Wow. (Rose Dawn, 36 Mind/Kin 'Troller)




So... I decided to go poking about just a little bit with my vigilante 'Troller in the RWZ. I can't really explain why, just... did.

So I'm muckin' about, finding a few 36 LTs to play around with (they're absolutely no contest for her, btw.)

I get to, um... Little Big Hill? I dunno, the first fort with the battles going on north(?) of the entry to RWZ... the first one on the right against the wall before it takes a right towards the ship...

Anyway, 40s abound, which is +4 to her. Level 40 minions, 40 LTs, and 40 bosses, Rikti all, and I run into them in the middle of the battle. I'd forgotten how the levels jump about like that here, and I ran into them blindly without realizing it.

Well, I panicked(!), and defensively hit Dominate on a 40 boss Chief Mesmerist as I jumped back...

And hit him. Stopped him in his tracks.

"Wha...? Ooh, cool! You can do that, Rose?!" I alwasys felt she was pretty powerful, but not like that...!

I then proceeded to mop the floor with him. Threw him about, mezzed, dom'd... ton of XP for that one, even though he was also being beaten by the turrets. Didn't hurt, but still, a lot of XP.

I then proceeded to continue on battling the purples with little to no worries. One at a time, of course. Minions directly, bosses while they were attending to turrets and taking a pot shot here and there at me. Oh sure, they hit hard, and two whacks without a heal, I died... 4 times. But I took out a WHOLE lot more than that, and in about 20 minutes (including dyin', going to hospital, and comin' back in) had another bubble, and no debt (thank you patrol XP!)

Awesome. Pure win, in my book. A 'Troller with +4 minion group defeating power is nothing I've ever played with before. And definitely not a +4 boss beating machine for sure. Lovin' this build. Even if she is still squishy to them purple beasts.

Rose is built to be a solo 'Troller vigilante. She doesn't do any team buffs that don't buff her too. She has a lot of aim (all the power in the world doesn't work if you don't hit them with it), a lot of regen, a lot of heal, and a lot of recharges on things, along with Siphon Power and Speed hitting, well... If you're not a +2 or more, you're goin' down, punk. She also has a lot of defensive capabilies, except mez/psi... figures the mind 'troller can't handle those.

My point is... She's not as fast as my Claws WP scrapper Homeslicer, but man, she does all right, and if she can take on and defeat +4 Bosses who spit mez/psi at her... I think I did pretty good with this build so far.

Anyway. This struck me as slight off center of normality for a 'Troller, and I thought I'd share. I'm probably just now finding out what many have done/known before, but if anything, it does say this:

City of Heroes. Just when you think you know it all... you don't. Again.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



IMO Mind Control is a much better set on Controllers than it is sometimes given credit for. It is also good on Dominators, but in a different way.

Small tip for the near future that took me forever to figure out: Containment bonuses are applied when a power is queued, not when it actually hits. You can cast Mass Hypnosis to sleep a group, and if you then cast 2 powers back to back(like Terrify >> AoE Blast) both of them get bonus Containment damage even though the first blast "should" logically wake up the enemies.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
IMO Mind Control is a much better set on Controllers than it is sometimes given credit for. It is also good on Dominators, but in a different way.

Small tip for the near future that took me forever to figure out: Containment bonuses are applied when a power is queued, not when it actually hits. You can cast Mass Hypnosis to sleep a group, and if you then cast 2 powers back to back(like Terrify >> AoE Blast) both of them get bonus Containment damage even though the first blast "should" logically wake up the enemies.
Wait, seriously? I'll have to use that trick! Both Terrify and my epic AoE are ED capped for damage (I did some fancy HO slotting to make sure to get good Fear duration too), so this should up my damage in situations where I can't rely on any Containment outside Mass Hypnosis.



Originally Posted by Alef_infinity View Post
Wait, seriously? I'll have to use that trick! Both Terrify and my epic AoE are ED capped for damage (I did some fancy HO slotting to make sure to get good Fear duration too), so this should up my damage in situations where I can't rely on any Containment outside Mass Hypnosis.

Ok, it turns out I am partially wrong about this. I have been messing around with my Mind troller again recently and experimentation shows the way it works is actually kind of weird. I missed it before because this character has pretty much always cast Energy Torrent >> Terrify.

It turns out only certain powers queued together in a certain order produce the double-Containment effect. Energy Torrent >> Terrify will produce the effect. Terrify >> Energy Torrent will not.

I think this is because Energy Torrent has a very fast animation but takes a little bit for the projectile to travel. Containment for Terrify gets checked as the projectile is moving.

What this means is that its possible that not all AoEs can benefit. The power I wonder about is Psychic Tornado, which is rather slow. Frost Breath may have issues too.



Hmm, I'll have to test that out sometime today. I have Psy Tornado on my Mind/Emp.



I just tried this on Arg (Mind/Kin) in the Portal Corp parking lot and Psi Tornado DOES work this way. I was able to use Mass Hyp, then hit Psi Tornado immediately queueing up Terrify and both attacks got containment dmg. This is kinda what I remember from when Containment first came out, but Arg was already 50 by that time and I wasn't doing too much soloing with her at that point.

Anyway, for those wondering I tried it out to answer Oedipus_Tex's question: Yes, it works with Psi Tornado. :-)




Oh, thanks for answering that question. I now have a new trick up my Mind Controller's sleeve.



Also, you were able to one-shot the Boss with your hold because every mez has a chance for "over-power", which is a few extra seconds of an extra point of magnitude. This is part of the reason i "proc out" with the Chance for Hold IOs (One in decimation for ranged attacks, and one from Lockdown in my Holds). Just some advice to further empower your 'troller =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Also, you were able to one-shot the Boss with your hold because every mez has a chance for "over-power", which is a few extra seconds of an extra point of magnitude. This is part of the reason i "proc out" with the Chance for Hold IOs (One in decimation for ranged attacks, and one from Lockdown in my Holds). Just some advice to further empower your 'troller =)


Mesmerize also does a number on bosses, always affecting them (unless they are in a rain patch).

My favorite trick on a high end Mind troller though is Dominate >> Levitate >> Dominate. Gets them almost every time and looks kind of neat too.