General Controller Questions

Broken Voltage



Question 1: Which is better for controllers, defense or resistance? i have Mids builds one with 41% defense and the other with 62% resistance. Both with regards to smashing/lethal.

Question 2: How many slots go into transfusion, siphon power, siphon speed usually on kinetic builds?





@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Defense is pretty much better across the board. However, I think this is especially true on "squishies," like Controllers. They have far less HP, and so can't suck up the hits that they will be taking if you focus on Resists (albeit smaller hits, but more of 'em).

With regard to your slotting question? Do whatever you feel you should do. If you think that the power is underperforming, adjust it... that's what respecs are for. I, personally, adhere to the philosophy about giving a fish vs. teaching to fish when it comes to build questions.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Defense is pretty much better across the board. However, I think this is especially true on "squishies," like Controllers. They have far less HP, and so can't suck up the hits that they will be taking if you focus on Resists (albeit smaller hits, but more of 'em).
Your logic is sound, and there is truth in it, but you aren't viewing the whole truth. The truth is if you focus on both, resistance and def, your chances of surviving increase even more. Lets say you have based your shields around def, when an attack does come around, you well be hurting and if you get hit again, that is it. Being a "squishie", you always run the chance of being KO'd.

To Op: My personal feelings around the issue if your worried about it, then you should play a toon that doesn't have to worry about it, as for me, I don't mine getting KO'd here and there, it just reminds me that I'm not a god, just a powerful hero.

Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
With regard to your slotting question? Do whatever you feel you should do. If you think that the power is underperforming, adjust it... that's what respecs are for. I, personally, adhere to the philosophy about giving a fish vs. teaching to fish when it comes to build questions.
Along with that phrase, you don't teach some one how to hold a rod and put it in the water, then except a person to catch a fish with no difficulty without any extra advise.

To OP: I will share the same point with 37, but I will go deeper. With each of those I slot for accuracy and recharge first, then heal/endurence whatever, then the end cost. If you take a look around the board, you should find something on at least one of the primary and secondaries your thinkin about using, there's a lot about fire/kins if your thinking about making one.

Edit: On a side note, if you don't got mids, you should download it from here:Mid's hero builder. This should be very helpful in seeing how you should slot those powers. Shoot just saw you said you have it, my bad, but at least it's here for anyone else wanting the updated version of mids.



Originally Posted by LastPhantomZoner View Post
Question 1: Which is better for controllers, defense or resistance? i have Mids builds one with 41% defense and the other with 62% resistance. Both with regards to smashing/lethal.
In general, Defense is better than Resistance, even though it is a little more risky. On controllers, however, often Recharge is better than either since Recharge allows you to have your controls up more often -- a foe who is held/stunned/knocked down/slept isn't shooting at you.

Question 2: How many slots go into transfusion, siphon power, siphon speed usually on kinetic builds?

Transfusion -- 2 Acc, 2 Rech, 2 Heal is pretty standard. The Touch of the Nictus Set is good, but lacking in some Recharge. Some people use an Accuracy and 5 Doctored Wounds. (Edited after CMA pointed out my boo-boo)

Siphon Power -- 2 Acc, 1 Rech is enough.

Siphon Speed -- 2 Acc, 2-3 Rech.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
Transfusion -- 2 Acc, 2 Rech, 2 EndMod is pretty standard. The entire Efficiency Adapter set is great.
Umm, I think you mean Transference here; Transfusion should be slotted, at basic SO level, 2 accuracy, 2-3 heal, 1-2 recharge. For sets I like the Touch of the Nictus set.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by LastPhantomZoner View Post
Question 1: Which is better for controllers, defense or resistance?
Defense helps you avoid (some) mezz attacks completely. Resistance does not.

Originally Posted by LastPhantomZoner View Post
i have Mids builds one with 41% defense and the other with 62% resistance. Both with regards to smashing/lethal.
Of those two, the Defense is the better option since you're so near the softcap (45%). In order for the Resistance to offer similar protection levels (over indefinite time) you'd need to have around 92% resistance.

Originally Posted by LastPhantomZoner View Post
How many slots go into transfusion
5 or 6.
Originally Posted by LastPhantomZoner View Post
siphon power
One 50 common Accuracy IO + two 50 common Recharge IOs minimum.
Extra +1 Accuracy IO if you've got the slots for it.
Originally Posted by LastPhantomZoner View Post
siphon speed
One 50 common Accuracy IO + two 50 common Recharge IOs minimum.
Extra +1 Accuracy IO if you've got the slots for it.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



As a Mind/Kin, i can tell you that if you slot for enough accuracy and recharge, you can save yourself slots in other places and not have to worry about them.

For instance, with NO slots in it whatsoever (and assuming hasten is on, and I have one Siphon speed on me, as i usually do), Fulcrum shift sits at 134% acc (base is 75) and recharges in about 22 seconds (base is 60). To get close to those numbers WITHOUT bonuses, you need 2 each of lvl 50 Acc and recharge IOs (assuming you have SS and hasten on, otherwise you need a third). This allows you to not only have FS be effective, but you can move slots around and concentrate on bonuses without gimping your best power.

As for things like Transfusion and Siphon speed, i just use sets. The Slow sets are actually pretty nice for building up bonuses, so even though normally i'd only recommend 1 acc IO, you'll wanna 4 or 5 slot it for bonuses.

Siphon Power is a beast to slot. I find that its biggest drawback is the Endurance cost (10 points), so you definitely want an end redux in there. If you have enough bonuses, you don't have to slot anything else in there; otherwise go for a recharge IO. Since it doesn't take sets, you really can't use it for those or try to frankenslot it for max effectiveness. In fact I'd almost reccomend skipping it if you're looking for another power choice.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



If you're a fire/kin built for farming, you'll never use siphon power because you should be able to stay at +dmg cap with fulcrum shift constantly.

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
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Siphon Power is dirt simple to slot. 1 Acc, 2 Recharge common 50 IOs. Done.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Siphon Power is dirt simple to slot. 1 Acc, 2 Recharge common 50 IOs. Done.
The reason I like 2 Acc, 1 Recharge is for going against AVs and tough single targets where Fulcrum Shift has a lot lower benefit. Against AVs, 1 Acc may not be enough, and a miss is just wasted End. But with 1 Rech and Siphon Speed, Siphon Power will stack. Of course, 2 Recharge would be better.

I have also seen some people put some EndRdx in Siphon Power because it uses a lot of endurance.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
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