New Idea: Dynamic City!




So to add more life to the city I have some ideas to add some player interactivity.

Within a given zone in a city, not the city itself, there are 3-4 enemy groups. As players fight and defeat enemies of one group, lets say hellions, the other enemy groups, example trolls and outcasts, become stronger. Their level does not increase, would make it too tough on lower level players, but more Lt and bosses appear as well a noticeable but not complete increase in their spawn groups. If one enemy group gains a large enough control, by players attacking all other enemy types, then that group starts to spawn a rare (generic) named enemy (maybe elite boss) also that mobs grafitti starts to appear around the city. As the enemy group in power is taken down by players or after a reset time the numbers/control returns to normal. Extra incentive for players is to give a badge for killing the named spawn when a certain group gains total control. Let me clarify: when an enemy group gains complete control all other enemy groups still spawn.

Within a city zone, not the entire city itself, players can gain recognition from the citizens of the city. As they do mission within that area, take to the streets fighting mobs, slay a giant monster or two, maybe even fight a fire, they gain recognition within the zone. If this number becomes high enough then citizens around the city start to mention the players name to a noticeable amount (more than the current). If it goes up even more then that then a poster or two of the hero appears in the city. Wanted poster for villains and a poster of praise for heroes. If the hero reaches a high enough status of recognition they become hero/villain of the day. Their face appears on billboards; blimps, citizens praise/curse them, and maybe a badge if they become head hero/villain for all of the cities zones (not at once), and possibly a small amount of merits obtainable only once for each city.

Enemy Malice:
As players fight and take down enemies of a certain group that group gains malice towards the player. At a certain level of malice enemies curse the players name in anger then in fear. At a higher level grafitti appears of the hero/villan saying naughty but pg things. At the highest level a hit is placed upon them in which an ambush attempted upon them (after exiting a mish or something). After the ambush or after some time has passed the malice subsides.



New Idea

[/ QUOTE ]No it isn't.



New Idea

[/ QUOTE ]No it isn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't see what your post adds to this thread, you sound like a flamer.



New Idea

[/ QUOTE ]No it isn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't see what your post adds to this thread, you sound like a flamer.

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He's merely pointing out that its not a new idea.

Besides things like this do happen:

Fires in Steel Canyon, spawning the Zeus Titan, spawning Babbage, The war between Jack in Iron and Eochai in Croatoa, preventing the Paladin Spawn, U'kon Grai and the Rikti Mothership, spawning Caleb or Deathsurge in the Rogue Isles, Rikti Invasions, Zombie Invasions, and the Ghost of Scrapyard.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



New Idea

[/ QUOTE ]No it isn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Add: search. Try google search if you're not able to find things in this engine. And, likely, some of the threads the active posters are thinking of may be gone due to forum purging. However, when we say it's not a new idea? Generally, it means it's been talked to death by others already. Don't take it as a personal attack. Just because we've seen it before.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I've never seen these posted, and they are great ideas.

The posters of the hero and graffiti would probably have to be client based. That would be incredibly resource intensive as a global event but not so much as a client event.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



*bump for migration, and may add this to a list later*

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Per usual, the 5-Digit Post Count Patrol sweeps in and shoots down an idea without acctually addressing the idea. I'm starting to understand how one achieves such numbers...

In any case, this sounds like an excellent idea. I could definitely see the Recognition part turning into a competition, seeing who can hold the top spot in a neighborhood. It could also help build character storylines.

Things like this, and other concepts (Hometowns comes to mind) would make for some interesting cause-and-effect. It would be very nice to get a feeling of altering the world in some way. And just to point out: If Recluses Victory can have dynamic effects, then there's no technical reason why other zones can't.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Per usual, the 5-Digit Post Count Patrol sweeps in and shoots down an idea without acctually addressing the idea. I'm starting to understand how one achieves such numbers...

[/ QUOTE ]
No one shot down anything. Fleeting pointed out a fact. He just did it far more pointedly and succinctly than what is usually considered polite.

Back on topic: I like this idea. /signed



Per usual, the 5-Digit Post Count Patrol sweeps in and shoots down an idea without acctually addressing the idea. I'm starting to understand how one achieves such numbers...

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not seeing where the other posters shot down the idea. Saying the idea isn't new isn't disagreeing with the idea itself.

"I've got a NEW idea! It's the greatest idea since sliced bread. Buttered and toasted bread!"
"That's not new."
"Why do you hate buttered toast?! What do you have against my idea?"
"I don't have anything against buttered toast. I simply said your idea isn't new."

I sit in my zen of not being able to do anything right while simultaniously not being able to do anything wrong. Om. -CuppaJo
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning. It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.



I like it to. It would give some of the lower lvl zones more activity too (GALAXY THE DEAD ZONE!!!!!).



So instead of discussing the idea, we're discussing what constitutes shooting down the idea?

I like the idea, but as a whole it means that my lvl 10 hero running around looking for Trolls won't get to find them because all the lvl 10's that rolled through yesterday wiped them out. Ultimately the only answer to this would be to make the missions world-dynamic, so that the Hollows missions wouldn't reflect a need to take down trolls until they dynamically increase in numbers again. This seems like a lot of work to do, big picture, and it means missed opportunities for individual toons depending on what day they hit the streets, little picture.

Still, I WOULD like to see it done, but maybe only the high level zones should experience it.



Per usual, the 5-Digit Post Count Patrol...

[/ QUOTE ]
...continues to be a myth.