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  1. Cynic

    All Scrapper STF

    Ah but defenders are overpowered
  2. Cynic

    All Scrapper STF

    None of the all one AT STF's I've done have required nukes or shivans

    And yeah it was good to finally crack this, I want to do an all tank one at some point (though I think it will be painfully slow) and I will leave blasters as the AT I wont complete cause damn I just cant see that working without temps, lots of temps
  3. My defender is still my favourite character and will still be when going rogue applies. Those multipliers mant a lot to me and getting the powers earlier......... hell I hated waiting till 38 for EMP on my Ill/Rad, really felt sloppy compared to my defender until then and still feel like I need to use powerboost to close the gap. The better secondary effects on the secondary powers helps too, all in all I love defenders and would always pick them for a team

    Having run an all defender STF I here by put it to you that all other ATs are already redundant and merely fillers and support for the teams defender
  4. Claw/WP is the most fun scrapper I've leveled, of my 50s it doesn't get much play anymore, but getting there was absolutely amazing and I would recomend everyone tries one
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Well the only real benefit of playing on EU servers now is that you can all say "lovely weather" and you all know what the weather is like in the area
    I work one junction down the motorway from where I live and the weather is rarely the same, even when it snows
  6. Well love my DM/SR, was my first level 50, and also is my only scrapper to solo AV's since the regen changes to AVs. Also like the concept too

    My Claw/WP was the most fun to level, and still exemps well, generally a lovable character.

    My Spine/Inv is my fun AoE, just cause it can stand around much longer than my other AoE scrappers and I love my regen that I scraped together though sets too, makes it feel tanklike at time
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    What freeze said, and it wasn't Werner. His name started with a V >.> I dare not mention his name....
    Jeff from the EU also did this on a Claw/Regen I believe, and I know a Kat/Inv has done it too
  8. been trying out 8 man +4 with no bosses on my Spine/Inv but find the kill rate boring, its very safe against anything that's not psi clockwork though. Will probably go back to +2 8 man no bosses, though with +2 the bosses dont actually take that long either.

    Not really tried out my other scrappers that much have fallen for my Elec/Mental blaster again cause always get big enough groups on a team to make her worthwhile but I will once teams fall appart again
  9. Cynic

    Boys and girls

    My best puns have come from girls names so I have more female alts
  10. Hope you enjoy your time abroad and I do hope we see you back. It's been a pleasure
  11. Aye, get to 35 if we can get everyone there, then 2nd Respec and on to starting RWZ
  12. Well I fell out of love with my BS/Sr when they buffed Siphon Life and my DM/SR became an old trsuted friend again
  13. Cynic

    Issue 16

    I think it might be a bad thing if after 5 years of trying out everything your wife was designed to do you started trying to think of more things........ and expecting her to look better because of all the new women out there, that would be what people are moaning about in another thread. But with a wife you cant really try the other "game" and come back time and time again. Either that or I haven't met the right woman yet
  14. Cynic

    Blue Rabbit

    Hope it all works out for you soon Blue
  15. "Judgments, value judgments concerning life, for or against, can in the last resort never be true: they possess value only as symptoms, they come into consideration only as symptoms - in themselves such judgments are stupidities. " - Friedrich Nietzsche
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow View Post
    same here stilettos, as well as thigh high boots. All my chars get at least one costume with thigh high boots and the others are all in stilettos
    Even since they redesigned them? Don't like the new Thighhighs, but in the old days all my female alts had a thigh high costume
  17. Cynic

    Laters all

    Sounds good to me
  18. Normally these pop up on Friday evenings, this post is two days late at least and wont gather its usual head of steam. It's a shame that such a thread will die so young *dramatic sigh*
  19. I like Aid Self on my BS/SR, its about the quickest animation it has......... It helps though with my general lack of any other form of mitigation. It was a cheap build made to soft cap to fit a concept and not tinkered with at all once 50.

    My DM/SR wouldn't need it, even though my Siphon Life has no heal slotting in it at all. Have tohit debuffs, imobs, fear and a top up heal. My BS/SR just has KD really, doesn't compare IMO

    Would I take it on DB? Well to start with I wouldn't play one due to what I feel are very ugly animations. My Ice/DB was horrible enough and I couldn't seen most of them cause of the mobs surrounding me. But do I feel a heal is needed with DB? Not really, have Weaken and Sweep. Using them, greens and some regen you should be fine. I probably wouldn't want to Solo an AV without it (cause the above attacks would be out for a start) but for general play, and large spawns, seems fine to me.
  20. Midnighter Arc and Katy TF next Monday? Was a very quiet one today
  21. Cynic

    City of Cute...

    Not checked this out in a while (getting used to new forums and it forgetting what I've seen at not...... not happy with them atm)

    Good work as always, love the gunner
  22. I'll help too, I dont like normal ITFs only speed runs. Lag offends me
  23. Nice to see this thread's still growing, and yeah, come join us, we're awesome
  24. Took mine to 50, stripped out the SO and some frankenslotting I did with a respec and only bought two IOs for it after. Loved it while levelling it but just dont feel compelled to do anything with it now. It seems to be a scrapper for all occaisions really...... but then I have enough alts to already have a scrapper for all ocaisions, all be it a different one for each.

    If you were going to make just one scrapper I'd say make a fire shield. But it doesn't thrill me like some of my others does. I prefer the claws and DM play style for ST and for AoEs I quite like spines, or my Fire/Fire for squishy scrapper madeness