Pixel Arrangements by Clutch




Originally Posted by Clutch View Post
Right now it's time to sit outside in the 7 degree cold with a vodka martini and take pictures of Mars
You do astrophotography too?!? I started some of that in highschool but since i've moved to college I haven't been able too. My basic equipment yielded some pretty basic results which was kinda disappointing. Maybe when I get to have my midlife crisis I'll be able to do that again.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
You do astrophotography too?!? I started some of that in highschool but since i've moved to college I haven't been able too. My basic equipment yielded some pretty basic results which was kinda disappointing. Maybe when I get to have my midlife crisis I'll be able to do that again.
Yes, but with limited success

I've had a few fairly decent planetary, lunar, and solar images, but deep sky objects are not really possible due to tremendous light pollution in my area, aside from very bright ones like M42. My equipment is pretty modest by astrophotography standards.

Here is a recent image of Mars I took

(M42 nebula in Orion)

I also got a nice one of a lunar eclipse progression in my DA gallery.



Just Effing awesome.

I bow down to your Skillz

em praise.





and now that I look at it yes I can see what Mr. Grey is suposed to be.



What's this doing all the way down at the murky bottom of page 4



Woah, Clutch!! She turned out amazing!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



I would like to take this opportunity to inform everyone of my availability for commissions. You can message me here or on DA, but would strongly urge people to go through the new thing I added to my website.

After a rotten two-weeks I'm finally moved into my new place and now I've actually got room to have a genuine work studio



Sweet Zombie Jebus that's frikken sweet.




one minor nit to pick though, it might just be me (and my monitor isn't the best when it comes to accurate colors), but her breasts seem shaded a little too flat.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
one minor nit to pick though, it might just be me (and my monitor isn't the best when it comes to accurate colors), but her breasts seem shaded a little too flat.
Yeah they do seem a bit flattened..

I -really- wanted to be done with this one oh well



aw poor clutch...still looks really great. I'd expect to see something like this on an icewind dale box.

Those pictures are fantastic. I have so much trouble getting any color or detail into my pictures. normally have to drag them through photoshop to get the black and color right, like i said i'm working with a $100 scope and in the city at the time, so those don't help. Also doesn't help when the camera you're using is a 3mpxl point and shoot. Very impressive.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
aw poor clutch...still looks really great. I'd expect to see something like this on an icewind dale box.

Those pictures are fantastic. I have so much trouble getting any color or detail into my pictures. normally have to drag them through photoshop to get the black and color right, like i said i'm working with a $100 scope and in the city at the time, so those don't help. Also doesn't help when the camera you're using is a 3mpxl point and shoot. Very impressive.
Yes for planetary images you really have to use a webcam or some other sort of CCD. I bought a webcam from Phillips, the SPC900NC, took off the lens and replaced it with an adapter that allows it to plug into the scope like a regular eyepiece. It's a full color camera, which is not great for astrophotography because you lose detail when the channels are combined. So I also have a monochrome CCD camera... I shoot that through color filters to get each of the color channels (r, g, b, and sometimes luminance) then combine them in photoshop.

But the idea of using a webcam is simple... air turbulence causes the image you are seeing/imaging to be distorted. Recording a video, instead of taking single frames at a time, allows you to get around that by capturing lots of frames in a very short time. Then you simply use software (Registax) to grab the best frames and make your image from that.



Ok I tried to give her assets a little bump to break up the planes of the chest and breasts

In other news, I noticed that Livestream now supports dual displays on Macs (before I couldn't get it to record on the cintiq, so it was pretty worthless for me), so I think I'd like to try doing that sometime if anyone is interested. I love talking about art.



I would attend a livestream (providing it works out time wise for me. being on the other side of the planet could make that difficult.)



I would watch...totally



Wooooooo it works, just tested audio and video...the only problem is that it really highlights how incredibly squeaky my chair is.

Anyways you can go watch 3 minutes of intense beauty that is my glorious screensaver.


I have no idea how to get rid of all the lower-third garbage



ah, i will have to look into that. You ought to be able to do the same with a camera that does video right? Then use the same process but use the video taken from the camera. afterall a webcam is a just a simpler camera right?

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
ah, i will have to look into that. You ought to be able to do the same with a camera that does video right? Then use the same process but use the video taken from the camera. afterall a webcam is a just a simpler camera right?
Yes, in theory. It can be done through a method called "eyepiece projection", where the camera (with it's own lens intact) is pointed directly into the eyepiece, focused to infinity. Some still astrophotography is done this way... if fact my first attempts at astrophotography were done using this method.

The problem that you will run into is getting the camera to stay fixed and pointed directly into the eyepiece. There are special eyepiece projection mounts that you can buy for $30-40 which will accomplish this task by essentially holding the camera up to the eyepiece, however I think they are designed for small point-and-shoot cameras.



After some consulting over at conceptart.org:



That's a stunning piece.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Well the added shadows in the open knotwork of her stomach definitely adds more believability and the increased waist to hip ratio works good too.
I kinda liked the choker but having just skin there does lead the eye better to her rack... which has shrunk from about an F to merely double D (yay for less back aches! )... jeez Clutch what were ya thinkin'? ...couldn't ya have just given her a smaller hammer to carry?

The hood does drape better on her shoulders the way it is now though but I think the shadow on the left biceps shouldn't be a straight line but gradually come closer to her body nearer towards the top where it touches the hood and the shadow on the right biceps should maybe more convex (pushing out like the breast casting it) than concave. Also I think the shadow of the hammer needs to be tweaked a bit... the angle her knee is bent makes the leg seem to be pretty far forward like she might be using her thigh to help support the hammer but it is making no depression on the leg... if it is touching or very close to it then the shadow needs to be harder and darker at the point of near contact and more diffuse as it rounds further down both sides of the leg and if it's not touching shouldn't the shadow be a horizontal line across the thigh extending (at least part way) down on both sides of her leg? Maybe someone more studied at cast shadows could say for certain but that is what I'm seeing.

Nice improvements though and overall it does read better than before... cept the bewbiez n'stuffz.

Did I mention I love this pic?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

Nice improvements though and overall it does read better than before... cept the bewbiez n'stuffz.
Except? But that was the only thing I changed

You are correct about the shadow of the hammer... I did make a shadow for that, and I suspect that somewhere in my photoshop file is a layer that I hid a while ago and forgot to turn on.



The only thing I might change with the piece would be altering the right hand/arm to an overhand grip.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Originally Posted by Clutch View Post
Except? But that was the only thing I changed

You are correct about the shadow of the hammer... I did make a shadow for that, and I suspect that somewhere in my photoshop file is a layer that I hid a while ago and forgot to turn on.

What about the the changes to her hood and the neck choker being missing and other stuff I noted? Did those happen in a previous revision that I missed perhaps (I'm just looking at differences between the last two times the image is posted in this thread)?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris