Is there a benefit to using Build 3?




I am in the process of respec'ing my character, and I thought I had heard a while ago that there was some benefit to using Build 3.

I did notice that the +45% Endurance Reduction from my very rare Cardiac alpha shows the reduced amount, even when there are no enhancements slotting.

Any help would be appreciated, since I have a lot of sets on the character and it would take about a dozen respecs to transfer those sets to the new build.

Thanks very much!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
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It really depends on how you use your builds and what type of activities you do in the game.

In my opinion, the 3rd build was designed for this purpose, for example:

If you are using the alpha slot for EndReduction, some people may choose not to slot EndReduction in their powers anymore, and use the slots to increase damage, hold, range, or some other aspect of the power, or simply move the slot to a different power. That could get the most numbers from the alpha enhancement as well as the existing slots.

The problem with that is when you EX down, and you do not have your EndReduction Alpha slotted anymore, you might have more Endurance issues. That's where having an extra build slotted for the purpose of EX'ing down can be useful.

If you don't EX down that much, and/or you are not a min/max type of player, then it's probably not important.



Yeah it depends on how you play the game. Some people like maximizing their builds for different activities.



Man I want more build slots. My tank has a level 50 PVP build, a level 50 tank build, and an exemplar. The exemplar build has to cover every level range, pvp, solo, tanking. Don't even have anything good for level 50 soloing or offensive tanking.



The only benefit to using build 3 is that it gives you a third build with different slotting and/or power choices from the other two. If I'm reading your question correctly, and you're asking if there's some sort of buff granted by using build 3, then the answer is an outright "no". All three builds are mechanically identical.




Originally Posted by Elfis_Presley View Post
Man I want more build slots. My tank has a level 50 PVP build, a level 50 tank build, and an exemplar. The exemplar build has to cover every level range, pvp, solo, tanking. Don't even have anything good for level 50 soloing or offensive tanking.
Build your Exemplar build around level 32. Five or six frankenslot all the powers up to level 32. After 32, only pick utilitarian powers that can be one slotted (Vengeance, Teleport, etc...). Since exemplaring severely reduces the effectiveness of an enhancement, you want to over-slot, i.e., get numbers in the 150% level and higher.

If you do that, such a lowbie build will suit you for everything up to level 46. A level 47 and above, switch to your 50 build.

At least, that has been my experience.

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Thanks for the great replies!

I *do* sometimes help guildies and coalies with lower level missions, and run the occasional lowbie TF.

However, it does not sound as if it is worth the time and expense of using 12+ respecs.

Clear skies to you all!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Thanks for the great replies!

I *do* sometimes help guildies and coalies with lower level missions, and run the occasional lowbie TF.

However, it does not sound as if it is worth the time and expense of using 12+ respecs.

Clear skies to you all!
The beauty is that you do not need to use any respecs at all. The third build starts out empty.

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I have a friend that runs TFs at all levels... has one build with level 47 IOs (good for running level 40+ TFs like Dr. Q for example)... second build with level 27 IOs, and third build with level 17 IOs (for Posi TF).

Whatever works. ^_^ I spend so much time IOing out all of my characters, I can't imagine doing it 3 times for each of them.

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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Thanks for the great replies!

I *do* sometimes help guildies and coalies with lower level missions, and run the occasional lowbie TF.

However, it does not sound as if it is worth the time and expense of using 12+ respecs.

Clear skies to you all!
You don't use any respecs. You start over at zero powers and zero slots. You custom tailor this build for whatever purpose you have in mind. Tanking, PVP, AV/GM soling etc...

If the thought of buying all the IO's for a new build is not something you can stomach then using Zombie Mans template for an all purpose exemp build is great advice

Global: @Kelig



/agreeing with all of the above.

*points to Dual Builds min-guide in sig*

Just start from scratch on build 2 or 3. If you just want to adjust a build, just respec it and leave the others alone.



The purpose of build 3 is to get me, and players like me, to stockpile influence as we try to figure out what in the world to do with a 3rd build, when we've hardly even done anything with #2 builds.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
The beauty is that you do not need to use any respecs at all. The third build starts out empty.
I think they were going to use the respecs to transfer their current enhancements over to the third build if it provided some special buff. but since the third build does not provide any additional buffs they do not need to use all the respecs to remove all the IOs from the first build.

At least that is how I understood it.

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

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