Pixel Arrangements by Clutch




Thought I'd pop into CoH and see whats shakin over here..

I've been hanging around the CO fan art forum for a while, but the fan/art community just kinda of vanished after beta. Aight enough small talk, let's get down to business shall we:

I just resurrected my DA account, hit it up right here

Or if you like it straight from the tap

Right now I got a little project doing character portraits for guildmates over in CO (only two so far ):

Some commission and character stuff:



I'm not sure why, but this one really stands out to me. They're all pretty awesome too though.



Hey Clutch! Welcome to our neck of the woods and thanks for sharin' wit us!! Hope to see some moarz! You gotz some talentz mistah!

Great stuff man!

[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url="http://www.theimpossibles.org"]www.theimpossibles.org[/url]



That is some impressive Pixel Arrangements my friend. Welcome back to the fanart forums here in COH.

No signs of slowing down for us lol. Oh since your back on DA check out the super group there called City of Heroes. Pretty much these fanart forums on DA lol.

Love all those pieces and gonna make sure to favorite them over in DA as well!

[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url="http://www.theimpossibles.org"]www.theimpossibles.org[/url]



Welcome to COH, the art community here is very active. You've got some nice looking stuff there



awesome arts... Now you just need to come back from the dark side!!



Welcome Clutch!! I love your work, so you need to stay and hang with us here!! And show us more!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Beautiful work Clutch! Welcome back!


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I'm not sure why, but this one really stands out to me. They're all pretty awesome too though.
I agree on the bear. He's awesome. He stands out because he's a farking armored bear!

"War is the sea I swim in!"

Yea, I know... different bear... but man was he awesome.

Be well, people of CoH.



Very impressive stuff. The Illuminati preacher freaks me out.



Wow thanks for the warm welcome everyone, seems like this community is a lot more active than CO. I need to get busy with those portraits, so I should have another to post later today.



Originally Posted by Projectionist View Post
Very impressive stuff. The Illuminati preacher freaks me out.
The Reverend Mr. Grey?!

You know no one has ever really commented on him, so I've always kind of wondered if the concept came through...I'm too close to it to be able to judge (since it's my character after all ), is it clear what he's supposed to be?



Originally Posted by Clutch View Post
Wow thanks for the warm welcome everyone, seems like this community is a lot more active than CO. I need to get busy with those portraits, so I should have another to post later today.

Pfft The CO Fanart forums have nothing on us

Looking forward to anything new from ya bud!



Originally Posted by Clutch View Post
Thought I'd pop into CoH and see whats shakin over here..

HOLY CARP! You're Awesome!
Do you do commissions?



Welcome to the boards, Clutch and the dA Group too!



Originally Posted by Dolphin View Post
Do you do commissions?
I do



Weeeeeell you win some you lose some I guess. This one kinda got away from me. Ah well. Kinda looks like Ed Norton...



If "got away from me" means turned out awesome, I agree!

Ya take commissions, eh?? Hmmm, you'll probably be hearing from me early in the new year



Just messing around today...

This is from a pretty well known photograph of Audrey Hepburn. I think I butchered it pretty good

Actually last night I discovered Adam Hughes and his Hepburn-esque Cat Woman. Well, being the consummate Audrey-addict that I am (yeah I know it's pretty much cliche to love Audrey Hepburn, so what), I had to give it a shot. Of course I failed, but not terribly. Mr. Hughes though...damn that guy completely captured her essence without making it look identical...

and he nailed it




I mean, who ever gave a $%&@! about Cat Woman? Well not me, at least. Yet I'm going through all of the Hughes Cat Woman covers thinking "man I gotta buy these!". Well-played, Mr. Hughes. Well-played.

Anyways, what I -really- wanted to do was to try a more comic like style...and I failed there too "inking" and coloring is a lot harder that I figured...I was fighting with my painter side the whole time. Ah well... I can't expect great results on a first try. I almost feel like I'd have to break out that archaic pen and paper stuff to get good results. The Cintiq is a great tablet, but no tablet can reproduce the texture and sense of friction that you get with a pen/pencil against paper.



Failed? Did you say FAILED??? I beg to differ, Clutch! That turned out absolutely beautimous!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT




I really don't know what else to say!



welcome aboard always good to see new art folks



Oy oy, welcome wayward disiple of the arts!

...Nah, nix that. MASTER of the arts =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
These are really nice. You are quickly jumping to the top of my favorite artist list.
In that case I better get back to work

Actually I think I need to stop here for the day... I started rendering her extended leg and boot before realizing that most of it is going to be covered up by a shield (that's what those two fingers are going to be poised on) That means it's time to stop.

....anyways, the is character design is from a friend, she's kind of the villainous version of Ms. Liberty...and, for what I have planned with the rest of the image, it's probably going to end up being one of the more gruesome and violent pieces that I've done in a long time.