White dwarf flare




So i finally get around to trying to make a PB, a human/dwarf form and finally got to level 20!

What do i find? White dwarf flare is now a handclap? Seriously? Why! The footstomp animation fitted perfectly!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Well, the old footstomp really was the minimum flare. It worked, but some people... well, they wanted to *express* themselves more, like when they were hovering after a teleport. They now have *more* flare. You do want to express yourself - preferrably right in the enemies' faces - don't you?



Wouldnt mind it so much if both the description of the power and the effects of the power were changed. The GFX is exactly the same as the original one with the energy coming up from the ground, to me it just looks stupid that you have to imagine you clapping your hands will draw the energy up from the ground to KD your enemies

Obviously you can tell im in the "want my footstomp animation back" camp

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Wouldnt mind it so much if both the description of the power and the effects of the power were changed. The GFX is exactly the same as the original one with the energy coming up from the ground, to me it just looks stupid that you have to imagine you clapping your hands will draw the energy up from the ground to KD your enemies

Obviously you can tell im in the "want my footstomp animation back" camp
I'm in the camp too. I went to get my 40 something PB to 50 to incarnate and see how a keld plays with incarnate powers especially since i heard dwarf can fire judgement and other incarnate powers and saw this and blehg. Meh I don't want to play my keld any more. Why couldn't they just give us an alternate animation instead of taking the foot stomp away. I don't even care about the ground only thing.



I think the change was necessary for Solar Flare so that it could be used in conjunction with Combat Flight but I'd also like to see the Foot Stomp animation be returned to the Dwarf version. I guess the utility of being able to use it after a TP is a plus but the Foot Stomp animation definitely looked a lot cooler.



but I'd also like to see the Foot Stomp animation be returned to the Dwarf version
Me too. /signed.


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Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
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I've not seen this PB, wassit called Damz?

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



I would go so far as to say the change was never needed. Every Kheldian I know has a ton of binds and macros already. What was the harm in having another one to drop Combat Flight and fire off Solar Flare? The split second of vulnerability right before everything around you blasted away from the KB? I'm pretty sure you can survive the handful of hits you might take. But yes, footstomp back please.

Side note: Can't they have it play a different animation when it's in the air? I can think of several powers that have different animations when flying. Why not play the footstomp on the ground and the handclap in the air?

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



This was discussed here as well.


How I miss the good ol days...

Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
...Handclap looks and feels too girly for my Peacebringer...
Now, just wait a sec. My PB IS a girl!

Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Side note: Can't they have it play a different animation when it's in the air? I can think of several powers that have different animations when flying. Why not play the footstomp on the ground and the handclap in the air?
This is a great solution. I approve its implementation.