115 -
Yeah, boy the first day they patched it so that rains capped the reactive dot I started working on a new controller to take advantage of the hilarity.
They'll probably wait 2 months for me to finish him and then fix it so pseudopets don't proc reactive. Now that I've sobered myself, maybe I'll wait 2 months before starting to outfit him with the goods. -
Unless you have a lot of phat lewt on a character that you can't live without, it's probably easy enough to start over. I just made a new controller a week ago and I'm up to level 35 just playing solo missions enough to unlock all my contacts and joining taskforces that other people advertize.
So the reason all your pets don't die to aoe's is that you end drain everything including GMs?
Amen. The raiding hasn't gotten as boring, guild-necessitating, and time critical as other games yet, but we're stepping in the wrong direction. Wish BAF and LAM were single-team, hope new content is single team.
I don't think you understand the number of powers that were broken "back in the day". You could become absolutely invincible in a great number of ways, as well as do truly obscene damage.
On a completely unrelated note, the power of the new incarnate abilities saddens me, especially the pets. -
I have no problem with stone set's design. Changing it after so many years would be minor joy for people who might want to try the changes and massive pain for people who actually play it all the time right now.
Put some regen debuff resist in rooted and it would all be good.
And yes, stone has a psi hole except to almost pure psi damage. You can't use minerals in granite, and you aren't as tough as other tank sets that can actually move unless you're in granite. -
I count it as solo, no temps. However, soloing stuff post incarnate abilities is a pretty silly metric since the warwork pets do like 400 dps by themselves.
I consider any power that's ridiculously better than its peers broken, so I'll agree the particle burst is broken.
Fastest way to expand incarnte content: Add incarnte difficulty setting to all level 50 taskforces.
Agree with original poster.
I like the newer taskforces more than the raids, but they're all easier than ever thanks to incarnate powers, and the only way to get the new loot is the two raids.
Please add an incarnate difficulty setting to all level 50 taskforces. -
I stopped doing any except master attempt BAFs for that very reason. I teleport out, shoot nightstar, teleport behind raid group...
Then wait 3 minutes while 4 tards walk slowly backwards from nightstar's position, making her attack the whole way. -
back in the day it was the only thing that balanced spines with the other sets. The other sets have all been way buffed since then though.
Yeah, my guess is pets don't get to proc it because otherwise a single caltrops would instantly cap the dot and the -res on everything.
Just because doom didn't occur doesn't mean everything is perfect. COH has had the best of some things and simultaneously the worst in others since the beginning. On day one, I think it had the worst game balance and stun system of any game ever created, yet the best character creation. They've changed this game's function tremendously over time.
Huh. I'd really like to know what their participation system is if there is one. I never got a common until today. I had to build all commons from shards, but got enough rares, very rares, and uncommons to build all 4 tier 4's by the time I had the exp to unlock all the slots. Whenever I accumulate enough commons through shards or drops I can finish.
That only common drop came from a steamroll BAF where very possibly the game's participation tracker, if there is one, might not mark me very exceptionally.
Edit: One thing that might count is text. Most previous runs I have given a lot of advice; on the forementioned steamroll run I might have been silent the whole time. Boy, if this turned out to be true, it would make these runs rather unpleasant once word got out. -
Yeah, my beefs with the new stuff:
1)Two trials are now the only viable method of getting the new loot.
2)They are raids, which I find a bit less fun than single group events. -
I agree it was a poor choice to make all the new loot come only from the two new trials (of course you can build the new loot extremely slowly by farming shards in normal content, but that's about 1/20 speed and the new exp is exclusive.)
One suggestion I have is to add an incarnate mode to normal taskforces that give all the enemies a +2 level shift and give incarnate drops at a reasonable rate. -
I sat there with the seer for awhile and I never saw it cast on the other pet. Its fort buff has target type "owner" or something similar so it probably can't. What is really bothersome about it though is that it isn't perma. The buff times out then a few seconds later the pet decides to recast it, leaving about 5 seconds downtime. They should really add some duration to that buff so it doesn't time out so early.
Also, I agree that making the buffs useless for positional sets is not such a satisfying mechanic. -
Yeah, I'm bummed a bit by the enormity of the incarnate abilities too.
Now see I like the more intimate maneuvering of the abandoned sewer trial and such. The more players you have, the more the fight becomes a zerg.
I have to agree with the original poster. The new trials are cool because they're new, but they would be better as one-group trials.
Big raid groups are much more of a giant mess of people spamming powers; you can do much more tactical and interesting things with a single group.
I haven't seen a BAF fail since the first day. You've got tanks taunting the AVs and getting 5 people sequestered. You've got tanks and controllers locking down and taunting adds off in the boonies instead of bringing them to the AOE field of death around the AVs to die for free. People lying on the ground instead of going to the hospital. Then you power through it and win anyway.
I do much prefer fighting with a single team to a giant horde. -
I have no issue with marauder threatening to one-shot you because he gives a warning. Likewise siege and nightstar with their autohit unresistable hold - you have a way to avoid it, by losing aggro. I'm much less happy about the arbitrary mag 100 holds on ghost widow and reichsman. Sure most teams debuff them to crap and survive it anyway, but it's still an unfair power.
Need a higher aggro cap to tank the trials. Make it at least 30.
I always build with intent to be able to cause any team to win. Back in the days when you'd form an STF and have 1 mediocre build (with some set bonuses) on the team, maybe 2 50s with no set bonuses, and a bunch of sidekicks, a couple of whom probably had expired enhancers, and likely a critical lack of support classes, it was cool to be able to tow the team to victory using only a couple inspirations on recluse and breakfrees against GW. I once did a master STF with 7 blasters and my tank, which I believe at the time was stone/fire; I did take the time to find all level 50s, but they weren't all global channel people; I got many from the search window.
These days, with everybody and their brother being an io'd 51, and huge demand for support classes, quite often a blaster with no innate defenses will find himself pretty much invincible if he just stays with the team, but I still build as if there's a chance that I'll be needed anyway. -
Man I want more build slots. My tank has a level 50 PVP build, a level 50 tank build, and an exemplar. The exemplar build has to cover every level range, pvp, solo, tanking. Don't even have anything good for level 50 soloing or offensive tanking.