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  1. So while I can't officially enter the FArt battle (as i couldn't think of anything for round 1), I was inspired by the current month's contest to do something... cheesecake-like...

    I just finished the lines, but some things are still nagging me, but i'm too tired to figure out what. So if anyone could offer any help or advice on this, I'd appreciate it:

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3...FebFARTWIP.jpg (image removed, but link remains for posterity)

    The big thing that I've been having problems with is how to pose (and accurately draw) the bottom girl's hands. I -think- I've got it, but again, a second (or third and fourth) set of eyes would be invaluable!

    EDIT: Please see the picture lower down in the thread! it's the most recent version!
  2. Bubba: Like you see in the streets, right? I'd love that, too!

    Come on Devs, make it happen!
  3. The ONLY thing I don't like about Clutch's is that Domi/Ms. Lib don't look like the same person. But other than that, OMFG! The best is when you see the panties on Domi's foot. It's a "When you see it you'll **** bricks" moment. Very imaginative!

    I love the idea behind Juggy's! Definetely very clever, and funny, too!

    I'm not in the competition, but I need the excuse to whip something up...
  4. EmperorSteele

    Fire Kins

    When playing on my Mind/Kin, i only tend to SB people who seem to need it due to endurance issues or if they ask for it. My PRIMARY role is control, and I embrace it.

    However, if I'm on my Kin/elec, then i keep the buffs up as best I can. Again, it's part of my primary.

    I don't think less of people who don't play to their primary's strengths and instead concentrate on their secondary, but then I'm forced to wonder why they don't play an AT with those powers as their primary. *shrug*
  5. Also, it has to be the same NAME. So you can have five "7.5% moderate recharge bonus" and five "7.5% LoTG: increased global recharge", for a total of ten 7.5% recharge bonuses (75% recharge ftw!) which is a nice little loophole. So even if the number is the same, of one is called a "moderate" bonus and one is called a "large bonuses", even if they're the same NUMBER (though i don't think the devs were that sloppy with anything), you can stack five of each.
  6. Quote:
    and for some reason one group of enemies was wheeling around a wheelbarrow full of rubble or something like that. I don't have the slightest idea why seeing as I didn't set anything to that effect.
    Right around after MA came out, different enemy groups got different standard idling animations that one in every few groups will randomly play. Clockwork will wander around with debris; CoT will be studying spells; Council will kneel in front of the highest ranked member of their group... this applies both in MA and standard missions.

    So in that, i dunno if there's anything you can do about it.
  7. I believe Posi once said something along the lines of even being able to keep 10 enhancements in our inventory after a respec was "generous".

    Along that thinking, as well as the lack of a global in-game item mail, the inability to invite your alts to an SG without outside help, and other nuances, I'd say the game's design philosophy is squarely set against the idea presented in the OP.

    If you pimp-out a character, you're pimping out THAT character, not saving IOs for your alts for when you get bored. IOing a character out is an investment unto THAT character and that character alone. Now I'm no mind reader, but that seems to be the Devs' idea on this sort of thing.

    And it's not a "wrong" idea to have. I mean, if you're so bored with your 50s that you're liable to just swap resources and delete them (if it were easy to do so), how long before you did this to all your alts, ultimately got bored, and left the game? CoX needs all the subscribers it can get, and fostering to impatience is NOT a good marketing strategy.

    Anyway, if for some reason the Devs allowed this sort of thing, we'd see prices drop pretty much everywhere, as even fewer characters would need anything, and more people would be trying to sell their existing IOs for ones they want. This isn't bad in and of itself, though since this game employs a "carrot on a stick" philosophy to keep people playing, allowing everyone to get their "carrots" might end up being a bad thing in the long run.
  8. EmperorSteele

    Map settings

    Well, what you're proposing isn't DIRECLTY possible, ie, have all the spawns that WOULD appear normally suddenly popping into place. I think you could manually make like 20 or so boss fights that spawn when you hit the glowie (maybe have an ambush spawn off the glowie too, just for kicks).

    To do this, set the map for "Empty". Place your glowie. Then make a Boss fight (select the boss you want and what kinds of minions you want around him), set the number to whatever the spawn limit for the map is, and select to have it trigger once the glowie objective is complete (should all be under the "Settings" tab). That should do the trick.
  9. *cracks knuckles* sounds ....iiiinteresting.
  10. I'm always surprised to see other Mind controllers of any flavor at level 50. Even though i'm on Virtue "the rp server", i tend to run into mostly Fire, Illu, and Plant controllers who mostly have cookie-cutter builds.
  11. ... didn't you make this thread like 2 days ago?


    Oh, 3 days ago. My bad!

    Well, I'll be nice. I know a LOT about Mind, and I'll say this: find IO sets that give recharge, recharge, RECHARGE! That way your AoEs come up fast, your attack chain is solid, and life becomes easier all around.
  12. EmperorSteele


    Gratsafats!! Wow, and i thought -I- was a badge wh- er, uhm, enthusiast
  13. Well, with Vet powers, you can IO out for acc and a bit of recharge, and that way you have a pair of reliable attacks (a melee and AoE), which allows you to skip some of your secondary. Sands of Mu is especially nice for a Tank, since it's a Cone attack AND debuffs the affected target's tohit.

    NR is especially nice if you take swift and hurdle and maybe some travel speed IO bonuses... but note that it can't be slotted. Since you're Invuln, that doesn't matter much, but if you were dark or fire, i'd strongly urge you to pick up CJ or Hover for a -KB IO.

    Of course, I'll caution you on one thing: if you rely on these powers too much, you'll find yourself harshly gimped if you ever attempt a Master TF run. Half your offensive powers and your travel powers will be gone and it'll be something of an adjustment.
  14. BR: At exactly what point along the moral horizon is kidnapping Statesman and trying to invade another dimension considered "right"? At exactly what point is it okay to turn people into insane mind-slaves? At exactly what point is it okay to have a granddaughter, named Dominatrix, take care of your "every need"? (btw, do we even have an AGE for Ms. Liberty/Dominatrix? She's short in-game and comes across like a teenager in the comics...)

    Unless Nemisis invaded Paertoria with FP automations to goad them into striking here ALSO, the Praets made the first stike, and we're going to need some major retconning in order to put any positive spin on their actions. And I actually wouldn't mind the retconing and re-doing of the original arcs, just as long as everything fits together.
  15. The resistance is a plot constructed by the decendant of a Prussian nobleman ;-)
  16. My favorite concept character, hmm...

    Probably Patty-Sue Ivanova. Mostly, because her base concept (a genetically engineered individual who may or may not have been a pawn of some villain group) took a life of her own after I had completed "The Evil Countess Crey" arc. I was able to easily shoe-horn in her "relationship" with Countess Crey and make her not just another Crey project, but a clone body for the Countess ala Lex Luthor.

    I also like JenericElectricChick, if only because I don't see nearly as many ex-Outcasts as one would expect. I love RPing her but i don't actually like PLAYING her, which leaves her getting stuck in the low levels.
  17. Mind you, all this info seems to come from a skewed perspective and makes him out to be as much of a good guy as possible. Though we've seen that this is clearly not the case.

    Unless some major retcons are in the works, i don't see how anyone (in-character) would buy any of this, even for a moment.
  18. As a Mind/Kin, i can tell you that if you slot for enough accuracy and recharge, you can save yourself slots in other places and not have to worry about them.

    For instance, with NO slots in it whatsoever (and assuming hasten is on, and I have one Siphon speed on me, as i usually do), Fulcrum shift sits at 134% acc (base is 75) and recharges in about 22 seconds (base is 60). To get close to those numbers WITHOUT bonuses, you need 2 each of lvl 50 Acc and recharge IOs (assuming you have SS and hasten on, otherwise you need a third). This allows you to not only have FS be effective, but you can move slots around and concentrate on bonuses without gimping your best power.

    As for things like Transfusion and Siphon speed, i just use sets. The Slow sets are actually pretty nice for building up bonuses, so even though normally i'd only recommend 1 acc IO, you'll wanna 4 or 5 slot it for bonuses.

    Siphon Power is a beast to slot. I find that its biggest drawback is the Endurance cost (10 points), so you definitely want an end redux in there. If you have enough bonuses, you don't have to slot anything else in there; otherwise go for a recharge IO. Since it doesn't take sets, you really can't use it for those or try to frankenslot it for max effectiveness. In fact I'd almost reccomend skipping it if you're looking for another power choice.
  19. I'm just going to chime in with the majority here: Do what benefits you the most.

    This doesn't always mean covering weaknesses. For instance, trying to cover Invul's psi-hole, while doable (with some messed up slotting, you can get more psi resist than energy resist), doesn't give you a whole lot of long-term gain given the relatively few psi-wielding enemies out there. However, a slight boost to its already formidable defenses and resistances will make you darn near unstoppable the other 99% of the time. On the flip side, a Fire or Dark armor user will WANT KB protection, because that's not a weakness you can just ignore.

    And then there are things which are simply performance enhancers that are not tied to a particular strength or weakness, Recharge, for example. Aside from Granite tanks, I don't think any powersets have a -recharge penalty, and in all but the most extreme cases (like a Controller's AoE Hold), recharge isn't a huge issue as far as getting attacks off and doing damage and surviving. But, extra recharge is almost always worth having more of. "How much" you want depends on your build and your dependency on your tier 8's and 9's.
  20. You could also always use Ouroboros to re-do Tsoo missions =)
  21. EmperorSteele

    The Television

    Welcome to the forums, and grats on your new position!

    Now gimme new tech =)
  22. Welcome, Doc! The relationship between the playerbase and the Devs of this game is second to none, and I hope we see plenty of you through both good and bad!
  23. Welcome to virtue! Just watch your step, you cant go 10 feet without stepping on a catgirl's tail!
  24. Hey there! Welcome... TO YOUR DOOM!
  25. EmperorSteele

    Going Rogue MIA?

    *sigh* HERE, brats!


    Originally Posted by EMpulse
    In regards to Going Rogue, we know you are all chomping at the bit for some new information. Please know that regular status updates are a top priority for us and you’ll be hearing more about the expansion in upcoming weeks.