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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    New Idea

    [/ QUOTE ]No it isn't.

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    Don't see what your post adds to this thread, you sound like a flamer.

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    He's merely pointing out that its not a new idea.

    Besides things like this do happen:

    Fires in Steel Canyon, spawning the Zeus Titan, spawning Babbage, The war between Jack in Iron and Eochai in Croatoa, preventing the Paladin Spawn, U'kon Grai and the Rikti Mothership, spawning Caleb or Deathsurge in the Rogue Isles, Rikti Invasions, Zombie Invasions, and the Ghost of Scrapyard.
  2. I'd love a staff powerset.
  3. DLancer

    AE "Hero" Option

    I see no problem in allowing players to choose between whether Arch-Villain or Hero is displayed for their custom critters.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    If it didn't have SOMETHING, it'd be lame. Just "pop" and there you are. With the animation, at least you've got something to look at and judge your timing with, since it IS a clicky power.

    If they made one animation for each of the Origins, *and you could choose among them* ... maybe. But not if it was enforced per-origin, and certainly it's not an emote-possible power so choosing on the fly (like flight, pardon the pun) is extremely unlikely.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Good idea. When someone picks teleport, we could get 6 powers added: [Teleport.Mutant], [Teleport.Magic], [Teleport.Science], [Teleport.Technology], [Teleport.Natural] and [Teleport]. Then, we could choose which one we put in our tray and which animation is used... much the same way that the Veteran [Sprint] variants are done currently.

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    That would be unneccessarily messy for the backend. Every time Castle would need to change the Teleport power he'd have to change each variant as well, not to mention that BAB would have to make 30 new animations for each of the new variants. An animation for each model, male, female, and huge, for both on the ground and in the air.

    Also, the Sprint variants clutter up my enhancement screen too much, it'd be the same thing with these new Teleport powers.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I got VERY excited to see what minions with Gang War looked like (not that I would ever subject people to that in a published arc!).

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    They had it in the closed beta for i14, it tended to break peoples computers. Especially when you brought a team in with you.
  6. DLancer


    /signed for a real Energy Rifle set for Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors.
  7. DLancer


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    I'm only asking them to play some DnD with me. You'd think they'd be relieved...

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    Maybe if you were this specific, instead of saying they'll be 'Role Playing".

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    Dang! I knew I'd forgot something!

    I guess when I showed up wearing a hooded robe and carrying a gnarled staff, they got the wrong idea...

    *gets wrong ideas*

    YARG! That's going to replace the demon in my nightmares!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I put on my wizard robe and hat.
  8. No, its a terrible idea for what should be obvious reasons.

    Massively unbalancing, dividing the playerbase between those who can afford to put down large sums of money to completely twink a character and those who can't, and other undesirable effects.

    If you want to test out more slots in Temp Invuln, use a character builder like Mids.
  9. DLancer

    Sarcasm Font

    Yeah, like people would willingly tag what they say as sarcasm, sure.
  10. Does it come with those 3d glasses?
  11. Its dark.

    You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
  12. *writes in third option that'll never actually gain more than a handful of votes*

    I vote Maybe?
  13. I like cell-shading...


    Still sticking with CoX though.
  14. Ha ha! I got a MEH! That's one more MEH than everyone else so far! Now I just need to learn how to spell and write without, putting, comma,s every,wh,ere,
  15. I'd like a review of this arc:

    Arc ID: 111486
    Arc Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
    Contact: Malaketh
    Missions: 3 short ones
    Enemies: Longbow, custom group
    Alignment Villainous!
    Level range: 1-50
    Description: Spring Azure Song from this mortal coil. DOES CONTAIN EB/AVs throughout.
  16. I'd like a review of either of my two arcs, or both if you have the time.

    Arc ID: 48942
    Arc Name: Too Drunk to be Alcoholic
    Contact: Dark Lancer
    Missions: 5 short ones
    Enemies: Crey, Freaks, custom group
    Alignment Heroic but sorta neutralish
    Level range: 30-50
    Description: Save Dark Lancer's pal and uncover a deeper conspiracy.

    Arc ID: 111486
    Arc Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
    Contact: Malaketh
    Missions: 3 short ones
    Enemies: Longbow, custom group
    Alignment Villainous!
    Level range: 1-50
    Description: That meddling hero Azure Song needs be removed, and Malaketh knows how, but he needs your help!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    It means they want programmers with racing stripes. Preferably red racing stripes because as we all know, red = GO FASTAH

    Alternately, perhaps they want RATED ARRRR SUPERSTARRRR programmers in order to increase the awesomeness levels in the office.

    [/ QUOTE ]No, the most effective go-faster stripes are blue on a white background.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The red comment was a reference to Warhammer Orks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Everyfink knowz dat da red wonz go fasta! Silly git.

    Orks Orks Orks Orks.....
  18. I'd like my arc reviewed

    Arc Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
    Arc ID #111486
    Missions: 3
    Morality: Villainous
    Difficulty: EB/AVs in every mission but the first one is skippable.

    Description: The Hero Azure Song has meddled in the affairs of villains for too long, now Malaketh thinks he has a way of putting her down for good, but he needs your help to make it happen.
  19. The problem is that it would also balloon critter filesizes, even if it were a 1kb it'd still be enough to invalidate numerous arcs that are sitting at 99%
  20. DLancer

    Arc Reviews

    [ QUOTE ]
    For my own Reference:

    Are there any City of Heroes/Villains arc that avoid JABOSTH, preferrably avoiding the idiot ball?

    Since the protagonists of the story are the Player Characters which are effectively chipers, the only "development" that can really be done is with the NPC characters.

    Most of the City of H/V Story arcs seem more like backstories to the various factions and areas in the game.

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    Vernon Von Grun springs to mind. He's a high level villain contact. I've noticed that CoH arcs tend to be more about the villain group while CoV arcs tend to be more about the contact him/herself.
  21. I write my characters as contacts and bosses because those are the ones I'm most familiar with. Those are the characters that I know how they'd act in any given situation and can more easily find their voice. I've always had something of an aversion to using other people's characters, including canon characters, because of this very reason.

    They're not *my* characters and I don't have a very good grip on them, their backgrounds, their stories, or their voice, and therefore will quite likely get my portrayal of them wrong.
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    I will be looking forward to finding out what you think a good, non-manipulative twist ending looks like.

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    Take the Sixth Sense, compare it to The Happening.

    There you go.
  23. [ QUOTE ]

    I find myself ripping my hair out at the public outcry as I attempt to satisfy them. *facefault*

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    The smart thing to do would be to *not try to do that.* Everyone has different tastes and attempting to bend over backwards in order to please mutually exclusive desires on the part of players is a good way to break said back.

    It'll also save you from premature baldness.
  24. I'd appreciate it if you reviewed this arc:

    Arc ID: 111486
    Arc Name: To Slay Sleeping Dragons
    Contact: Malaketh
    Missions: 3 short ones
    Enemies: Longbow, custom group
    Alignment Villainous!
    Level range: 1-50
    Description: Spring the meddlesome hero Azure Song from this mortal coil.
