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  1. speaking of animation, the animation done for the new g.i. joe-renegades cartoon on the hub imo is just bad i think.
  2. my favorite ones have always been from TAS and BB.
  3. DeadlyTwilight

    2010 Shout outs!

    to all my globals and the Paragon Mafia SG you guys rock
  4. i like ahsoka. that is going to be sad when she goes to the darkside
  5. i liked the show myself.
    but my only negative thing i have to say about is the fact that bumblebee doesnt talk.
    bumblebee has always been one of my fav autobots.

  6. we have lost a comedic genius. one of the greats in my opinion. my condolences to his family and friends and fans.
  7. only one thing to say
    no joss whedon the movie will be bad and doomed to failure
  8. best wishes and speedy recovery from The Paragon Mafia.
    Hope everything turns out well and have a speedy recovery.
  9. maybe get JJ Abrahms to make a indy movie. ill would definitely pay to see that since he did a wonderful job on Star Trek.
    another actress has died and really enjoyed her in titanic.
    just wanted to pass this along.
  11. blue falcon and dynomutt are one of my favorite cartoons growing up. it comes on boomerang now and get to watch it again.
    good times lol
  12. i hit 50 on my ele\ele tank this morning before i went to bed for the day.
    that is my 8th lvl 50.
  13. congrats on the 5yrs. and good luck on being here for another 5 yrs.

    @Deadly Twilight
  14. thanx anyway. and sorry if this was in wrong thread. but i fixed it finally.
    and again i apologize for being in wrong thread.

  15. i turned windowsupdate off and now it installs the drivers that comes with windows7 which is an older version than what i had on.
  16. im not sure if this is the right tread to ask this in.
    but i downloaded the lastest drivers for my nvidia9500gt card from nvidia and everytime i uninstall my old drivers and reboot windows7 downloads and installs the same old driver from Windowsupdate. i clicked the option to skip downloading from windowsupdate but it still does it anyway and installs the same driver i uninstalled.
    any help here and i would be thankful.

  17. DeadlyTwilight


    same thing for me also. keep getting DC myself

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tubbius View Post
    I'm facing pretty frequent, random disconnections from the Internet, now, but only when COH is running, after this patch. What gives? =(
    the same with me too. it happened with me while i was at WW in TI.
    had to reboot machine after it happened.
  19. cool thanx for the information so quickly. just thought i would upgrade my sub and not have to worry bout it for awhile.
    thanx again for the responses

  20. it has been forever since i had to ask this question. i've drawn a blank. but does coh have a yearly subscription other than the special deal they offered last year. was considering upping my subscription if they did.
    sorry if this has been brought up before, but like i said i forgot.
