to place in you Lair.

That's pretty much the idea... I'm sure there be a few holes to fill but I can't think of the whole thing... or they would need to pay me for the idea haha just joking... free play would be payment enough *serious face* I'm to poor to pay to play... but I love the game... so I'm sad face when I can't pay to play

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



And the "Hero Apartments" idea is back with a vengance

It's been suggested many, many times. While I do support the idea, it seems that it is unlikley to ever happen.



Originally Posted by Imoba Strife View Post
And the "Hero Apartments" idea is back with a vengance

Back with a vengeance? When did our desire for this ever leave?



Two things need to happen for me to start giving a crap about bases

1. They need to become personal and payable with personal resources.

2. They must drop all rent and upkeep. Backwards progress is not fun.

Without these two things, no matter what happens to bases, I'm simply never going to bother with them beyond a token curiosity. I'd still want more to really fall in love with them, but these two are the basic requirements I have.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd certainly like to see the "Hero Apartments" idea implemented.

In the meantime, you can sorta fake it, if you are willing to not be in a SG that has other players. Just make a SG that consists of only your alts, a small, cozy base and maybe park one alt at the SG registrar to pay rent once every 28 days. (14 days if you don't want to see the "We gonna shut off ur power!" warning for two weeks).
Redside, you can make a fully functional base with the smallest map and less than 9 small (2x2) rooms. 1 Entrance(free), 1 Control, 1 Power, 2 TP rooms, 1 Workshop (recommended) and 1 Medical (convienient, but quite optional). Very cheap.

Sam: I see your point, but I also think that you're missing out.
1: Payable with personal resources. Earning enough Prestige to build up the base may take a while, but the Rent is pretty cheap. Playing in SG mode doesn't really take anything off of your character's earning power. Sure, you miss out on some of the $Inf reward from enemy defeats past a certain level, but Drops are the main source of wealth (in my experience), anyway.
2. Drop all rent and upkeep. Rent is very cheap nowadays. Generally about one mission's Prestige or so. The problem is the nuisance factor of running over to the registrar to pay every 2-4 weeks. I agree. Or wasting a slot to park a character there and log/re-log. I doubt that you're going to be willing to do that.
From what I've read of your posts, you put a lot more thought into things in this game than most people do, particularly in little things (dare I say "minutia?" that many overlook. So I kind of doubt that you would be willing to put together a one-player SG for this purpose, particularly since you would have to have the same SG name under all of these characters. I've seen your threads where you strive to make a character whose costume and power selections absolutely perfect towards a desired goal, so it might not work for you to have all these characters with "Sam's House of Horrors", "Renegade Squad" or "...Is Awesome" under thier names.
Still, I urge you to consider it.



Well it wouldn't be to hard to modifay the sg base code to allow us to have personal bases.. so I see no real reason why this isn't already been done.

LvL 50s: Jewelious, SharktooghGrinner, Energy Fox Hound, Vibradiumforce

My words: I the bard of ages, Looking to sky for angels. I'll never be that of a the enlightened, I am only the burdened.



Originally Posted by Alter666 View Post
Well it wouldn't be to hard to modifay the sg base code to allow us to have personal bases.. so I see no real reason why this isn't already been done.

<Standard Code Rant> applies.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
<Standard Code Rant> applies.
Nevermind someone beat me to it.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Sam: I see your point, but I also think that you're missing out.
1: Payable with personal resources. Earning enough Prestige to build up the base may take a while, but the Rent is pretty cheap. Playing in SG mode doesn't really take anything off of your character's earning power. Sure, you miss out on some of the $Inf reward from enemy defeats past a certain level, but Drops are the main source of wealth (in my experience), anyway.
The main purpose of having Prestige in the first place is to ensure the presence of a common courtesy owned by the base and not by any one member, which is cashed into the base coffers as soon as it is earned. Other games have tried to use personal wealth via clan donations or personal wealth for the greater good, but this relies on people's generosity, which is never a good call. Prestige, therefore, is a system designed to essentially tax players in a hands-off manner, and as such build up wealth for all to use.

In a persona SG base owned, maintained and constructed by a single player, Prestige has no purpose. In fact, it has an exactly backwards effect to what a growing character would expect to see. Prestige is made to be earned at roughly the same rate by characters both low and high, so as not to favour anyone and make SG leaders employ farmers of a specific level only. All must be equal, so all earn equally. When I own a personal base, I expect my increased earning potential in the higher levels to give me greater buying power, thereby allowing me to build a larger base with more things in it. A flat prestige earn at all levels is counter to that.

Basically, if it's my base, it ought to be paid by my money. It doesn't make sense to have an intermediary currency. The only time such currencies are ever in place in the game is for "special loot," as it were, the control of which is vital. The control of at least cosmetic items in bases is simply not. This eliminates one extra currency from the game and allows me to pool my resources interchangeably. If I find I need a lot of enhancements, I can neglect the base. If I find I want something for the base, I can neglect enhancements. Since prestige and influence/infamy are not transferable (unless you're a gullible fool) it isn't as easy.

2. Drop all rent and upkeep. Rent is very cheap nowadays. Generally about one mission's Prestige or so. The problem is the nuisance factor of running over to the registrar to pay every 2-4 weeks. I agree. Or wasting a slot to park a character there and log/re-log. I doubt that you're going to be willing to do that.
"Rent is cheap" is an after-the-fact excuse, which doesn't explain why it was introduced in the first place. To be honest, I've never been given a good enough reason why this was needed, beyond a below-the-belt time sink, and I'd like to have a bit of a higher opinion of our development team than that. The only things I can figure is, with so many people and so many characters, the amount of custom bases could become so large as to be problematic if legacy bases are not somehow disabled, so they put in rent as a safeguard to prevent old and unused bases from persisting too long. I wouldn't know how that would work, since bases never get deleted, but I suppose one could argue they just get transfered to another server. I wouldn't know.

In terms of what we, as players, gain from this, however, the only answer I have is "nothing." I don't benefit from other people paying their rent, I don't benefit from other people NOT paying their rent, and it only sucks that I have to pay rent, myself. Furthermore, "upkeep" is probably the one thing I hate about games the most. I don't mind making slow progress. I don't mind suffering a penalty and making even slower progress. I'm still progressing. It's when the game ups and takes me BACK that I start wanting to punch people. I've been in too many games where I got gridlocked in place, earning "progress points" as fast as they were being taken away from me. I see no beneficial need for rent, and I see a lot of room for irritation with it, so I desire to see it stricken from the map. They already killed rent for non-functional items. Give me a purely cosmetic, rent-free personal base and we'll call it a day!

From what I've read of your posts, you put a lot more thought into things in this game than most people do, particularly in little things (dare I say "minutia?" that many overlook. So I kind of doubt that you would be willing to put together a one-player SG for this purpose, particularly since you would have to have the same SG name under all of these characters. I've seen your threads where you strive to make a character whose costume and power selections absolutely perfect towards a desired goal, so it might not work for you to have all these characters with "Sam's House of Horrors", "Renegade Squad" or "...Is Awesome" under thier names.
Still, I urge you to consider it.
I have considered it, but it's not something I want to do. It's a principle matter at this point. If I'm going to have MY Super Group, then I'm going to want it to be MINE. Yet I cannot invite my own characters to my own SG, I cannot promote or demote my own characters. And even if I did, I still have to pay rent, suffer from my Overlords auto-demoting and I still have to deal with the reasons of why these characters who hate each other's guts are roomies. I don't want bases for the storage racks and teleporters. I want them for the throne rooms, the chapels, the conference rooms, the sciency labs, the cot beds and so forth. And the way bases are made, there is never enough room for more than a few people.

Personally, if ever I got an RTS-style base builder, with large whole buildings on, say, an island somewhere ala Evil Genius, that's probably what I'd use. More a base compound than a Dungeon Keeper 5-room hovel.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Drop upkeep (Im sorry, this is MY evil lair, I built it and SHOT the guys who I stole the tech offa, alright?)
and make prestige drop in ammounts that make it viable for one person to have their own base/apartment, etc.

But, being honest, the base editor itself is in much need of an upgrade. Stability for one, placement for another....please much.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Prestige is an Inf sink.

That's all it is. And there's plenty of those in the game that I don't see anyone complaining about, so, what's the big deal?

I mean, you want to store 30 extra salvage? 100 prestige a month, please. 60 salvage? 200 prestige. If you want the capacity to store hundreds of enhancements, extra inspirations, salvage, and never have to leave your base for anything except missions?

Gotta pay for it. The game is built around SOCIAL aspects and TEAMING and sharing resources. If you wanna do it yourself (and, I do, very easily, for the record), then go for it. But it's too much self-storage for any one character to have without something mitigating that ability.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I would love to see this! I also believe this would be a great idea for an influence sink and not to introduce another currency and no prestige is not an influence sink. It used to be an influence sink when you wouldn't get any influence in SG mode but not anymore...

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
I would love to see this! I also believe this would be a great idea for an influence sink and not to introduce another currency and no prestige is not an influence sink. It used to be an influence sink when you wouldn't get any influence in SG mode but not anymore...

Yes prestige still is an influence sink. People are still using the registrar to convert inf to prestige for their bases. We even have generous souls that frequently use that feature to help other players boost their SG's prestige.

Fulmens has done this several times giving away billions of inf, matching what players convert so they end up with double the prestige. He is currently giving away another billion, 100 million at a time in order to spread awareness for the charity.

Just because you don't use prestige as an influence sink doesn't mean the rest of us don't.