4808 -
If its anything like the invasions we get now, oh can you imagine the veng they will get
Zombie Man, close your eyes and take a deep breath
So the new Anniversary address has been posted http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/news/n...ron_miller.php !
According to this, i25 is when the coming storm finally ummm comes? Well its about time and i cant wait to see what new challenges they bring us!
*Squeeeeee* -
Quote:What I tend to do at least in melee is micro-repositioning. It's kind of like sticking to one spot but I circle around my foes in small movements between attacks to make it seem like they're dodging and weaving or trying to find an open spot to attack. And this is when I'm using single-target powers.
For AoEs and such I move around to maximise targets hit, only makes sense. But I just like to move a bit to make things a little more exciting!
Your a shark!*blows shark whistle*
I skip all over the place when i fight
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I do large manly superleaps when i fight! -
Starting Zones?
- Since you were last here there has been major revamps to the early game and whereas before you had the option to start off as a hero or a villain, you now also get the extra option of starting off as a Praetorian.
- As a Praetorian you have content available to you from level 1 - 30 [currently up to 35 in i23] however once you reach level 20 you get a short mission that allows you to leave the world of Praetoria and start your new life as either a hero or a villain.
- First thing you will notice if you start as a hero/villain is that Galaxy City has indeed been destroyed by a new enemy. This is the new CoHF tutorial and while it is very straight forward, it is also a quick and fun experience that i suggest you running through at least once.
- With the exception of VEATs and HEATS, you are now able to start any AT in any of the starting zones so no longer will you be restricted to have your brute playing as a villain or your defender playing the role as the hero!
- Both the starting zones got quite a big makeover since you last played and while Atlas Park did get more of a graphical revamp than Mercy Island, both zones have new starting content for you to play with.
- Each starting zone has 2 new level 1 - 7 arcs which uses the Phase Tech and also gets in the multiple dialogue branch options. Once you get to level 5 you get introduced to the contact of your side that will teach you the ropes [while telling a good story/missions] with 3 arcs that come in the range of 5 - 10, 10 - 15, 15 - 20.
- Finally on starting zones, if story arcs are not your thing and you simply want to get a few levels quickly, then simply join the brand new Sewer Trial which is for level 1+ characters. This is designed for a team of 4 - 8 players and can be entered via using the new LFG tab that you will see next to your email. It is a fast 20 minute trial which on average will get you from level 1 to 7 in a single run.
- Since the CoH expansion Going Rogue and CoHFreedom launched, there has been numerous new powersets launched to really expand and satisfy our needs for our perfect character. Below are the lists of sets that are free to VIPs and ones that everybody must purchase.
- The following new powersets are free to VIPS - Kinetic Melee, Demon Summoning, Dual Pistols, Time Manipulation, Dark Control, Dark Affinity and Dark Assault.
- The following new powersets need to be purchased - Titan Weapons, Staff Melee, Street Justice and Beast Mastery.
- The first thing that i always tell new or returning players is that if you think you have run out of contacts for your level range [or simply want to get to your favourite one in that range] then you should click the new "find contact" button available. This can be found under the contact tab at the very top of the list, what this does is search for available contacts within your level range that have story arcs available. One thing to remember is that some contacts you are not introduced to via other contacts so it is always a handy idea to check every 5 levels for new contacts.
- Recently there has been a lot of content released in the level 20+ range so this is really where you will get your first taste of some of the best and newest content available to the game.
- The first ones of notice that you should check out are the special agent nance/Dean Macarthur arcs [hero/villain] in that you are placed against possibly your greatest enemy, yourself. With some great action fights and cutscenes during these arcs, they are always a must run for myself and many others during this range.
- Recently there was a new Co-Op zone added to the game which is called First Ward. This zone has the content range of 20 - 30 and is based within Praetoria, however all 3 sides can do the arcs here. This is not a zone for new players however, with tough enemies and ambushes this is a zone that will certainly test returning players like yourself.
- If you are able to get past all this content in your brief returning play then a list of all new content past this range will be added.
- Which server is best to play on? A common question asked by many and one that has no singular answer. From my own personal point of view, majority of the servers have gotten their own identity that suit certain playstyles and of course each one have their own peak/down times depending on your timezone.
- Sadly, until we [as players] know how you prefer to play and the timeframe you will be playing at, it will be quite difficult to suggest a server for you to play on.
- Lastly it should be remembered that VIPs get a minimum of 12 character slots per server and also access to the VIP only server, Exalted.
- Since global channels have really hit off, talking in the /hc [help channel] has become frowned upon by many players and/or servers for mindless chit chat and LFTs. Your best bet is to ask in the /hc what global channels your particular server uses and join them.
- For example if you asked in /hc on Union what channel people use to simply talk to eachother, then people would answer with "Union Chat". Which by the way you should join as it is the best chat channel ingame *wink wink*.
My head hurts from reading this thread all the way through
So many numbers!
Have to be realistic here, redside isnt going to get a zone all to themselves are they. If they do, i cant see it being a large zone either.
There just isnt enough redside numbers to warrant putting in so much development and it would almost certainly have to be solo able too. -
Quote:I'm not by any means a roleplayer when it comes to MMO's, however I'm a bit curious as to how the random roleplayer using the local chat (never personally seen them use broadcast on Virtue) is any more disturbing than the countless "LFG DFB"s would be to them.
In other words; we choose not to segregate our Community based on play style and I (personally) feel we're the better for it. Understanding, and being exposed to, different ways of enjoying the game should be considered an opportunity, not a hinderance. And if something is really annoying you, ignore is just a right click away.
P.S. I am not encouraging you to participate in any...inappropriate...behavior around others.
Yeah as soon as you put one section of the community into a corner then you open a whole can of worms.
The only server i've seen nonstop RP broadcasting has been Virtue and everybody knows that its the roleplay server so it is to be expected.
When i go and play on Freedom, i have to turn off the help channel and broadcast because it is full of "farms/powerlevels/i needz moneyz!" etc. As a non-roleplayer we should respect that people like to roleplay and not try and make a section of the community feel unwanted around others.
How would you feel if you got told that the way you play is annoying others and so you have to go sit and talk in the corner? -
While brickstown does have a pretty good feeling about it, as a zone it doesnt feel like it serves any real purpose apart from being known as the zone with the Zig in.
Personally i'ld revamp it with the Zig being the focus point. We need more Arachnos storylines mid level onwards so why not have them being a legit threat in that zone to break out some of their allies?
For a zone that is supposed to home the scum of the city, shouldnt there be more arcs focused on it? Its sitting at the right level span we need new content for also and on the plus side, preventing breakouts is easy to make heroic story arcs. -
Global channels being changed/restricted. Anybody who knows me know that the main reason i have been here so long is the community.
Global channels allow me constant access to friends/favourite people whereever i am, take that away and i'ld quit. -
I remember back when pvp was popular, there would always be a brute/tank in a zone like Sirens with capped S/L resis. With majority of sets doing S/L he was almost impossible to kill and when you topped that off with aid self which was impossible also to stop, he'ld win 9/10 fights.
Im looking around but i cant find the competition to see how many "this is why i dont pvp" threads can be put on the first page
I love it!
Penny is quickly becoming one of my favourite npcs, hope she gets a lot of gametime and a big push over the coming issues.
I stopped going into PvP zones when i could no longer streetsweep while waiting for people to pop up.
It was a really good challenge and fun streetsweeping in [for example] the hotzones in Sirens waiting for the bounty to pop up. Now that pvp enemies can destroy you within seconds, its no longer fun to streetsweep so i dont.
Only pvp i do now is if somebody challenges me to an arena. -
Quote:All the RED groups I make are entirely out of HELP and BROADCAST. I belong to no VG and I often forget to announce on the two globals I'm in.
To be fair, I am from Virtue, so this is the only experience I can talk from. And there are some hours of the day combined with days of the week when it is more difficult. 2 am Tuesdays, very unlikely.
I believe that Virtue/Freedom should not be included in all aspects of PuG teams -
Redside is extremely hard to organise a PUG on, anybody who says otherwise isnt in touch with the majority of the game
Sure I could start a lowbie villain team quite easily within 5/10 minutes and have a blast. Reason for that though is because i've been around for so long that i know quite a lot of people to get to team with me. Most of the teams i set up i can guarantee wouldnt happen if i was an unknown/new player. -
There has been times where servers themselves have been down for quite a long time and in response they've given that server double xp.
The only time though in our history where i personally think people had a point to ask for something in return was when all the servers were being relocated back in september? That downtime took up a good percentage of access for that month. -
Wouldnt mind it so much if both the description of the power and the effects of the power were changed. The GFX is exactly the same as the original one with the energy coming up from the ground, to me it just looks stupid that you have to imagine you clapping your hands will draw the energy up from the ground to KD your enemies
Obviously you can tell im in the "want my footstomp animation back" camp -
So i finally get around to trying to make a PB, a human/dwarf form and finally got to level 20!
What do i find? White dwarf flare is now a handclap? Seriously? Why! The footstomp animation fitted perfectly! -
Quote:They might have only made the call for the patch that's been on the Test server since last week to go live like 12 or 24 hours ago. No real time to make a super-formal announcement about it. It's not really a major patch, and since Tuesdays and Thursdays are the "traditional" days for patches/maintenance anyway I almost see no real need to "inform" us about it any more than they already did. I've never really understood why downtimes like this surprise/shock anyone anymore. *shrugs*
Its just kinda hard to organise anything a good hour or so before because never know if this week there will be downtime or not -
Items i would purchase in an instant if they were available/a LOT cheaper.
- Character slots. Far too expensive, they need a week of having these on a special half price offer. They would make a killing on just that alone.
- New Auras. Auras are just as important to a costume as the actual parts. Some new auras like the volcanic/paths would be on the must purchase for myself.
- New capes. Same as the above, been a good while since we had cape updates.
- A temp double of yourself that cant fight, just follows you.
Mostly magic with natural/technology a close second.
IMO no. People would just skip certain parts of the incarnate system just to get to the higher levels right away.