How was your 2XP weekend?
Got a Shield/SS tank from 17 to 24.
My SOA went from 40 to 43.
My Sonic/Traps Corr went from 33 to 35.
My Fire/Rad Corr from 17 to 25.
My Fire/Time Controller from 19 to 20.
On another server I got a Widow from 13 to 27 then realized I had exactly NO plans on how to kit her out for the L24 respec.
Participated in Tanker Tuesday Tour to Defiant and took a tank from 14 to 22.
So about 43 levels total this weekend.
I also took a complete tour of the Nemesis Automaton mission (the Boomtown water map) I keep around for farming up Tips on two occasions doing a bit of quid pro quo for friends. I'm assured the XP was awesome for all involved.
Lets see.
BS/Regen Stalker 46-50
Electric/MA Tank 43-50
Necro/Time MM 44-50
Fire/Dark Troller 43-50
Fire/Rad Troller 1-50
BA/SD Scrapper 5-40
Demons/Dark MM 37-45
ILL/Dark Troller 9-38
ILL/TA Troller 20-34
Dark/Dark Troller 9-22
TW/Elec Scrapper 5-8
All in all. Productive. And a few steps closer to my goal.
210 50s and still counting!
Mm... I could have done better, but I mostly worked on an Electric/Pain Domination Corruptor I've been meaning to level up for a while. Got him to level 42. T helped me get his initial Patron arc completed, giving him proper Mu powers.
Also got my Titan Weapons Brute to +1
And my Ice Blaster to 37.
Finally, the last bit was a set of 30s and earning their new costumes.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Beam/Time 12-->25
Street 15-->20
Widow 40-->42
not a lot of progress - spent most of the weekend solo.
Did pretty well for once. Don't remember the exact gains, but I took four characters around at or around 40 and got them to 43, 45, and two 46s.

Mostly worked on a Scrapper of mine soloing.
When I logged in Friday night. Saw that a Synapese TF was recruiting so I jumped in on that.
Then Saturday just mostly did some scanner missions solo. Things were that active in the Global channels so I jumped around to some other servers. Paid a visit to both Victory and Justice.
Sunday go on a Sister Psyche TF, some more soloing and then late in the evening got on a team doing some door and scanner missions.
At the end of it all got a Scrapper from 32 to 40.
Got an Alpha shift and a Judgement power on my stalker (mostly solo) and well on my way to unlocking Lore and Destiny slots.
I rather enjoyed the Dark Astoria storyline.
Premium accounts can't edit signatures.
I knew it didn't...but that's how I spent my game time during 2XP.
EDIT: Though the 2x Prestige did help me add a bunch of storage to my nearly-solo base
Premium accounts can't edit signatures.
I got my dark/dark troller from around 26 ( I can't remember what I started at) to 43 through lots of AE and TFs. Got a great predominantly dark/dark troller ITF in with that toon, as well as a Numina. Got a Posi part 1 in on my elec/fire tank and got her up in levels too. Also, got a red-side WST in on my dominator so she's now 33. Woot.

I got a dark/thermal troller from 24 to 32...then rerolled her as a dark/fire dom and got her back up to 27.
Let's see...I also got:
Beam/traps corr from 36 to 38
MA/Shield scrapper from 32 to 33
Bane from 32 to 34
Mind/time troller from 19 to 23
Titan/Nrg scrapper from 7 to 19
Kin/Elec scrapper from 14 to 18
Plant/empathy controller from 4 to 16
All in all, I played a lot of toons I haven't played in a while and rediscovered some power combos I really enjoy. Plus, I got to spend the whole weekend teaming with some of my favorite people. And it's the beginning of spring break and all my toons are now in range for task forces.
So it's been a good 2xp weekend for me.
I got my dark/dark dom from 24 to 35, my main goal being 32 so I could have my shadow puppy. After that I worked on random characters I haven't played in a while and made sure all my lowbies were at least up to 22 for single origins. I forget how many Renault SFs I ran, but I managed to go the whole weekend without stepping one virtual foot on blueside.
A StJ/Shield Brute from 1 to 24.
I actually didn't play as much as I would like this weekend.
I haven't played much at all this month, actually.
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
Pretty good, I one did one level on each alt, most of the time was grinding MfA in DA unless a ITF or WST was starting shortly after I logged on.
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
I got to team with a lot of really rad people, before this past weekend I had barely ever teamed with anyone or run TFs. I'm kinda new to the game, I originally played for a few months years ago and just came back, so most of this content is all new to me.
I can't even count how many TFs I ran on, did Moonfire several times, one Synapse and Citadel run each.
KM Scrapper 14 -> 26
Claws scrapper 36 -> 40
Psi Blaster 24 -> 30
Psi Bubbler Def 24 -> 30
DP/Kin Corrupter 13 -> 20
Not that much I suppose but then I'm not a power gamer. I only got to play for a long stretch on Saturday, so I didn't get to gain any more than this.
I spent almost all my time working on my Dark Troller, running her through tons of TFs. Got TFC on her and took her from 20 to 39.
I also broke out a MM of mine that's been sitting at 49 for awhile and got her to 50.
But best of all, I got to play with some people I haven't teamed with in a long time, and had a ton of fun.
Thanks for everyone who came out for TFs!