Moar Roar!
I'll tell you what's getting me about Beast Mastery. On my other Mastermind characters, I have NEVER dived into the middle of the fray as much as I am with my Beast Mastery Mastermind. He even FEELS tougher for some odd reason, whereas my other Masterminds always seemed to be so flimsy as to fall over if a fly so much as sneezes on them (okay, my Mercs MM has gotten better, and I could probably stand to tweak my Thugs MM, but... I don' wanna!).
Maybe this will change at some point, but I don't see it happening.
Frankly, there's something satisfying about pummeling the Hell out of an enemy with Sands of Mu before your dogs rush in to tear out your enemy's throat.
Also, is it just me, or does the endurance cost of this set's attacks seem a little low?
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Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Humm.... I did not buy Beast Mastery, but if it's so much fun I just might...
I have 2 MMs (Mercs/Poison and Demon/Dark) and while it's cool to be a "Team of One" I agree with Grey that they do feel like they're made of paper tissue.
(Also, I won't do TFs or even PuG with my MMs cause I can't quite get the right synergy inside a team - more often than not I'm lagging behind while the rest of the team is steamrolling. Guess I'm not that good a player... )
Just out of curiosity, what secondary did you take with your BM ?
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
None of the rest of the Secondaries really matched this particular MM's concept.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I had to chime in with my two inf ...I teamed with 2 BMs yesterday on my Scrapper and I gotta say I saw the BM char plowing right into the melee with the rest of us melee types and I thought I never saw a MM do that before soooooo yea I would be in the camp of there tougher.
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@Fire Chief
I took Trick Arrow for mine... for a variety of reasons.
These guys ARE tough. I can't believe some of the stuff I've managed. Also.. the lioness purrs. What more can you ask?
I didn't do dark because I've got that wonderful dark/dark troller, a /dark MM, a dark/dark troller, a dark/dark/darkity/dark scrapper....
I didn't do time because... well... I'm not in love with time.
I can't do anything with a targeted heal bc of the way my keybinds work.
I've got a /traps MM, as well as a /dev blaster..
I'll never ever ever be a storm, sonic, or bubbler (just personal pref)
... pretty much left Trick Arrow. Which, works thematically with a woodsy nature girl anyway.
I don't have any interest in Beast Mastery, and I'm still sore they released it before Staff. But that's not really the discussion here.
My first Mastermind Merc/Trap was way back and she only ever felt like a dps character. A poor dps character. Best case scenario I could take out one strong enemy if I spaced everyone out and summoned more as soon as I could.
A little bit before Time came out I tried again with a Demon/Trick. Was interestingly more survivable than I remembered and very fast-paced and combat oriented, but still nothing special.
Once it came out, I made a Demon/Time, and I love this character. I play it like a tank, right down to having and using taunt if the team I'm on doesn't have a tank. With the resist buff from the Ember Demon and Time's Juncture on, I just walk right into melee and fight there. Wipe off any damage I take when the fight is over and move on. The only thing I wish I had was a damage aura so I could keep aggro better.
So I don't know if they did something to the numbers at some point, or if it's just a different methodology people are developing these days, but it's not just Beast Mastery.

I don't know how Beast pets work, but Demons use a lot of endurance when they fight with both upgrades. So at least for them, even Chrono Shift is useful.

Time is one of the best all around support sets IMO. It's got good debuffs, good buffs, and a good heal. It's biggest weakness is endurance, but chrono shift helps with that, and MMs generally don't have end problems anyway, so it works out well for them.
With perma-farsight and the debuff from time's juncture I play my /time corr like a brute, rushing into melee range and just ripping everything apart. I can only imagine how much better that works on an MM with the bodyguard mechanic, giving you some pseudo resistance to layer with your defense.
I know it's been said that Beast Mastery is not performing up to the level it should be on the boards, but I gotta say:
I don't care! I am having *fun* with this toon!
I'll be running a little BM toon later this evening if anyone wants to join in with their BM toon- prob from 7EST - 9EST or so depending on when supper's done and I can log in.