AE "Hero" Option
There is an SBIII coming. I do believe it's meant to be science based. There'll be one with each origin "theme."
That said, I * believe* the power you're looking for is in the presence pool.
and also,I notice that the AE dosent have a "Hero" option when you go to create a super.Why not?Why put "Arch-Villain" into it,if you arent going to put "Hero" into it?It just dosent make any sense.You cannot have one without the other.
[/ QUOTE ]Heroes and Arch-Villains are the exact same thing as far as the game is concerned. The only difference is what text gets displayed in the targeting window.
If it dosent matter to the game,then why is Statesman called a "Hero",and Lord Recluse an "Arch-Villain?"
Because it matters to the players of the game.
the base stats of an AV and Hero are identical to each other. THe differences come from the powers they have available which varies greatly between each faction. (e.g. Statesman has different powers than Manticore, Recluse has different powers than Ghost Widow, all of them have the same base hp, base regen, and base resistance)
So what would be wrong with just simply naming what they are differently if they are so much the same?
I am just suggesting having the ability to name your creations as to what you intend them to be.Samson Sledge is a hero,and it would be rather funny and wrong to me to call him an Arch-Villain.
I dont want to do anything to their powers or strengths or anything like that;I am just simply want to name them what they are,and as far as powers are concerned,we create charachters in the AE system that have mixed powers anyway.What difference would that make?
Wouldnt THIS idea matter to the players of the game?
I mean,wouldnt it seem funky to you to call what you intend a "Hero" an "Arch-Villain?"
I see no problem in allowing players to choose between whether Arch-Villain or Hero is displayed for their custom critters.
Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"
I agree and as far as story telling goes this is quite a bit off.
So what would be wrong with just simply naming what they are differently if they are so much the same?
[/ QUOTE ]There's nothing wrong with that. You simply asked why only AVs were available, and the simple answer is "because Heroes don't actually exist". All of the Heroes are just AVs with a flag saying "call me a Hero instead". Control over that flag was just omitted from the custom critter creator, whether by accident or because the devs wanted to get things working before bothering with nonessentials.
When you begin to make a charachter,it reads like this....
Elite Boss
What would happen if it read like this?...
Elite Boss
It sounds like,to me,that it is either/or.They cant ALL be Arch-Villains.
popcorn for sale...get your fresh hot buttered popcorn here...popcorn for sale...
why does it matter what they're called. when you fight them they are not your friend. think of the name arch-villian as being arch-rival. sometimes you do just have to rp in an mmoRPg.
You just cannot have one without the other.
Wouldnt you get sick of calling your intended hero an Arch-Villain all the time?
You would miss the other half of the equation,and for some people,that fact sets in later,and it set into me the second I saw it missing!
If I were standing in a world full of arch-villains,I would be the hero.There is no way,nor should you try,to leave out that balance.For me,roleplaying an AV as a hero is stupid!
Pick the minds of the roleplayers and everyone else that you have ever come across,or have ever known.They,just like everyone else,want the real deal,and they want it as correct as possible.Leaving out the "Hero" Option in the AE system would deny that correctness they seek.It would also hurt storytelling options.When I make a hero,I want to see the word "Hero" in my targeting window.
Let me give you a little scenario here,and see what you think
"The arch-villain known as Samson Sledge saved Atlas Park Bank with his fellow Arch-Villain Big Ben Apollo.The Arch-Villain Statesman,along with his fellow Arch-Villains Positron and Sister Psyche said it was the most heroic rescue they had ever seen.The Arch-Villain Back Alley Brawler recently suggested that the Arch-Villains Samson Sledge and Big Ben Apollo be recommended to join the Freedom Phalanx,but then remembered something vital."Hey,Paragon"The Back Alley Brawler said "We are Arch-Villains,and we should be destroying this city" concluded one Back Alley Brawler,and all the Arch-Villains began to destroy the city of Paragon,and terrorize the powerless civilians."
Wouldnt it be nice to have a Hero in there somewhere to this bizarre scenario?
Didnt you just love my frequent use of the word Arch-Villains to describe what were supposed to be heroes?If not,I can come back and make the scenario longer and longer and longer and see if you do not loose your minds.
In life,a proper balance to anything has two sides to it.You take away one side to any of life's little balances,and this world would go nuts and fall apart,and the word "Arch-Heroes" dosent even make any freaking sense to me.
To conclude:I am someone that it matters to greatly!
I'm sure other people would agree with me.Especially when it does things like effect storytelling in the AE system.It would be boring as well without the "Hero" option in time.
Think about it.
The end : )
if you are talking about the AE custom critters then why should it matter. you are creating something to fight in your missions. i15 is just around the corner. patience is a virtue. all your really doing with this thread is whining that the flag "hero" isn't available. and i'm sorry but all rp'ers don't need to have eveything be perfect. they know how to rp anything the way they want it to be. i really don't know where you were trying to go with your little story there, but it doesn't make any sense. it does not affect your story telling at all. you make up the names for the things you create. AV is just the lv/hardness of the thing(s) you fight in the mission. if you make something to fight with you it is called an ally.
incase you still haven't gotten it re-read the last 3 sentences in this post over and over. eventually you will get it.
I realize that I am complaining and whining about this idea,because I care about it so much.I am a dedicated super hero fan,my favorite hero is The Incredible Hulk,and I believe that COX should give us absolutely everything that is within their power,not give us everything with pieces of it missing.
Think about what you want most in your life.Would you want it all,or would you want it with missing pieces?
I do apologize for the grief I have caused on the forums with this idea of mine.....and maybe in time the "Hero" option for the AE system will make itself present,and all I may need is a little patience,but like everyone who submitts an idea to this portion of the forums..I want someone,a developer,to see this idea and consider it,and maybe even run with it.
My "Vigilante" idea may have been bad
My "Purchasing More Enhancement" Slots might have been bad
.......but those ideas I came up with I fought for,all the way to the point of their destruction,just like this one,because I believed in them,and I KNOW this "Hero" idea should be contemplated and considered.Heck,for all I know it may be being considered.
The End : )
what you are not comprehending is that when you make critters in the AE and you choose arch-villian type, all it is doing is selecting the difficulty of that critter. it in no way says that you have to call the critter an arch-villian in your story.
seriously, how hard is that to understand? you are the one writting the story and descriptions for your AE missions. it is not pre written/sent off to be written for you.
no not drama, just trying to figure out how not having an actual hero class selectable in the AE critter creator is affecting the OP's writting of his story. from what i gather, because he chooses the AV class to set the difficulty of his critter he feels that he has to call it that in his story which he doesn't.
oh, and would you like some popcorn? i have buttered and regular.
Why am I not comprehending,you ask?...
Because I want a Spade to be a Spade.
I want an "Arch-Villain" to be an "Arch-Villain"
Because I want a "Hero" to be a "Hero"!!! Mr. Sharker_Quint
The difficulty of the charachters I make,or the way I write their bios wouldnt mean jack to me anyway if I had to call an intended "Hero" an "Arch-Villain"
Those categories are not what I was pleading about anyway.I am commenting on some correctness in the AE system.This "Hero" addition to the AE system would provide some correctness and more content as well for all the storytellers out there,for those who love super-heroes,and their world to death,just like I do.
I have so many well-considered,well-thought-out,bad ideas because I care about Paragon City,and the players.This idea,I know is a good one.
What is so hard to understand about that,Sharker_Quint?
I am talking about a simple title change.I am opting to do this,here's an example.
Ex:I want to change the title of Samson Sledge from "Arch-Villain" to "Hero"
What would that hurt?Why is that so hard to accept?!?!?
That wouldnt affect their difficuly of your creation,it would be exactly the same,it just would have a different title!If you had to fight Samson Sledge,he would be titled as a hero,and it would not,i repeat,it would not,affect his AV difficulty,he would just have a "Hero" title and difficulty,you know?
I thank those who support me and this idea,but for others,it would be like trying to get blood from a stone..*falls out of exhaustion*
..and for those of you who do not like my drama,or my passionate bellowing of this idea...someone once said that "All The World Is a Stage"..and in time,all of you will play the parts it has to force upon you.
Love ya all!
The End : )
first off learn to quote and don't post drama. when you post with anger and dramatic feeling you get thhese kinds of answers and eventualy people will stop responding altogether.
the "title" you are describing is the indicator of the class/difficulty of the critter. if they did that for one they would have to allow it for all the other classes of critters. i'm not saying this is a bad idea, i offered you a suggestion, hence the rp it for now, on how to get around this and you then dramatized it. i'm sure changes will be made at some point but for now, again, rp it. it doesn't affect how you write your story or descriptions.
Ya know for someone so passionate about calling a spade a spade because using the designation Arch Villain disrupts his ability to roleplay, he doesn't seem to comprehend simple storytelling techniques.
It doesn't matter what faction you are playing when you use the AE. redside or blueside are not relevant.
YOU are the main character of the interactive story. Everything revolves around the choices YOU make. The opponents YOU defeat. YOU are the HERO!
All the antagonists you face are the VILLAINS. They are the bad guys of the story. They are trying to stop you. They are trying to keep the hero from succeeding.
Before the OP can complain that using the term Arch Villain in the AE ruins his RP immersion, then he needs to learn how to RP first.
Because I want a Spade to be a Spade.
I want an "Arch-Villain" to be an "Arch-Villain"
Because I want a "Hero" to be a "Hero"
[/ QUOTE ]
Then how come the bosses you make aren't actually the bosses of the group? Villain tags exist exclusively to assign a descriptor to the difficulty level of an enemy group. There is no difference between Archvillain and Hero. If there were a rank identical to minion called "Stooge", would you want to have access to that as well? What if the "Lieutenants" or "Bosses" in your custom group are actually controlled by the numerous "Minions" around them? Do you want to be able to change all of those names as well to something more suitable? It's the exact same argument. What name the rank has doesn't really matter.
@Sharker: Buttered, please. Thanks.
And I guess I don't get how adding a single word to the interface is worth any argument at all really. Also, it would be nice to have the alignment of an enemy readily apparent in an arc without the player having to read its bio... especially in situations where you want a Hero and an AV to duke it out.
What is so hard to understand about that,Sharker_Quint?
[/ QUOTE ]
HAHAHHAH. You obviously don't know this guy!
Some people find things more difficult to understand than others.
YOU are the main character of the interactive story. Everything revolves around the choices YOU make. The opponents YOU defeat. YOU are the HERO!
All the antagonists you face are the VILLAINS.
[/ QUOTE ]
While I understand your logic here, I think it's flawed from an RP standpoint. In real life villains don't consider themselves to be heroes and don't consider the heroes they're fighting to be villains.
In game, when you're playing as a villain, you often fight heroes. Why are those heroes not labeled as AV's?
I may be crazy, but I think the OP's suggestion makes perfect sense and would be a relatively easy change.
However, if you allow players to label their custom villains as heroes, and those heroes are holding innocent hostages, that would simply blow my RP'ing out of the water. The OP's change would allow this to happen, and I'm worried about all the RP'ers who would get to the end of a mission and be forced to go against hero bad guy. This might cause more than a few heads to explode.
I notice that the AE dosent have a "Hero" option when you go to create a super.Why not?Why put "Arch-Villain" into it,if you arent going to put "Hero" into it?It just dosent make any sense.You cannot have one without the other.
The end : )