So whats some other combos?




So, whats some other combos that you dont see people playing past level 14 with the Controller AT?

Im currently leveling up a Earth/Sonic, but I want something else as well.Mainly because you can get bored with playing the same character after 35+ levels, and wanna have a change of pace when that happens.That way I can switch back and forth between the 2 of them and not feel the sting of over boredum.

I want to aviod the more used sets, mainly because I see them on the daily, so they dont appeal to me as much.Those would be mainly /Kin, /Rad, /EMP, ect.

It may be the server I play on, being Freedom, but I dont see a Illusion/ or Gravity/ Primary all that often.I do however hear about how these 2 are talked about on the boards, as if they are common place, and plentiful.

Iv been learning more and more that whats talked about on the boards here, is considered "Rare" on Freedom.A easly pointed out piece of proof for that is my rolling up a Dark/Dark Defender, simply because I never see one on Freedom.Apperantly, they are all over the place on other servers.

I litterally had no idea, and it wasnt all that commonly talked about on the Forums, but, apperantly a Dark Defender is common.Who knew?Not me.

So, from what iv heard so far, a Earth/Sonic is a rare combo in its self all over the place.If this isnt the case, it definatly seems to be on Freedom.I dont see people using either sets, at all.

You could clog the server with all the Fire/Kin Controllers people have.I know a player that has 3 diffrent Fire/Kins.WHY?!

I really enjoy my Dark/Dark Defender, but you wont see me taking it to level 50, just to make it again and take it to 50 two more times.

Anyhow, im kinda getting off key.

Whats another rare mix that I could possibly enjoy, and Synergy and Mids be damned on this one.They can take a flying leap!

Im one of those odd players that can make a so called Bad Mix work well.So help me out!






in general ice and sonic buff sets are both not used that much, although both sets have very good debuffs and buffs.

i know only a few poeple who play cold domination and even fewer that use sonic resonance.

in terms of offensive stuff, ive seen almost everything at some point or another.

i see a lot of poeple who use gravity and illusion on victory server (illusion is prolly my most favorite control set and would kill to have that set on a dom)

im not sure if this can be done, but if assault rifle/trick arrows, that would seem bad to me because of all the redraws of the weapons, but i am not sure if this combo is allowed, i do not remember if it is.

at the moment i cant think of any other combos that would be bad synergy (as i too am good at making most any combination work really good). if i think of anything else i can post them.



I'm always surprised to see other Mind controllers of any flavor at level 50. Even though i'm on Virtue "the rp server", i tend to run into mostly Fire, Illu, and Plant controllers who mostly have cookie-cutter builds.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I play on the Liberty server so take this with as much salt as you want...

As far as primaries go....

Ice & Grav are the least played (from what I can tell), the 3rd least popular..mmm...not sure...maybe Plant but...I know I've seen quite a few of those. You may see a lot of forum talk about Ice/Grav. 'trollers because they are not as 'cookie-cutter' as far as builds go. They are both kind of light on actual control (compared to Mind or Earth) but they are still good in their own rights. Right now I'm lvl'ing up a Grav/Thermal far it's been fun but yeah...kind of slow on the damage/mob killing (ie. solo'ing).


Cold Domination, FF, Sonic Resonance and TA are probably the least played....with maybe Storm in there too.

They are all good sets for secondaries but depending on what you do might help make this build question easier. If you solo a lot maybe FF or Sonic might not be the best choice since there are a lot of buffs and/or powers that require teammates (they'd still be good secondaries if you want to take all 9 powers in the primary and have lots of pool powers...*shrugs* and it's always nice to have mez protection on yourself (except for sleeps)).

I will say Earth/FF is a great team build....only seen one in my career (as far as I can remember)...I was on a respec trial with a full team and had the Earth/FF controller and we got to the reactor room and that is when I first realized you could buff the reactor All the team was very safe with the controls and the buffs/bubbles. Was really wanting to make one but never did.

I'll say the 'oddest' build that I will throw out here would be.... Ice/Sonic Controller.

Anyways, have fun with the build you make!

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Hmmm, I think from what im reading right now, that Mind/ and /Cold are rather unused./TA, as well as /FF are seemingly even more unused for a Controller.

On a side note, I should have mentioned that by having a Earth/Sonic, I dont want to reuse those sets.Redundancies in using power sets dont appeal to me, and doesnt make me wanna play the secondary Controller to stave off boredum from the other one all that much.So that takes Earth/TA and Earth/FF off the list.

Mind/Cold might be interesting, but im sure more options exist.



most people dont like using FF becase it gives them too much of a buffbot feel



i can't imagine trying to actually level an FF toon without PLing.

I think you should do mind/ta

Trick Arrow is one of the most underrated sets in the game. it has such a great array of debuffs, it also gives you a second single target hold for boss stacking and whatnot.



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
i can't imagine trying to actually level an FF toon without PLing.

I think you should do mind/ta

Trick Arrow is one of the most underrated sets in the game. it has such a great array of debuffs, it also gives you a second single target hold for boss stacking and whatnot.



TA is very good debuff set, but i dont see a lot of people with it because (the reason people give me) is because it has no heals.

most people pass up TA for rad or therm bcause those sets have heals as well as excellent debuffs.



I think FF is slowing be whittled away by Cold. With the same numbers on the ally shields, more buffs, and some nice debuffs it outshines FF in most cases. I dare say that the only reason Cold has low numbers is because it came out for controllers* in I16. In a few issues it may be the ally buff du jour. As for unused secondaries, I can only reiterated what others have said: FF, TA, and sonic. FF is largely defined by the ally shields and Dispersion Bubble. The other powers in the set are often consider situational or even annoying (for example, Detention Field). Sonic suffers the same problem with a buff generally seen as less useful and some redundancy in Sonic Dispersion and Clarity. Finally, TA... aside from redraw there's... well, I'll leave it to this thread.

Having said all that, I must admit I do have two FF'ers: a fire/ff and a plant/ff both at 50. If you asked me a year ago if I would take a FF'er to 50 I would have probably said no, but I gave it a try and found that I like using Forcefields though my playstyle is a bit unusual with them. I do have a back up build just in case the team demands shields. Forcefields, maneuvers, and powerboost will let you cap most of the teams defenses, usually a crowd pleaser.



cold has been out a lot longer than i16, its been out since before i10 (i dont remember the exact release although im fairly sure its been out for quite awhile though)



not as a controller



I have a Mind/FF currently at level 35. He has mostly been solo'ed, and the FF secondary has provided one of the best Panic Button powers in the game in PFF, and partial mez protection and Defense from Dispersion Bubble. I have the two ally bubbles for those occasions when I team, but don't use them often. He also has a lot of opportunity for knockback/up/down with the various knock powers in FF, plus Levitate and Telekinesis.

It is not fast, but it is quite safe and provides tons of control. He has OK single target damage and somewhat weak AoE damage.

Earth/TA is the one build with the most AoE control. Not much damage until Rocky and Oil Slick Arrow, but you can control like crazy. I took an Ill/TA up to 50 and really enjoyed it. I felt that those two sets had a lot of synergy, with TA's Debuffs helping Phantom Army to be better. I have heard of others who really liked Grav/TA, since TA makes up for some of the lack of AoE control in Gravity.

A lot of people have played Ice/Cold, mostly because they go together thematically. But other than Ice and Illusion, I have seen few */Cold controllers. */FF is fairly rare, as are */TA and */Sonic.

The most popular secondaries would, in order, be Kinetics, Radiation, Storm and Empathy, then probably Therm.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



If you are wishing to be rare then try pairing a low damage/low control primary with a mainly buffing secondary.

Grav/FF is fairly uncommon. (seen 1) *caveat to follow.

Grav/Therm (seen none)

Grav/Sonic (seen none)

Ice/FF (seen 2 have 1)

Ice/Therm (seen none)

Ice/Sonic (seen none)

Would all be extremely uncommon pairings.

Fire/TA would also be an uncommon pairing (I have seen one and have one)

* caveat

A poorly played Grav/FF is a nighmare to have on a team. I had the misfortune to be teamed with one on Justice (who has since been one starred and ignored).

You can entirely shut down your own team while allowing the mobs to destroy them.

You have the ability to teleport entire spawns of baddies away from the aggro controlling Tanks and Scrappers and on top of the squishies (blasters, defenders, other controllers) in the back. If you slot no stun enhancers in Wormhole the baddies wake up fairly quickly especially if they are higher con. You can also wormhole parts of the minotaur spawn in the first mission of the ITF (defeating all of which is required to finish the mission) off of the top of the mountain and into the water making finding those scattered mobs nearly impossible.

Running force bubble 100% of the time means that any melee focused toon will be forced outside the protection of your dispersion bubble in order to attack baddies.

Force bubble also lets you spread the spawn radially around the team and allows you to quickly and easily push mobs out of debuff patches.

Improper use of Force Bolt allows you to send the debuff anchor far far from the rest of the spawn.

Having both Dimension Shift AND Detention Field allows you to make defeat alls nearly impossible for your team to finish in a timely manner.

Pushing stuff around with force bubble and then popping PFF and watching the team wipe is something you do every 10 minutes or so just to shake things up.

Oh and don't forget to take the ally shields but never use them on the team.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
A poorly played Grav/FF is a nighmare to have on a team. I had the misfortune to be teamed with one on Justice (who has since been one starred and ignored).

You can entirely shut down your own team while allowing the mobs to destroy them.

You have the ability to teleport entire spawns of baddies away from the aggro controlling Tanks and Scrappers and on top of the squishies (blasters, defenders, other controllers) in the back. If you slot no stun enhancers in Wormhole the baddies wake up fairly quickly especially if they are higher con. You can also wormhole parts of the minotaur spawn in the first mission of the ITF (defeating all of which is required to finish the mission) off of the top of the mountain and into the water making finding those scattered mobs nearly impossible.

Running force bubble 100% of the time means that any melee focused toon will be forced outside the protection of your dispersion bubble in order to attack baddies.

Force bubble also lets you spread the spawn radially around the team and allows you to quickly and easily push mobs out of debuff patches.

Improper use of Force Bolt allows you to send the debuff anchor far far from the rest of the spawn.

Having both Dimension Shift AND Detention Field allows you to make defeat alls nearly impossible for your team to finish in a timely manner.

Pushing stuff around with force bubble and then popping PFF and watching the team wipe is something you do every 10 minutes or so just to shake things up.

Oh and don't forget to take the ally shields but never use them on the team.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
If you are wishing to be rare then try pairing a low damage/low control primary with a mainly buffing secondary.

Grav/FF is fairly uncommon. (seen 1) *caveat to follow.

Grav/Therm (seen none)

Grav/Sonic (seen none)

Ice/FF (seen 2 have 1)

Ice/Therm (seen none)

Ice/Sonic (seen none)

Would all be extremely uncommon pairings.

Fire/TA would also be an uncommon pairing (I have seen one and have one)

* caveat

A poorly played Grav/FF is a nighmare to have on a team. I had the misfortune to be teamed with one on Justice (who has since been one starred and ignored).

You can entirely shut down your own team while allowing the mobs to destroy them.

You have the ability to teleport entire spawns of baddies away from the aggro controlling Tanks and Scrappers and on top of the squishies (blasters, defenders, other controllers) in the back. If you slot no stun enhancers in Wormhole the baddies wake up fairly quickly especially if they are higher con. You can also wormhole parts of the minotaur spawn in the first mission of the ITF (defeating all of which is required to finish the mission) off of the top of the mountain and into the water making finding those scattered mobs nearly impossible.

Running force bubble 100% of the time means that any melee focused toon will be forced outside the protection of your dispersion bubble in order to attack baddies.

Force bubble also lets you spread the spawn radially around the team and allows you to quickly and easily push mobs out of debuff patches.

Improper use of Force Bolt allows you to send the debuff anchor far far from the rest of the spawn.

Having both Dimension Shift AND Detention Field allows you to make defeat alls nearly impossible for your team to finish in a timely manner.

Pushing stuff around with force bubble and then popping PFF and watching the team wipe is something you do every 10 minutes or so just to shake things up.

Oh and don't forget to take the ally shields but never use them on the team.

Hehe, wow...sounds like you had fun on that team :P Fun as in tearing your hair out eh?

I think another combo that could be total team chaos would be Grav/Storm. For basically the same reasons: Hurricane to repel mobs away from melee'rs but the added bonus of Tornado knocking mobs all over the place!

I will say that I was hesitant to go Gravity Control with my grav/thermal but I'm glad I did. It's been kind of fun getting to play with Wormhole and Singularity. Trying to get used to Wormhole and how it works It's nice to have a "tp foe" power that teleports bosses too hehe. Great for when your team is in a CoT cavern mission or any other mission where there are two spawns right beside each one of them towards the team (telling them that you're doing so) and wa-la, only 1 spawn at a time (that is if your team can't handle 2 spawns)

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Hehe, wow...sounds like you had fun on that team :P Fun as in tearing your hair out eh?

I think another combo that could be total team chaos would be Grav/Storm. For basically the same reasons: Hurricane to repel mobs away from melee'rs but the added bonus of Tornado knocking mobs all over the place!

I will say that I was hesitant to go Gravity Control with my grav/thermal but I'm glad I did. It's been kind of fun getting to play with Wormhole and Singularity. Trying to get used to Wormhole and how it works It's nice to have a "tp foe" power that teleports bosses too hehe. Great for when your team is in a CoT cavern mission or any other mission where there are two spawns right beside each one of them towards the team (telling them that you're doing so) and wa-la, only 1 spawn at a time (that is if your team can't handle 2 spawns)
wormhole has high enough mag tp to tp EBs too, it gets even more fun if someone pops a -kb power on them then wormhole the mob into a tight clump for excellent debuffage/AoE/cone/ect attacks.



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
A poorly played Grav/FF is a nighmare to have on a team. I had the misfortune to be teamed with one on Justice (who has since been one starred and ignored).

You can entirely shut down your own team while allowing the mobs to destroy them.

You have the ability to teleport entire spawns of baddies away from the aggro controlling Tanks and Scrappers and on top of the squishies (blasters, defenders, other controllers) in the back. If you slot no stun enhancers in Wormhole the baddies wake up fairly quickly especially if they are higher con. You can also wormhole parts of the minotaur spawn in the first mission of the ITF (defeating all of which is required to finish the mission) off of the top of the mountain and into the water making finding those scattered mobs nearly impossible.

Running force bubble 100% of the time means that any melee focused toon will be forced outside the protection of your dispersion bubble in order to attack baddies.

Force bubble also lets you spread the spawn radially around the team and allows you to quickly and easily push mobs out of debuff patches.

Improper use of Force Bolt allows you to send the debuff anchor far far from the rest of the spawn.

Having both Dimension Shift AND Detention Field allows you to make defeat alls nearly impossible for your team to finish in a timely manner.

Pushing stuff around with force bubble and then popping PFF and watching the team wipe is something you do every 10 minutes or so just to shake things up.

Oh and don't forget to take the ally shields but never use them on the team.
As easy as it is to play a bad grav/FF, it's nearly as easy to play one that's at least decent.

Take your ally shields (and powerboost them).
Teleport strays unto the mobs gathered by the tank.
Pulse Force Bubble to shove immobilized enemies off of squishies.
Force Bolt enemies off of squishies.
Erm... just skip Dimension Shift.

While you could play this set horrendously, you would almost have to do so intentionally to reach that level of bad. Realistically, I would say the worse someone might do unintentionally is spread the mobs through bad use of Wormhole and Force Bubble. Once you have the hang of using them you'll be able to set up nice, tightly clumped groups.



Ok, I have a couple questions.

The comments been made that you get your damage in the Earth Control set when you get your Golem.Does it really hit that hard?Cuase im noticing that my Damaging Attacks dont do much Damage, however im sure the damage improves with getting more powers to layer over the last.

One of you made mention of having a Fire/TA Controller.I have some questions on that.The main one on my mind, is when you light Oil Slick, does it just desimate the enemy mob you have locked down?

I have no idea the damage of Oil Slick.Is it Slow Ticks with high damage?Low Damage and fast clicks, but cuasing alot of DoT?

I know that the obvious Fire Control attacks can start the Oil Slick, but is there anything else in your secondary that can start it as well?

I want to go either Ice/TA, or Mind/Cold, so im curious if theres anything in TA that can start the oil Slick on fire?I think its a bit fair to say ice wont start a fire!LOL!I want to avoid a Fire/TA if I can, even though the Oil Slick question on damage does seem tempting if its decent, that and the Sonic Arrow, and others would make it fun to help it along.

If something else I have can set off the Slick if I go Ice Primary, then ill be happy to go Ice/TA....or Mind/Cold.....I hate making up my mind...

I have 5 possible combos on the table, ill let you guys tell me which is rarer.

The choices are.

Fire/TA (Only if Ice/TA doesnt have a viable option to light Oil Slick, and if it does, then this is not on the list.)

If you guys come up with a more interesting and rare combo, toss it up there with your vote, ill let this ride for a few days before checking back on what you guys voted on.

This will be the first time ill have ever done this, but, ill create the combo everyone agrees on, and play it without a complaint.You guys can pick for me, if you like.

Good Luck, be back to see what you guys think I should play in a few days.(or till my Earth/Sonic dings atleast 35, which will take a few days of casual soloing anyhow.)



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
i can't imagine trying to actually level an FF toon without PLing.
That's why you roll a Fire/FF and PL yourself

As for TA, *I* think it's a great secondary, but I can see why more people don't take it/try it for a while then scrap it. When a /TA gets into the mid-20s and sees that by that point other secondaries already have 'defining' powers (AM, Speed Boost, etc), it's hard to get excited about the prospect of unlocking PGA or Acid Arrow.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
wormhole has high enough mag tp to tp EBs too, it gets even more fun if someone pops a -kb power on them then wormhole the mob into a tight clump for excellent debuffage/AoE/cone/ect attacks.
Yes! That's one of the things I've been playing with when teamed. I use my AoE immob. and then Wormhole them (basically right next to me/my teammates) in hopes that the immob stops the KB from Wormhole. And to be honest, I don't know how and/or why it does what it does.

Sometimes I AoE immob., Wormhole and it works just as you said (as I would expect)...the mob gets tp'ed right by the teammate/myself with no KB (except maybe 1 mob that I missed with the immob.) then other times I do the exact same thing but the mobs get KB'ed like they normally do :/


Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Ok, I have a couple questions.

The comments been made that you get your damage in the Earth Control set when you get your Golem.Does it really hit that hard?Cuase im noticing that my Damaging Attacks dont do much Damage, however im sure the damage improves with getting more powers to layer over the last.
My highest Earth/* Controller is a lvl 32 (Earth/Storm) and while she does have the rock pet...I haven't played her in a long time but I think the answer is yes. Earth's powers that do damage are the ST immob (does 10-20 dmg ?), the ST hold (again, 10-20 dmg *at lower lvls this is*), the AoE immob. (10-20 dmg again), the PBAoE sleep doesn't do any dmg, Stalagmites does like 15-30 dmg I think, the location based slow does no damage, the AoE location hold does like ticks of 1-3 dmg (with no IO procs that is), so yeah...the pet does the damage I would think.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
One of you made mention of having a Fire/TA Controller.I have some questions on that.The main one on my mind, is when you light Oil Slick, does it just desimate the enemy mob you have locked down?

I have no idea the damage of Oil Slick.Is it Slow Ticks with high damage?Low Damage and fast clicks, but cuasing alot of DoT?
I don't have a Fire/TA Controller but I do have a TA/A Defender and Oil Slick Arrow is an awesome power. Really great when it does light on fire and does some good damage. Depending on the mobs that you have locked down, but I would say (and depending on how you slot OSA) yes it could defeat most mobs (especially minions) in the burn patch. Lts may get down to 1/2 health or so...

Oh and the DoT is very's like, 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7 and so on...not like AoE immob/ST immob. DoT powers that do 2....2........2....

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I know that the obvious Fire Control attacks can start the Oil Slick, but is there anything else in your secondary that can start it as well?
Any fire or energy based attacks can set it on fire. So if your character is a Magic based origin, the origin temp power can light it on fire

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I want to go either Ice/TA, or Mind/Cold, so im curious if theres anything in TA that can start the oil Slick on fire?I think its a bit fair to say ice wont start a fire!LOL!I want to avoid a Fire/TA if I can, even though the Oil Slick question on damage does seem tempting if its decent, that and the Sonic Arrow, and others would make it fun to help it along.
Nope, nothing in the TA set will light OSA. But like I said previously, if you go Magic Origin, you can light OSA with your Origin specific temp power.

Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
If something else I have can set off the Slick if I go Ice Primary, then ill be happy to go Ice/TA....or Mind/Cold.....I hate making up my mind...

I have 5 possible combos on the table, ill let you guys tell me which is rarer.

The choices are.

Fire/TA (Only if Ice/TA doesnt have a viable option to light Oil Slick, and if it does, then this is not on the list.)

If you guys come up with a more interesting and rare combo, toss it up there with your vote, ill let this ride for a few days before checking back on what you guys voted on.

This will be the first time ill have ever done this, but, ill create the combo everyone agrees on, and play it without a complaint.You guys can pick for me, if you like.

Good Luck, be back to see what you guys think I should play in a few days.(or till my Earth/Sonic dings atleast 35, which will take a few days of casual soloing anyhow.)
Hmm, if those are the choices, I'll go with


Just choose to be a Magic origin toon

If you don't want that, I'd say


Could be a really great combo in later levels. Mind has good controls and if you plan on doing any attempts at getting the Master of STF badge, Mind has a great single target sleep sleeps GW/Scirocco/any of the AVs (even Recluse...however all towers have to be down (or at least the green one) for it to work....anyways...not worth trying to sleep him ). And with Cold's buffs/debuffs, it could work

Dang almost makes me want to make a Mind/Cold....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Yes! That's one of the things I've been playing with when teamed. I use my AoE immob. and then Wormhole them (basically right next to me/my teammates) in hopes that the immob stops the KB from Wormhole. And to be honest, I don't know how and/or why it does what it does.

Sometimes I AoE immob., Wormhole and it works just as you said (as I would expect)...the mob gets tp'ed right by the teammate/myself with no KB (except maybe 1 mob that I missed with the immob.) then other times I do the exact same thing but the mobs get KB'ed like they normally do :/

The immobilize in Gravity doesn't offer -kb, however your holds do. Wormhole's knockback is also a bit tricky as its magnitude will increase as you go up in level. At level 26, it's only a 10.3 mag knockback but will increase to 14.5 at level 50. After taking that change into consideration there is level scaling to consider as well. Basically, as enemies increase in level above you your powers will have a smaller effect.

For example, you just got Wormhole at level 26 and you rush of to face some +1 minions. Now your knockback is only 90% as effective, reducing it to a 9.27 mag kb. Some mobs may resist that. Some may not. It could even have varying effects on enemies in the same group.

Also, for Fire's question, you have a few options for lighting the slick. Like Ion said energy based attacks will ignite it. The Tech and Magic origins will both grant you a power that will do, but the are fairly short ranged. You can also dip into the Fire or Primal APP's for some more options there.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
The immobilize in Gravity doesn't offer -kb, however your holds do. Wormhole's knockback is also a bit tricky as its magnitude will increase as you go up in level. At level 26, it's only a 10.3 mag knockback but will increase to 14.5 at level 50. After taking that change into consideration there is level scaling to consider as well. Basically, as enemies increase in level above you your powers will have a smaller effect.

For example, you just got Wormhole at level 26 and you rush of to face some +1 minions. Now your knockback is only 90% as effective, reducing it to a 9.27 mag kb. Some mobs may resist that. Some may not. It could even have varying effects on enemies in the same group.

Also, for Fire's question, you have a few options for lighting the slick. Like Ion said energy based attacks will ignite it. The Tech and Magic origins will both grant you a power that will do, but the are fairly short ranged. You can also dip into the Fire or Primal APP's for some more options there.
Annnnnd you can use the rune of warding temp power that you get from running the War of the Fir Bolg story arc. It's endlessly renewable all you have to do is Oro that story arc until you get the rune and you can go on about your business after that.

One other vote for the joy of Fire/TA comes from all the stacked AoE fire damage that you do.

Smoke from Fire/ can be enhanced to a value of -7.5ish to hit.

Flash Arrow from /TA can be enhanced to like value (it's also unresistable so it doesn't suffer from purple patch).

You can get very nice numbers in those 2 powers for 4 slots each if you use Dark Watchers Despair (good set bonuses, cheap IOs) Skip the end/rech and the proc. After slotting that's like having 15% extra defense for 60 seconds for the low cost of 10 endurance (best of all those numbers help your team and your imps)

My Fire/TA opens up with Smoke, follows up with Flash Arrow, then Flashfires to stun the mobs. I move in with Hot Feet running (combat jumping doesn't supress your movement) Cast fire cages in the air (6 slotted 5 posi's all but the Dam/Range and the trap of the hunter proc), Fire OSA (if it's recharged), Hot Feet immediately ignites it, then I cast Fire Cages again, follow up with disruption arrow, and occasionally I'll season that with Bonfire.

Then I just stand in the middle of the spawn watching them burn to a crisp and spam Fire cages every time it recharges. That keeps the mobs in the Bonfire and I get lots of proc damage. On spawns that OSA isn't ready the imps wade in and contribute their damage instead. You "can" take a pool attack and use it on any bosses in the spawn or you can just alternate Ring of Fire, Char (slot them both for damage), Acid Arrow (proc it out too) ,and Fire Cages.

It's fun teamed and works very well solo.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by Miladys_Knight View Post
Annnnnd you can use the rune of warding temp power that you get from running the War of the Fir Bolg story arc. It's endlessly renewable all you have to do is Oro that story arc until you get the rune and you can go on about your business after that.
Good point. The Rune of Purification you get from Mortician and Midnighter accolade would do it too.