Now Claws looks like fun.




Because you can never have too many Scrappers, I've decided to go ahead and throw a Claws Scrapper into the mix as well. Turning into some kind of Human/Blendtec hybrid certainly sounds like fun!

That of course leaves the question of what secondary powerset to pick from. Just going off of what I've heard offhand, I know /SR is a pretty awesome choice, but I've already got both a DB/SR Scrapper and plans for a Claws/SR Brute, so I'm already getting quite an /SR fix from other characters.

From there, I've more or less narrowed it down to either Regeneration or Willpower, and from there I'm really not too sure which one to pick. They both seem like they would be powerful choices, they both have Quick Recovery, they both look like fun... what I know so far is that Regeneration is typically better for strong, individual enemies while Willpower handles better when you do what all good Scrappers will inevitably do and dive headfirst into a sea of enemies collectively capable of enough firepower to demolish a building.

That said, I'm leaning slightly towards Regeneration simply for the fact I also have an SS/WP Brute I'm getting a Willpower fix from, and I've always wanted to take a Regen character of some kind or another to 50. But before I actually do that, I figured I'd go ahead and ask you guys for some feedback on the Claws/Regen and Claws/WP combos, and see if there's anything useful you guys know that I've probably missed about how the two combos might work, because to be completely honest I've never played a Claws/ character before and I don't really know how the powerset works. So yes... opinions? Thoughts on Claws? Little random useful tips like "if you skip this power I will personally call down a meteor shower upon you and all that you hold dear"?

Thanks in advance!



Both regen and willpower are great secondaries for claws. will power will have the 'toggle on and forget' aspect like /SR, whereas regen will require some degree of active management of the clcik heals.

In terms of claws
Strike or swipe to taste

is the core of your single target chain

Evsicerate spin and shockwave give 3 nice AOEs, though be aware shockwave is knockback, and leanr how to use that to your advantage.

On just about every secondary I tend to take 7 attacks, for seperate Single target and AOE 'chains'

Skip the bolded powers (even for 2 levels) and I will personally call down a meteor shower on you, though not on those you hold dear as they should survive to learn from the error of your ways.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Focus is definitely a must have power and as soon as you can get it too.

It provides incredible mitigation and can be used to keep one target out of a fight. In fact, I'd almost go as far as saying it's one of the top 5 attacks available in the Scrapper Primaries.

I paired Claws with /DA myself, but the best thing about Claws is that it's versatile enough to go really well with any of the secondaries (though, I really wish it worked with Shields).



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
On just about every secondary I tend to take 7 attacks, for seperate Single target and AOE 'chains'
I definitely did this with Claws. Eventually I will have Swipe also partly or entirely slotted, and an AoE from my Ancillary pool, for at least 4 ST and 4 AoE attacks I can chain. (Eviscerate works fine as either a single-target or an area attack, so it can be part of either chain).

Notice also that Spin is really, really good. It does more damage than any Scrapper PBAoE except Fire Sword Circle, but it's fast-recharging -- more than twice as fast as FSC (20 seconds versus 9 seconds recharge). That combination means it pours out a ton of damage over time in crowds. Note that you can get the recharge down to about 4.5 seconds with just simple frankenslotting to the ED cap; with set bonuses and/or Hasten, you could Spin every 4 seconds.

Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
Focus is definitely a must have power and as soon as you can get it too.
Yeah. Spines has Impale, which looks like a similar ranged attack, but the main thing that makes them different is Focus has great speed of animation, making it a great way to react in the heat of battle, as opposed to Impale's slow windup. Focus is so flexible you should use it point blank as part of the melee chain, use it to nail runners, to pull, and throw it into any gaps in your AoE chain.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



My Claw/WP is very fun. I'm fond of autos and toggles, and WP doesn't seem to eat the end either. Slicing like a maniac does a little though. Just trade three like insp for blues repeatedly. He also shot to 18 solo and with a few sewers. He is one of my two AE free toons.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
My Claw/WP is very fun. I'm fond of autos and toggles, and WP doesn't seem to eat the end either. Slicing like a maniac does a little though. Just trade three like insp for blues repeatedly. He also shot to 18 solo and with a few sewers. He is one of my two AE free toons.
Claws/WP with endurance problems?
Is it safe to assume your doing it wrong?

Edit: I guess you are only level 18...but Claws is very end efficient.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Claws/WP with endurance problems?
Is it safe to assume your doing it wrong?

Edit: I guess you are only level 18...but Claws is very end efficient.
Maybe I'm remembering him wrong. I've been making 'em right and left since i16.



In two levels with willpower you'll be able to pick up quick recovery, you wont have endurance issues after that (the reason you were having end issues had nothing to do with claws, more likely it was constantly running RttC which uses a good bit of end)

Other than that, Catwhoorg's advice is solid, and DONT THINK ABOUT SKIPPING FOLLOW UP alot of people skip follow up, they're wrong. You'll agree after running several levels with it, other than the damage, you'll come to feel like every attack is missing without followup running, because with it running you almost never miss. Later, you get to double it up, and it's almost like running build up all the time.

If you do go regen, make sure you pick up shockwave in the end, the area knockdown will allow you to survive the alphas regen has trouble with.

"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo



Claw/WP is the most fun scrapper I've leveled, of my 50s it doesn't get much play anymore, but getting there was absolutely amazing and I would recomend everyone tries one

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I have both a 50 Claws/SR and a Claws/Regen, both IO'd to the gills. I'd say the /SR is more powerful (obviously), but there are few sets that are as fun to play as Regen. Since Claws' animations are so quick, they go well with the heal activations (or at least in my mind, that's how it works).

The advice above is great. Follow Up, Slash, and Focus are absolute must-haves. On mine, I don't have Eviscerate/Shockwave/Spin, just the latter. I find that with the amount of recharge I have (which is quite high, to be honest), I don't have time to use a second AoE before Spin is up again, so I just hit Focus in between Spins... but anyways, enough of that rant.

I'd recommend Regen to anyone who's not looking to do insane-o crazy stuff unless IO'd out the @$$. it's great fun.



Hmm... see that's part of what makes this a tough call.

It seems like Claws/WP would be easier to play and potentially stronger, but /Regen certainly is a ton of fun. That said, insane-o crazy stuff is tons of fun too, and one of the things that draws me to Scrappers. Chiefly I'm just worried that Claws/Regen isn't going to be too good at staying alive while soloing on X8. Then again it seems with all that AOE, most swarms wouldn't be able to stand toe-to-toe with me for very long, right?

Some useful information so far, so thanks guys! Been quite a bit of help so far in figuring out how I might go about building the guy.