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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    The wiki is WRONG! Alright, Caveat, this proc changes with some frequency and it might have changed back again.

    But, the last time I tested this proc (i15) the suppression had been removed completely. If the proc fired while force feedback was active it would simply refresh the 5 second timer (It will not stack). I would completely disregard the wiki page.

    Yes, the proc used to work that way, but the suppression was added in because the proc used to fire 100% of the time. The suppression was added in as a quick fix to counteract that problem. Then, after they fixed the 100% firing, the suppression was left in until it was finally removed (I think I first became aware it had been fixed in i14 when testing the change that made pets no longer inherit recharge).

    I post about this with some frequency, but have never gone through the hassle of signing up to change the wiki, but I suppost I should do that so that false information stops being disseminated.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Then it's just a JUMP + RIGHT.
    GAH! NO! and then a STEP + RIGHT

    I will also jump on the "NO CO" band wagon. I had so much trouble trying to make a face that didn't end up looking like it had a serious acid accident. I think several people have hit on the issue that the sliders weren't exactly intuitive and it was rather arbitrary in terms of which aspects could be changed. The Sims 2 and 3 offer face sliders that I find much easier to use because it is clear what each slider controlled and there aren't the same arbitrary limitations of "we'll let you move this, but not that."

    I would like being able to do asymmetrical arms though. I have often resorted to making characters have a single robotic arm so that they could be asymmetrical.
  3. Draggynn

    Psionic Tornado

    Yes, that is the effect. Thus it will take longer for them to come back down buying you a couple more fractions of a second.
  4. As long as folks are answering these questions, are there any AE recipe rolls that have a chance to drop a purple recipe? (I know at one point the rolls were broken and it was, but it's my understanding that now there is no way, but I thought I'd check).
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
    Honestly, I'm getting more and more confused the more I read lol... but it's starting to make sense.
    I probably made that more confusing than necessary.

    normal IO set bonuses are lost if you are more than three levels below the level of the slotted IO. Purple IOs do not obey this rule and their set bonuses are always active.

    Just keep asking questions though as long as you're confused and we're happy to keep answering.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Slotting lower level powers with purples has another little benefit.... there is no penalty of diminishing returns when exemping. Other IO's will scale down their benefits when exemping.
    I think this may be a little misleading. Purple IOs scale according to the same rule that all enhancments obey when you exemplar (which are a tad confusing...but if you're interested: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Exemplar...n_Enhancements). Likewise purple enhancements at all levels still suffer from the diminishing returns effects of enhancment diversification.

    I believe what Impish Kat is trying to say, is that the set bonuses from purple enhancements are unaffected by exemplaring, they are always active (and as with all set bonuses do not scale by level), but the enhancments themselves do scale down.

    I hope that clarified things.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Look up a set or sepcific enhancement. For example, we'll look at the previously-mentioned Hecatomb set. Notice that each of the pieces in the set hast the icon beside it. That means that it's Unique. Hovering over any icon in a recipe description will tell you what that icon means.
    Also, http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/IO_Sets shows the same 1 symbol as the pages for the individual sets.

    Oh and meant to add:
    Hecatomb, as a purple set will only drop from foes able to drop lvl 50 enhancements (lvl 47+), can only be slotted at lvl 50, and are not purchasable with merits.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
    The last place I suspected I'd catch grief for my wife's pic was in the art forum, but heh whatcha gonna do?
    I find that blocking images from that address solved the problem for me. The only trouble is that each time I'm on a new machine I need to add the block.
  9. All very excellent pieces.

    I'll vote for Shia for surviving controversy and for making me laugh very hard.
  10. **tries to catch breath**

    **Gasps some more for air**

    Excellent Work Shia!

    **regaining composure**

    I should not have checked this thread at work.
  11. Sorry Shia I'm all for allowing a good explanation of the foot in the first panel being that of a woman to suffice. It might impede on the original intention of the piece a bit, but seeing as there isn't even Carl Kassell voice recording riding on the competition (sorry, Foo) and that the first round won't have an elimination, the more entries the better!
  12. Very funny Shia! Although I must admit, I'm confused as to why a woman (who I am quite certain is hot) is in the same pool with Mako in the top pic.
  13. Well, the question depends, since some procs are 15% (touch of death) chance for damage and most are 20% (standard IOs) and purple procs are 33%.

    A typical damage proc though at lvl 50 is a 20% for 71.25 damage, so if the damage enhancement would give you less than 14.25 damage you are better off slotting the proc.

    If you are looking at a purple damage proc than you are looking at a 33% chance of dealing 106.8 damage. here the damage proc is better as long as slotting damage enhancments would give you less then 35.6 damage.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    I believe you are talking about his watermark...
    Ah, indeed, you are right. That's how I know it's genuine! I was trying to figure out if it was an abstract Olympic Rings of some sort. **looks foolish**
  15. I guess it was indeed worth the wait. Very nice both of you, and thank you for not making us suffer any longer in anticipation. I especially liked your change in focus on the last two frames, Juggertha.

    And scooter, I'm curious what the continuous line in the lower right hand corner is.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post

    Just finished mine.
    ...So the finished pieces are going to be available at http://cityofheroes.deviantart.com/gallery/?23928903, right? Or am I looking in the wrong place?

    I just rushed over to see Juggertha's entry and was saddened to see that he hadn't posted it yet.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    Trial accounts are limited to 50,000 inf, according to Paragonwiki.
    Hmm, that should probably have been intuitively obvious to me.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
    So yeah as I've mentioned on numerous occassions I am capped at 14 until the money tree bloosoms. I was wondering if there is anything I can do that won't be detremental to not gaining any XP at present?

    Badges etc or do you also gain XP for these types of discoveries?

    (of course I have alt's but I wanna play my Defender? IwannaIwannaIwanna!)

    Any help/advice/finger pointing is appreciated in advance!
    You might get more views posting this in one of the more general forums, but to answer your question: The only badges that offer an xp reward are exploration badges, but the reward is so minimal that you would not be missing out.

    If you can get enough influence to play around with you could also pass time by playing the market and seeing how much you can make.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pirate Cashoo View Post
    lol, I'm surprised you guys posted these here!
    Well, I think this community really is happy to see anything you have done, so if people have received work from you, why not share it with others who they know will appreciate it. I feel like I have failed as a Cashoo fan though, although I will say that my day was made today as I was scanning through some of your art dumps and came across this (but I'm ashamed to say I didn't notice it earlier).

    (I hope you don't mind and I will be happy to take it down if you'd prefer)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    When it comes to AVs, I'd assume that the -res proc would be slightly more effective.
    As Garent's math shows, it comes down to whether you (and your team)can deal more than 360 damage in the 10 seconds that the proc is active. For most teams the answer is yes and therefore the heel proc is more effective. And if the answer is no (well you better have some regen debuffs because that's not enough to overcome AV regen) then depending on the AVs resistance, the damage proc may be better. So assuming an AV capable team, the res proc is more effective.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garent View Post
    Since the achilles' heel debuff actually lasts slightly more than 10 seconds, I can't tell what the actual damage increase would be unless someone knows whether achilles' heel is set to refresh on a recast (as 99% of buffs and debuffs do) or if it's set to suppress (like mystic fortune and force feedback do). I'm 90% sure it would refresh based on what I've seen but I'm not positive.
    The Achilles' heel is set to refresh on a recast, and unless it's been changed back, force feedback no longer suppresses but refreshes. Also, saying that every 10 seconds it has another chance to proc, although accurate, is slightly misleading. The rain only lasts 15 seconds (although the debuff will last for 30 seconds after the rain) which means that there is only one additional chance for the proc to fire.

    I'm not sure about the proc and the purple patch, I will need to test that. And just tested, scientist correct, the purple patch does not apply.
  22. Draggynn

    Tornado & Procs

    Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
    The +Recharge proc used to affect the pet but they changed pet recharge so it cannot be boosted/slowed so the proc won't have any effect.

    Edit - just reread earlier post and got my answer

    Although, how would a damage proc work in Lightening Storm, would it be the same as in tornado?
    Well, sort of. Tornado would never have been effected by the force feedback proc since Tornado's attack has a .5 second activate period with a 0 second recharge, so increasing tornado's recharge would not have had any visible effect.

    All buff procs in LS and Tornado will effect the pseudopet, not the caster. Although they may have a chance to proc on the caster at the time of casting.

    Kelenar is almost correct with LS. A proc in LS would actually have a chance to proc for each target hit (LS can hit up to 5) not just each bolt. This means that a damage proc in LS would check individually on each target hit. A power build up proc (pointless however since as with all buff procs it applies to the LS and would expire before the next bolt) would check for each target hit. This checking for each target made the force feedback proc especially powerful in LS which is why it was changed so that it would no longer be possible to increase LS's recharge.
  23. Well there are two main ways to build with set bonuses. You can either go for heavy recharge bonuses to get more LS, tornado, and FR (this would be the team build preference). Or go for a high defense (My secondary build is soft capped to ranged and aoe damage) but at the cost of utility. I would advocate focusing on recharge bonuses, although I tend to put off heavy slotting until lvl 50.

    Will Domination:
    Obviously you want to focus on damage here since it is one of your heavy hitters and the sleep will be too easily interrupted by freezing rain. I would recommend going 5 slots of decimation for the -recharge bonus. If you are having serious endurance trouble you could slot thunderstikes instead. After damage, the importance of endurance, recharge, and accuracy will depend on your play style (how often do you attack, how low do you run on endurance, how frequently do you use freezing rain, do you run tactics?)

    O2 Boost:
    depends on your play style. Is this a power you use all the time, or only through out occasionally? How many slots are you looking to spend? Again 5 Doctored Wounds will give you the recharge bonus, if your planning on spending fewer slots, miracles and numinas are comparable in my book (although obviously don't slot the uniques) depending on your endurance situation. Also at 50 consider the Hami Heal/endurance depending on the frequency with which you use O2 boost.

    Snow Storm:
    I recommend devoting two slots to snow storm and fitting it with a pacing of the turtle and a tempered readiness end/recharge/slow, although depending on your endurance situation and the frequency with which you use it, you may need to go heavier on the endurance.
  24. You will get three answers:

    1) /dark for the AoE immobolize, disorient stacking, and acc debuff to combine with hurricane

    2) /sonic for the -res

    3) /ice because ice storm and blizzard use blaster modifiers and the ice holds suppress KB.
  25. I would suggest you pull off the pets since she can heal off of them. Try to keep everyone at range that you can. If often works well for the tank to lead her around so that even the tank isn't often in range of her pbaoe heal.