795 -
These are cool. I've always favored Sonic Blast as a utilitarian pool for the -resist it provides, but without a snipe I'd have to see what they wind up doing.
I still don't understand why they don't just drop the -1,000% recovery portion of the crash down to the -100% that Peacebringers and Warshades have on their nukes. It's effective at making it something to be careful about using without rendering you completely unable to defend yourself after using it. -
What are the odds that Radiation Armor will replace Bio Armor?
Nice to be reminded, but what time tables are we talking about here? A week? A month?
Quote:I'd be interested in seeing something like this, but in abbreviated form, like the Break Out and Outbreak missions from the Intro to Ouroboros arc.As to what I'd like to see in the game, I'd like to see Incarnate version of existing TFs. This would be a setting you choose during the TF set up and it would allow you to run solo or in a team. Basically, it's just a more difficult version of the TF with AVs/Elites interspersed throughout. Think of Hell mode Diablo as opposed to Normal/Nightmare. This would breath in so much life in to the game for someone like me who wants to do more with their 50s aside from running trials all the time.
I gave low markings for some things because I don't have enough information about them.
On the other hand, being that I know what the leaks the initially proposed abilities and setups found in Water, Nature, and Bio are, I'm ecstatic about them. All three, plus [Suspiciously absent Melee set] all look absolutely fantastic and I can only hope older sets will get tweaks based on the new mechanics.
In the section about things added to the market, I added Epic/Patron customization. Seems to me like the only way we're going to get it is if we pay extra for it. -
How about taking a look at Unspeakable Terror while you're at it?
If it was a 2% chance to insta-kill anything sub EB, I'd understand the proc rate being that low. But it's a chance to stun on a target that's already feared. Even at 50% it wouldn't be that useful. -
Quote:It certainly is. The first Underground I'd ever ran was on my main with a flat 50 friend that had never done any incarnate content and had only just unlocked their alpha (We won the trial, attempted but failed the bomb section at the last hall but got everything else).... the observation was made that the Underground iTrial was a rich source of iXP for fledgeling incarnates...[/i]
Point being, they got 97% toward both Interface and Judgement in one run. -
Quote:Exactly. Sort of.I love PvP in any game that isn't an MMO.
I've played a ton of MMO's. And what I've seen in MMOs is that to be able to compete in PvP I have to grind to get the best gear.
I hate to grind.
I love PvP.
I don't PvP because I refuse to grind to get all purpled out with PvP IOs, and be uber leet.
Right now there is a 100% PvP FPS game (that recently just launched) that is taking at least 50% of my gaming time.
There is no grinding. And while there are different options, there is no uber leet gear. Everyone is even. The game is "balanced". And is crazy fun.
When I want PvP I'll find a good FPS that does it well. I can't imagine MMO PvP ever being worth my time.
Thats why I don't PvP.
City of Heroes has too many working parts to balance. You're locked into an Archetype. You're locked into a Primary and a Secondary. After that you can pick which abilities you want, and choose from a large number of game changing support pools. And all that's just considered "spec."
Instead of using maybe twenty pieces of gear, most of which only provide small or predictable bonuses for specific classes, "Equipment" in City of Heroes consists of a little over 90 relevant slots to place equipment in, nearly all of which are accessible to any Archetype. And those slots aren't in predictable places either; you can rearrange them in all sorts of ways.
If they want to really make PvP in this game more than "that thing that a couple of people did more than a few times," nearly all of what makes this game what it is would have to be stripped away the moment you become targetable by another player. -
Does anyone know if the Corruptor ATO proc returns 5% Endurance or 5 Endurance? When dealing with characters that have more than 100 Endurance, that can start to add up.
Either way, I can see all of these being useful for at least some characters. The only part that confuses me is the Mastermind proc. 10% global damage resistance plus a regen buff versus just 10% AoE defense from the first? I'd expect the AoE defense one to get the regen bonus and the damage resistance to stand alone. -
What are the odds of just creating secondaries for Blaster/Dominator that emulate abridged versions of popular melee AT combinations like Spine/Regen or Broad Sword/Shield?
You know, alter the definitions of a preexisting Archetype slightly instead of making a new one. -
I don't know how Beast pets work, but Demons use a lot of endurance when they fight with both upgrades. So at least for them, even Chrono Shift is useful.
I don't have any interest in Beast Mastery, and I'm still sore they released it before Staff. But that's not really the discussion here.
My first Mastermind Merc/Trap was way back and she only ever felt like a dps character. A poor dps character. Best case scenario I could take out one strong enemy if I spaced everyone out and summoned more as soon as I could.
A little bit before Time came out I tried again with a Demon/Trick. Was interestingly more survivable than I remembered and very fast-paced and combat oriented, but still nothing special.
Once it came out, I made a Demon/Time, and I love this character. I play it like a tank, right down to having and using taunt if the team I'm on doesn't have a tank. With the resist buff from the Ember Demon and Time's Juncture on, I just walk right into melee and fight there. Wipe off any damage I take when the fight is over and move on. The only thing I wish I had was a damage aura so I could keep aggro better.
So I don't know if they did something to the numbers at some point, or if it's just a different methodology people are developing these days, but it's not just Beast Mastery. -
Did pretty well for once. Don't remember the exact gains, but I took four characters around at or around 40 and got them to 43, 45, and two 46s.
For my money, everything is already there. The enemy groups are hard enough on their own. Just have the big bad spawn with a hard group of 3 bosses and some change.
Blue Steel was a joke. Spawn him with a group of Kheldian Division PPD and it would have been harrowing.
Mother Keres (or however it's spelled) was a joke. Spawn her with a group of Talons of Vengeance and you've got a fight on your hands.
Sentinel was a joke. Spawn him with a group of Banished Pantheon, which were in the room not five seconds before he shows up, and you've got a final fight with bragging about.
Best part is, it scales by itself based on team size and it's already in the game.
If you're on +0/1, you get like two or four minions; that's not going to ruin the game for lower-end players. -
Quote:Glad you brought that up.I now imagine a mission where the build up was all groups of one or two EBs and the end was a large group of Bosses and LTs.
Perfect example. Toward the end of the Dream Doctor arc, on the mission where you have to take out the EBs with groups to spawn the "Mother" EB. Regular EBs with groups were real fights, "Mother" EB at the end was just sorry because she was by herself. I couldn't even tell if the mother was supposed to be any harder than the regular EBs I fought to get to her. -
I understand the problem being presented here, but in a different light than the topic creator.
I soloed the entire DA meta-arc, taking the most difficult choices when possible, on +4/8 with a Fire/Dark Brute. It was a fun and an interesting challenge almost the whole time. But the few times it wasn't was against the solo EBs. Every single one was not just pitifully weak, but weaker than the regular groups I fought to reach them.
I must have died at least 50 times. But against the solo EBs, even if there was more than one, even if it was 54+3, my health never even dropped below 3/4. They could barely hit me, and none of their attacks did more than a scratch. Can that really be working as intended? All they'd need to do is spawn with a group. -
Quote:I like this one.Here is a thought
City of Mythbusters.
Teams pick a myth/conventional wisdom about the game and try to prove or disprove it.
Whoever takes the hardest myth and presents the most convincing proof or disproof wins.
In this thread
The idea that blasters underperform every other archetype, in every combination of powersets solo and teamed. Prove or Disprove.
Another could be that a league with no level shifts can't complete the dilemma diabolique. This was tried on beta with a heavily geared up but not ideal team. Maybe Protector can do better ? -
Quote:I'd like to take this as proof that you guys realize how useless that ability is.Originally Posted by Arbiter [/listLevel 10: Flurry[list][*] (A) Hecatomb - Damage[*] (42) Hecatomb - Damage/Recharge[*] (42) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge[*] (43) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Recharge[*] (43) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage(Negative)
I would want B if it was turned sideways and was an arm cannon instead of a rifle.
E and F have cool alien vibes, but I'll go with C. -
I'd go with C. It's the most interchangeable, allowing for more than just the intended use.
It would double as armor. Any kind of armor from a suit to a robot.
Edit: Switching to B. -