is Now Live!




Hello, Screenshots & Fan Creations lurkers and dwellers (and TA).

I’d like to take the time now to formally announce that is now active and the ground work for organization has been set up. Please remember that the groups feature for deviantArt is in the Beta stages. Everyone who plays City of Heroes/Villains or is just a fan of the franchise is welcome to join the group. You simply need to open a free deviantArt account to be a part of it, if you haven't done so already (and it’s easy, no frills). Simply go to the group page at the URL listed above, sign in to dA, and click the “Join this Group” button. It’s so easy, a Foo can do it.

This is a fan-run group, started by myself and administered by an involved core of collectors you’ve known of for sometime. With this group established, the Screenshots/Fan Creations Forum has a great common place to show, share, collect, and organize City of Heroes-related creations. It also creates establishes more visibility for us as a whole on on deviantArt, network with other artists, and showcase the artistic and literary talents our growing posse has cultivated, including the 2010 FArt Competition. Can you believe it’s been over 5 years now since the game has been launched? I remember when the “usual suspects” of collectors use to just be TA, Olliefu, Rowr, myself and a handful of others. A lot of folks have come and gone, but having a dA Group will also give those former CoHers a place to hang out with us again.

As a member of the group, you are permitted to submit Favorites, Screenshots, Art, Fan Fiction, and to the page.

Suggesting Favorites to the Group is a great way to share non-CoH related art with the rest of the CoH Group. CoH-related content should be contributed to the Group's Galleries instead. Please be sure to select art that is Safe for Work. One great feature is that you can send favorites

-Contributing to the Gallery-
Members are only allowed to submit deviations to certain folders. This is done in order to make sure that the galleries are kept as organized as possible and easy to maintain for the Gallery Directors, who have been assigned to oversee several of the Main Galleries. .

The direct URL to the CoH Group gallery is located at .

On that page is a button that will allow you to submit art to the Group’s collection. If you click on that button, you should see this window pop up...

It’s pretty self-explanatory. The drop-down window at the top will allow you to select which folder you want your art to be submitted to. After that, select the deviation you want to add to the group. You can pull a deviation from your own dA account, or your Favorites folder, or you can use the All Deviations Tab to search for a particular piece of art to add. After that, just click ok, and you’re done. If the submitted deviation does *not* fall under the ownership of your dA account, a message will be sent auto-magically to the original artist/owner of the deviation, asking them to approve or deny the submission request. If accepted, it’ll appear in the gallery. Members are permitted to submit creations to the galleries marked with a ~.

The Galleries and Sub-Galleries are arranged as follows….

Champions of Justice (Gallery Director- Larissa Rasputin)
~Sub-Gallery: Heroes
~Sub-Gallery: Heroines

Rogues Gallery (Gallery Director- Gray Huntress)
~Sub-Gallery: Villains
~Sub-Gallery: Villainesses

The above galleries are reserved for single-character pinups only.

Featured Crossovers (Gallery Director- TA)
~Group Battles

The above galleries are fairly self-explanatory, with Group Battles reserved for pictures that can be classified as both Teamups and Showdowns.


Screenshot manipulations and taken directly from the game fall under here.

~CoH CoV Fan Fiction (Gallery Director- Zerry)

This gallery will include art involving Mission Architect stories here, as well as fan fiction.

~Signature CoX Characters

Any art involving the signature characters of CoX should be included in this folder.

Champions of Justice, Rogues Gallery, and Featured Crossovers are considered the main galleries, and the Gallery Directors will be responsible for picking the noteworthy art pieces from the sub-galleries and highlighting them in the main galleries. The Featured pieces (which appear on the main Group Page) will be a select pieces of art highlighted in the main galleries. These are up to the discretion of the Gallery Directors.
One thing I’d like to note is that you can only contribute deviations that are posted on dA already. Nothing is submitted exclusively to the CoH Group page. This is by design so that the dA account under which the deviation was originally submitted maintains credit for the submission. In the event of a duplicate submission by the original artist and the collector, admins have been instructed to remove the collector’s submission and keep the original artist’s submission. If you happen to submit art to the wrong folder, do *not* resubmit the deviation. Simply send a group note to the page and an admin will correct it shortly.

I encourage members to contribute SFW CoH-related art they’ve collected or created to the Group. There are no caps or limits as to how much you can submit to the above galleries but please, use judgement and don’t overdo it. Overall, I think this is a great way to share your best with folks in the CoH Community who don’t have you on their watch list.

- Artists’ Alley –
Artists’ Alley is a special membership level within the CoH Group Page for the community's artists who are actively accept commissions. As a member of Artists’ Alley, you will be allowed to submit up to four sample pieces of your work to a special gallery aptly called “Artists’ Alley". Pieces from the Artists’ Alley gallery will appear on the main page, just like the Featured pictures. To join the Artists’ Alley group, simply send me (angbayani) a note on dA and I’ll be happy to assist you getting started.

- 2010 FArt Competition –
We’re still working out the details. Check back later on this. But members participating in the FArt Competition will get a special membership level within the group in order to have access to submitting their entries to the page and having them archived there.

I believe those are enough details to get everyone started. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or the Gallery Directors. We’re growing very quickly (over 60 members in 24 hours!) and have already added *lots* of really cool art to the Group’s Galleries. So, come on join us and contribute, too! We’ll show those Naruto and Pokemon fan clubs who the real kool kids on dA are.



Seems very well thought out and organised should be a pleasure to be involved in.



Nice instructions Bayani!!

Really cool to see this get going. Yeah i can't believe it's been this long. A lot of great artists have passed through here and like ya said, still post their art in DA. Kinda cool seeing those people come back into the fold.



Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
Seems very well thought out and organised should be a pleasure to be involved in.
Thanks Eddy. You're in the Artists' Alley group, so start submitting your best stuff to the Artists' Alley folder so we can start plugging your stuff. =)



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
Thanks Eddy. You're in the Artists' Alley group, so start submitting your best stuff to the Artists' Alley folder so we can start plugging your stuff. =)
I should have a couple of kickarse Coh related pictures for that soon



Nice! I'm IN!



I saw that! Some neat stuff there. I hope everyone starts adding more. =)



Bayani, you totally ROCK!!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



I shall have to join and add some stuff (such as Brandon McKinney's comic page that features Soul and Tiamat) when I get home tonight.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



This browser of COH art has submitted his request to join.

This is a great idea, and thanks for pulling this together.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I am stupid and have put two pictures meant for Artist's Alley in the Screenshots folder.



Bad Foo...bad! Fixed it.

Welcome aboard everyone else! We'll have an archive that can't be beat soon enough!



Thanks again for setting this up B, and for making it a Super Group Although cleaning up the Screenshots folder may become ritualistic, the art depository being put together is remarkable



No problem. the dA Group is going to be alot of fun, I think. I encourage everyone to keep contributing and adding more stuff to the page!



Can stories be submitted as well? or is this just for art?

And can fan art of characters be submitted if it was gifted to you? I know you probably have the Oryo Ryouko in there, but there is that one of Kami Megami done by Summer Evening ( on DA) that probably should be in there...

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



Originally Posted by DemonCaller View Post
Can stories be submitted as well? or is this just for art?

And can fan art of characters be submitted if it was gifted to you? I know you probably have the Oryo Ryouko in there, but there is that one of Kami Megami done by Summer Evening ( on DA) that probably should be in there...
There is a fanfic section....

And I cannot imagine why gifted art wouldn't be accepted. If the artist throws the same pic up the artist one will be kept so that they get the comments, faves and such but if they don't submit we still want to see it!



Senor Caemgen is correct!

I'd also like to reiterate that this is for the CoH Community and not just the artists. Everyone has something they can contribute whether it's CoH art they've collected for themselves or even just non-CoH Favorites to the page. This Group Page is designed to become a hoard of art (and with any luck, a very organized one). It can only grow if everyone pitches in and contributes to the page.

Just make sure the credit is given where it's due on your submitted deviation and you're ensuring that the original artists of the piece are getting the views/credits for their work. In the end I believe that collectors, artists and viewers alike will benefit from pooling our works and finds on the page.



This was a great idea. Everything looks fantastic.

Now for my one and only question...

For CoH/CoV art that doesn't quite fit any of the gallery catagories... I'm assuming "best guess" is the way to go?



Originally Posted by LilyCobalt View Post
This was a great idea. Everything looks fantastic.

Now for my one and only question...

For CoH/CoV art that doesn't quite fit any of the gallery catagories... I'm assuming "best guess" is the way to go?
Pretty much. The Gallery Directors will move it if it doesn't quite fit. What is it exactly?



As long as it's PG-rated art.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
As long as it's PG-rated art.
Since no one is going to ask this question, I will...What about the ones that are more on the "Risque" side?

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
Since no one is going to ask this question, I will...What about the ones that are more on the "Risque" side?
I believe the instructions I gave to the Gallery Directors to judge whether or not the piece can be kept in the group is this...

"If the art/picture was included in a comic book and put on a store/newstand shelf, would it be censored and out of reach of children or those underage?" If the answer's yes, then it shouldn't be on the page. Content on the same level as Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit edition issues or those pinup/comic books the publishers put out in the 90s are fair game.



Good, then a good portion of my stuff will pass muster.

That which does not, well... not like people can't find it by looking, if they so desire.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."