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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Well right off the bat you've mentioned the fact that the Hunger Games was a story that unfolded as a full trilogy. For all we know if the Battle Royale storyline had continued it might have headed towards -overthrowing- its government system as well.

    Anyway I would expect at least some key differences between these two stories like this. Otherwise the folks who wrote Battle Royale really might have serious grounds to sue the Hunger Games people.
    *coughs* erm...you do know there is a Battle Royale 2 right?

    It often gets overlooked because it isn't as good as the first one (which means it is still a good film it just didn't stand up against the predecessor) which does bring the idea of overthrowing the goverment.
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    Free Praetoria!

    My own personal tinfoil hat territory idea with regards Praetoria is this.

    It was not initially designed as 1-20 content, it was originally all going to be kind of the same way Dark Astoria is now, an Incarnate Zone, however at the time they couldn't quite work out how they wanted things to go (keep in mind the Incarnate system was a whole 1 power at Going Rogue release (on Beta, not even on live) and needed to be worked on still). They would layer on more stuff to do (First Ward etc.) with each passing moment until the Praetorian storyline was complete and we moved on to the Battalion.

    Now when the Incarnate stuff couldn't be done in time they had all this high end content and no point to running it (besides lore) so they basically just decided to make it a 1-20, make side switching ATs the key draw to it.

    This is why I reckon the mobs in Praetoria are pretty much overtuned for their level range, they're initially designed for level 50s to fight and then got dumbed down unlike other mobs which were either designed for a specific level bracket or 'scaled up' (which caused such things as the Family farms due to them basically being no challenge for a level 50).

    However that is deep in tinfoil hat country.
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    Free Praetoria!

    Controllers were a pain to solo with though, you had atleast 1 faction whose lts and bosses would completely ignore mez at a level where mez and subpar damage is about the only thing going for a Controller solo
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    Free Praetoria!

    I think the other problem is that they shot themselves in the foot with regards the main reason you'd play through Praetoria.

    To get the Villain ATs/Hero ATs onto the opposite side without having to wait 4 days.

    Now the new tutorial lets you make that choice out of the gate or if you skip the tutorial, at the creation screen.

    So the reason why quite a few people would play the content was completely nullified (much to my own personal enjoyment, the storylines in Praetoria were good but the difficulty curve was way off for what it should be).
  5. Dr_MechanoEU

    Horror movies

    Now if you don't mind black and white silent movies that can still be creepy I'd give Call of Cthulhu a go but I accept that it may be just a little bit too esoteric for some people.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Everything_Xen View Post
    Probably the standards of not charging people for buggy powersets on the market. It's technically a dumb thing to do.
    People, you do realise this happens with POWERSETS ALREADY!

    Yeesh, take the tentacles that various dark powers use, they scale to foe size, if use on Lusca Tentacle they become gigantic sized and can be seen for quite some way off.

    So you don't have a problem with that particular thing BUT you have problems with a scaling Hawk?
  7. Dr_MechanoEU

    Horror movies

    Wickerman (original British version...not the amazingly crappy Nicholas Cage version).
    Any of the Hammer horror films.
    I second the notion of In the Mouth of Madness, an awesome film with a massively Lovecraftian sensibility to it.
  8. Hmm wonder if they'll include the bigass Mecha and the other alien bug race (that could talk in their own language) from the books.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * Wade completes his deal with the dwellers of the Shadow Shard and they invade Earth... suddenly every where you look there are Rularuu... everyone gets very upset about it for about a week... then... being apathetic Americans... we get used to it and go back to complaining about the economy...
    Now I'm picturing Observers having to get jobs as Opticians in order to make ends meet due to the invasion going a little too well.

    Well you wouldn't second guess the opinion of a giant eyeball if it says your eyes need testing.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    The Knives have long since been redshirted by the simple fact that my playgroup routinely "defeats" the entire 100-strong membership of these super-elite high-tech Amazons in a single mission, sometimes a couple of times over.
    Yeah that is another major problem...when you actually put a finite number on an enemy group...especially in an MMO...it begins to look silly.

    It works for something like the Haven troopers (all female elite military unit) in Metal Gear Solid 4 because they're not too often encounter and when they are, they usually a force to be reckoned with, an obvious cut above the basic soldier.

    In order for the KoA to be like they're background, they would have to be limited to elite boss status or above only, having a single operative brought in when Malta really needs stuff killed stone dead. They're suppose to be better than all but the mostly highly trained Malta agent (you know, Slinger or Gyrfalcon) at what they do.

    I agree that I am disappointed that Positron basically told the writers to outright ignore pretty much everything that went before.

    Heck who here remembers the massive trouble that was had with the Dr Khan Taskforce when it was first released on test. The Taskforce got picked apart (some would say quite visciously) by people who clearly knew the lore better than the guy writing the taskforce did.

    It went through about 4 or 5 changes before it finally settled down on the one that went live (he included Arkarist as the Circle of Thorns archvillain in the final encounter...despite Arkarist always being on the side of the good guys was probably his biggest lore flutz). Stuff that wasn't even considered like how Requiem seemed to offer no challenge whatsoever to Reichsman taking control of the 5th Column got downright ignored and has only just been fixed with one of the missions in Dark Astoria.

    Infact he never did anything else for the company and quietly just quit the team several months after, I'm guessing that the fairly brutal savaging his taskforce/strikeforce recieved actually led to that.

    Not only that but I actually think that his experience probably led to Positron issuing the 'we don't give two figs about the lore that went previously' statement because of that incident.
  11. The only problem this may present is if they're simply modded versions of existing powersets BUT also completely seperate powersets you'd end up with a whole host of Powersets listed which are essentially the same thing.

    So you'd get:
    Thugs: PPD
    Thugs: Longbow
    Thugs: Council.
    Thugs: 5th Column.

    All appearing in the powerset selection menu, would be quite cluttered.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    Not trolling. I meant the live action movie. It just kind of stopped in the middle... or what seemed to be a middle.
    I went to IMDB looked up M Night, and saw nothing in the works.
    The movie did that poorly that they will not finish the story?

    Edit: I never troll. Not in my nature. Sorry if it seemed that way.
    Sorry just that the Last Airbender live action movie is pretty much considered an Abomination by most Avatar fans...hence why I took asking for a sequel as a possible trolling attempted.

    It was poorly recieved by both fans and non-fans of the series alike...non-fans for the reasons mentioned above (it was very choppy, the acting was frankly sub-par on more than a few character etc.) and by fans because M.Knight Shallamallama pretty much butchered the story and characters (not to mention the 'racebending' incident as mentioned up above).

    My bad about that.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
    another example of how coding is really strange sometimes.

    3 extra slots breaks something so that a Kheld can two shot Hami. I would love to learn how to code just to examine the dominos of that bug.
    There was also a hilarious damage Proc-bug that allowed you to one shot Hami.

    If I remember rightly it has the decimal point in the wrong place and ended up dealing a frankly ridiculous amount of damage like to the point that the damage log actually went haywire with the amount of damage you dealt.

    There was also the Ion Judgement damage bug where it accepted outside damage sources so while it should normally hit for, at most, 500 points of damage per hit it would actually hit for 2,000+ points of damage if you had a damage at cap and it would leap back onto the same target, thus dealing around 4,000 to 6,000 damage per target.

    It was fully, theoretically possible for a villain team, all with Ion Judgement, with fully buffed damage, to take out the Freedom Phalanx in the Lord Recluse Strikeforce in one coordinated Ion Judgement salvo.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
    Y? U wants to Walken to Mordor?

    *ducks and runs*
    No...getting him to do a voiceover in this game would get me feeling like I'm

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    They can "reboot" the movies, get shiny pretty boys to put on tights, but Christopher Reeve will always be Superman to me. I'd rather watch The Quest for Peace than that horror that was released a few years ago any day. Not that I hate Brandon Routh, mind you; he did a great job in Chuck and seems like a nice guy. But Superman he ain't. Christopher Reeve, though, Superman he is.
    So far the reason he will always be, in my mind, the best Superman is because unlike almost all other actors, he nailed BOTH sides of Superman. Superman AND Clark Kent. The scene where he really wants to tell Lois Lane he is Superman, the moment he takes off the glasses you can see him transform from one to the other.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    Interesting. I finally watched The Last Airbender yesterday. It was ok, but obviously seemed to leave it in need of a sequel. I went to IMDB and could find no reference to anything in the works. So to all those Avatar fans... has anyone heard if there will be anything to follow this?
  16. I will always recommend the 'cheaper' specialist games over warhammer or warhammer 40k.

    Blood Bowl, Mordenheim, Necromunda or GorkaMorka are probably the best way to go for such things...Blood Bowl probably the cheapest since you can simple make your own pitch and use other (far less expensive) Companies minatures (Impact miniatures do a wonderful line of teams for 'Elfball' which can be substituted for Blood Bowl guys) for the teams...or alternatively just buy the PC game...
  17. While for non-games workshopers (as in people that not employed by Games workshop) that is pretty damn impressive, even just in sheer cost alone (those Reaver Titans are about $500-$600 each) I'm assuming that most of you haven't been to Gold Demon/Games Day?

    Ok picture that diorama but about 5 to 6 times the size of it but with the same attention to detail. The battle for Rorkes drift inspired one which featured a Warhammer 40k scale Mega-Gargant and featured an astoundingly huge number of models is the one that sticks in my mind.

    However the key different between that and this is that these guys spent their own money making it and the scenery, painting standard and lighting is incredibly well done, probably worth of a Gold Demon statue if there was one for such large dioramas.
  18. Anyone got a screenshot of Arbiter hawk...I need it for a hackjob photoshop (no...it wouldn't be rude).

    Don't think I've ever seen anyone turn such a bright shade of red.
  19. Dr_MechanoEU

    Your NPCs

    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    A lot of NPCs tend to be friends, relatives, minor heroes, children, partners, when it comes to writing and roleplaying my characters.

    Rushmore has his 'Cavalcade of Villainy' from back home in South Dakota. That includes CSA fangirl and empowered hero Confederacy Caroline, the man who inflicts 'why bother?' on his enemies Captain Apathy, crazed mastermind Ad Liberace, the four armed Communist Manyfisto and his eye-beam blasting partner in crime Red Glare, the easily angered by minor details Bridezilla, urban superthief and archer Robbin' Hoods, fallen basketball player and singer mutant Slamfunk, and the healing witch queen of the seas Sovereign Pacific.
    You forgot my favorite of Rushmore's rubbish foes.

    The Old Front, a group of elderly meterologists who use weather control.

    I still get a chuckle out of that name.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    And Dark Astoria made Rushmore feel like the All-American hero he is. He took on two armies by himself, for pete's sake! And that final mission of the zone's story arcs? I spent ages just wandering around to see who had gathered. It was a feeling like no other.
    Especially if you go "nope, don't need their help, you guys keep the rest of DA under control, I'm going to go kick some almighty amounts of ***!"

    Seriously you're doing the work of a huge group of supers by yourself, you're barnstorming in there, kicking the hell out of everything in your way and proving yourself to be awesomeosity personified...what's not to like?

    I liked the Personal stories because they felt like the "Meanwhile..." segments in comicbooks, you know where they show something to the reader to help flesh out the story.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Wasn't saying it was a good idea to do all of those in CoH. You'd have to make up a brand new game that relied entirely on in-zone events instead of instancing, and that could scale you down to a lower level without disabling any powers you gained later.
    *coughs* Guild Wars 2 (one of the few games we can mention on this forum due to it being an NCsoft published game) actually does this.

    However it doesn't disable any of the abilities you get, it merely scales down your stats to the max level of that zone. This works because 1) Most Abilities are weapon based and unlocked ridiculously quickly and 2) Because even if you have the elite abilities, without the stats to back them up they aren't nearly as good as they are at higher level.
  22. Fortunately for you lot you didn't see the fallout from his Ali G stuff (keep in mind he was broadcast here in Britain first). Basically the kind of people he was making fun of (the white guy trying to be black) didn't understand the joke and some even saw him as a rolemodel...so far god knows how long we had people repeating his catchphrases over and over again.

    So yeah, it's safe to say I hate the guy, with a freaking passion just like I hate Catherine Tate for forcing me to listen to the catchphrase "Am I bovvered" being spewed out the mouths of pre-teen kinds for atleast two years at work, I hate them both so much that I'd be more than willing to laugh while they both got dragged to the cold dark damnation of hell.
  23. The only parts that can't be used by males is the top and skirt, males get their own variation on the boots and the shoulders, hat and belt are all useable by Males.
  24. watched Armor of God and Operation Condor yesterday, hence why I mentioned Jackie Chan.