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  1. EmperorSteele

    Slotting Terrify

    I slot it as an attack. I have so much recharge on my mind/kin (hello, Siphon speed, hasten, and recharge bonuses!) that the fear aspect is ALREADY perma without adding duration. And the easiest mobs to control are dead ones.

    Adding a chance to KD or disorient isn't a horrible idea, but make sure you can't use the slot somewhere else. IMO, you'll get more mileage out of a chance to hold proc in your other powers.
  2. Yeah, depending on what other powers are in the set, I see Grav/Time and Mind/Time being very popular, just based around the concept of seeming omnipotent. However, as neither Grav nor Mind are known for being exceptionally powerful (at least not in the farming or AV soloing sense), Time manip would have to pick up the slack without being too overpowered in the hands of every other controller... my brain already hurts just thinking about it!
  3. ...

    Okay guys, you're slipping.

    Lady, I realize that you may never have needed the fitness pool, but it IS inherent now and you CAN put slots into it! At the very least, put a Health IO into Health, and a End Mod into Stamina to make use of your free fitness abilities.

    Also, the Purple Sleep IO set, Fortuna Hypnosis, is VERY cheap for a purple set. You should plan on grabbing that to place into Mass Hyp. Better bonuses and everything.

    Finally, a question, is there any reason the level ranges on your enhancements are all over the place? Are you planning your build around IOs you already have, maybe?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niklarus View Post
    A little more advanced notice would've been nice. Some of us have to give our supervisors two week's advanced warning or we're not allowed to take a vacation day.
    I'm sure your boss would love to hear your reason for taking off work. "I don't care if you have a loved one in the hospital, I need this shift cove- what's that? You can level up twice as fast in a video game? Dang, son, I'll put this in as PAID time-off! You enjoy yourself, y'hear?"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
    I do not consider Ice Control underpowered, even without AA. So I am going to assume you dont mean me.

    I've heard it in other places. It "underperforms" because it essentially doesn't farm like plant or fire and doesn't handle AVs like perma-PA Illu. It is distinctly un-distinctive, which somehow makes it bad even though it has advantages over some of the other sets.

  6. That's impressive! I love how people claim a set is underpowered when they don't take half the powers in that set or use them properly. Any vids for, say, Grav/FF planned? =P
  7. I feel the same. In fact, I'm re-rolling my main, currently a Mind/Kin, as a Mind/Time (I even have a backstory to explain the change in her power: After hundreds of years, her powers evolved from control of physics into control of time, and she ends up coming back in time, but get stuck here...)... I'm not 100% sure if I'll delete the mind/kin once the mind/time is 50 and Incarnate'd, it depends how differently TM plays.

    I'm intrigued by the basic mechanics behind its two key powers: making buffs and debuffs more effective on their respective targets. (this info was revealed in a dev Ustream chat, iirc) Should be especially useful in the post-50 incarnate game where the AVs can pretty much shrug off any debuffs that aren't more than triple-stacked against them.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
    By the way, what the heck is Null the Gull?
    It's a gull in Pocket D that can change whether or not you're affected by movement buffs and mystic fortune. He can also tell you which praetorian AVs you still need to defeat for Dimensional Warder.

    He came to be due to a NPC scripting error, he literally just appeared in the D one day. The devs took him out, but put him back in with his new "reality reshaping" powers.
  9. Very nice! Got a bunch of characters that are just kinda "Stuck", this will definitely encourage me to play them!
  10. In Rx10's defense, I used to slot things that way, too... when I first started.

    Then again, he even has purples in that build and he STILL doesn't know he can slot each part of a set into a power...

    Look Resident, you're either very confused, or very good at pulling our legs. Which is it?
  11. Hmmm

    It's hard to see what you're going for here. You look like you're going for a tiny bit of everything, which unfortunately leaves you in the precarious position of not having a lot of anything. A little bit of defense, a little bit of recharge, a little bit of extra accuracy... none of which amounts to a whole lot. You could pop a small purple or medium yellow and get the same effect that you've achieved with your bonuses.

    In any case, i see you took Air Superiority... and you slotted boxing? You don't have the survivability to be in melee! As a Controller with TWO pets (very nice, btw!) Your function should be to hang back and toss out controls and keep your pets alive. I mean, unless this is a concept build where you wanna be a front-line fighter, but you're going to have to make some serious adjustments to your build to properly do so. You want a LOT more defense... go for S/L, not melee. It's easier to come by.

    Hmm, I dunno. Tell me what you want to do with this build, and I'm sure we can all make some suggestions. As it is, this isn't a BAD build, but it simply lacks a cohesive direction. You can do a lo more with less if you just focus on one or two things =)
  12. EmperorSteele

    No Traps :(

    Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
    lol I wish my WP tank could get those regen numbers.
    Mind you, that regen number was while under Rest. If there's a cap, even Rest doesn't hit it (either that or there's some cap-trickery going on)
  13. EmperorSteele

    No Traps :(

    Originally Posted by xhris View Post
    Is there a +regen cap? Because stacking 2x Spirit Tree and 2x Triage Beacon (or even one of each) sounds, well, interesting.
    I would imagine it's around 3500 hp/sec for a controller. I messed around in Mids and stacked on all the regen bonuses I could, and then toggled Rest, and got something like 3424%. Without rest, i got +1524% Using Spirit tree, regen aura, and a couple bonuses.

    Spirit Tree and Triage beacon both do about ~+300% regen when slotted with 3 Health IOs. so two of each all together would only be about +1200% regen, less than you get with Spirit Tree and Regen Aura.

    Of course, with traps you also have a FFG and seeker drones which significantly reduce incoming damage, so that balances out.

    Mids currently doesn't seem to have Incarnate info past Alpha or else i'd try throwing in some Destiny Rebirth numbers. Ah well.
  14. Flood him with orange light and some highlights, and I think it'd be close. In fact, in the comic panel, there are some areas of BaBs that are DARKER than his in-game model! Gee, how can that be if he's so much lighter?

    Go ahead, say "shadows" and admit that this whole color goofyness is just a trick of light.

    I believe that people are silly for not being able to realize that bright orange light is going to make character's skin tones look different.

    And yes, i did the eye-dropper test. BaBs is far darker than SP and therefore is definitely not white (Except in name), and as I mentioned some parts of him are even darker than his in-game model.

    But, let's say, for fun, that David DID make BaBs lighter on purpose. Why would he do such a thing?

    Because dark and cold colors recede into the background. I tested this in photoshop by making just his skin darker, and guess what? You don't even notice that he's THERE. It really mucks up the composition. In LIGHT of this, I guess David really did make the choice to give Babs a lighter skin base. It's not racism, it's Color Theory.... I hated that class >_<
  15. EmperorSteele

    No Traps :(

    Maybe next time =)
  16. Also, you were able to one-shot the Boss with your hold because every mez has a chance for "over-power", which is a few extra seconds of an extra point of magnitude. This is part of the reason i "proc out" with the Chance for Hold IOs (One in decimation for ranged attacks, and one from Lockdown in my Holds). Just some advice to further empower your 'troller =)
  17. ... Are you people silly in the head or are your monitors not working right? Babs looks plenty black from here. Then again, I've found that being able to properly decode color and light levels is a skill not everyone has. I recall arguing with someone that a drawn character's hair wasn't white, but simply highlighted (i should note the rest of his hair was black, and half his skin was paper-white). Same thing here. Take that image into photoshop and click the drop-tool anywhere that isn't an extreme highlight. The color you'll end up with will be some variant of brown, not peach.

    Also, BABs hasn't had dreadlocks in years. His NPC model has NEVER had dreadlocks (His generic CGI model did, but not the in-game model). He had dreadlocks in the Blue King comics but not the Dark Horse ones. So, not having dreads isn't a deal breaker here, folks.

    What really bugs me? The FREEDOM logo being all over everything. Doesn't sound right. Just call it City of Heroes. Calling the whole game City of Heroes Freedom is a bit of a confusing mouthful.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Minor correction: There is no way to avoid EBs. Bosses can be scaled to Lts, and AVs to EBs, but EBs will always be EBs.
    Really? I coulda sworn i've seen an EB get downgraded before. I apologize for the misinformation!
  19. Well, there's something you need to know regarding Bosses, EBs, and AVs: A player can set themselves to not encounter Bosses or AVs solo, which drops these critters one rank. Therefore, bosses are LTs, EBs become bosses, and AVs become EBs. However, they can also set themselves to, say, not encounter Bosses, but to have AVs appear at full power.

    So there's a bunch of different things that can happen with allies. My advice is, unless you're using an existing AV that doesn't have any lower-ranked alternatives and that you cannot replicate in the custom critter designer, to just stick with Bosses and EBs. I know, you want your story to feel epic and the "best" way to do that and challenge a player is to pit them against impossible odds. But if it's impossible, then no one will want to play it. So then you need to put in allies, who suck away all sense of challenge. Which is why you make your end boss an EB: A cautious player will already have Bosses OFF, which will downgrade the EB into something manageable, but still tough.

    And if you're still stuck using an AV, you have two options: use a "Boss Signature pet" (which are specifically balanced around helping a solo player; you may have to "buy" these from an AE ticket vendor), or give a Custom ally boss either a good armor set or a good debuff set, either way with few attacks. That way your helper is helping by either soaking up damage or making the fight easier while allowing the player to pummel the foe and not feel like they're being out-done by an AI.
  20. EmperorSteele

    Trials and ME!

    One of the things the Devs have tried with the trial was to shoe-horn the ATs. Control ATs are for control, not attacking or buffing. Working in tandem with others, you can hold ambushes so that a couple blasters can kill them in safety. You can single-handedly hold and knock around and immob minion escapees.

    FF also has several KB effects, which ARE useful in the trials.... unless things are immob'd.

    In short, I'd suggest playing around with other powers and changing up your playstyle a bit. Without seeing your build, i'm going to assume that like a lot of players, you might not have your AoE hold (base stats are too terrible for most controllers to consider taking it) and none of your "offensive" bubbles or FF-attacks.

    Also, you may want to consider for Destiny getting the one that gives +recharge and +end/recovery. Very few people seem to take it, and everyone being able to attack faster means the trial will go quicker and more smoothly.
  21. Originally, I was going to say "Controllers and Corrs" because their play style demands more attacking than a Defender (my 2 cents. In general, if you want your role to be buffing/debufing, you play a Def. If you want to mostly attack while having some minor buffs/debuffs you roll one of the other two ATs). However, based on the above posts, I'll throw my money in the hat for MMs also. I think the best point was the one where even if the MM doesn't have shields, their pets will automatically benefit from the shields cast by other players who'd normally neglect to buff those pets.

    As for individual sets, I'd say Kin benefits the most. A 1-minute shield is not fun to try to keep on a whole team!
  22. Already done, but heaven forbid a player like me sees a line like that and takes it as a challenge instead of a warning =)
  23. EmperorSteele

    Silver Mantis

    haha, yyyup. I'd be willing to bet 5 bucks that was intentional.
  24. Well, I kinda want the player to "fail" if they beat the person up... and i want them to be auto-kicked from the mission.

    The mission is also currently timed, could that be interfering with the fail script?

    Also, i have them Alone and have them Betray "when rescued" so they're hostile the moment the mission starts. I can kill them, but the mission doesn't fail =(

    [edit] Okay, got it to work, but there's 1 problem: She SK's down to level 50 (from 54). It's not going to want to make people avoid her if she's a level 50 EB. At this point I might just make her an optional boss without a fail condition attached. Ah well, her killing the character is enough of a fail condition =P Thanks for the responses, all!
  25. Is there any way to do this? I thought making them a required escort, then having them betray you, would do the trick, but this does not seem to be the case.

    I basically want to give the player two options to complete the mission (defeating the boss, OR, destroying several objects within a time limit). And i want the mission debriefing text to reflect what the player did, hence wanting to use the "mission succeeded" and "Mission failed" dialogues. Then again, the mission failed dialogue would have to reflect both killing the AV OR running out of time, but let me worry about that.

    Any ideas?