1834 -
Scrappers do not get Blast sets.
Also, before anyone brings up the idea, Pistol Melee is a retarded concept. That movie with 'Gun Kata' was also retarded. I'd even take Shield Blast over Pistol Melee.
I know, I know, just because I don't like X doesn't mean others should be denied the choice, but... Come on. Using firearms in melee defeats the purpose of a firearm. We already have a dancy Dual Pistols set full of goofy pirouettes and holding a gun sideways like a true gansta because that totally doesn't make it nearly impossible to hit what you're shooting at. Can we try to keep the new sets from getting too facepalm-inducing?
My face still hurts from seeing Bullet Rain.
Rant over. Sorry about that. -
Quote:Sounds about right. MMs had PBAoE setting ability removed from Caltrops in the last patch, too. I reckon the non-MM Trip Mines are next.It's only supposed to take one or the other.
I surmise that the MM version is the one working correctly and the OTHERS are the borked ones. If you look at it, all Location AoEs (Rain of Fire, Sleet, Freezing Rain, Blizzard, Ice Storm, Rain of Arrows) take Targeted AoE sets.
A PBAoE, by definition, originates from your character's location. A Trip Mine can originate from a location that you are not present at, making it a Location AoE, and as such should use Targeted AoE sets. -
Brutes and Masterminds share a close second place.
I like ATs that feel like a powerhouse while also not being vulnerable to mezzing. -
So, are you saying it's possible to somehow trigger the banner event right now? As in, outside of halloween? I thought turning in salvage only triggers zombies. -
So, I've got a level 5-14 arc. I intended to have it be easily doable by most people, but didn't want it to be too much of an effortless cakewalk either.
The final encounter is an Elite Boss. At one point I got some feedback complaining that people couldn't handle it, so I toned it down to a Boss...
...only to get feedback that it went down so fast as to be boring and depressing. Yeah.
I don't really know which to go for, at this stage. What do you think? Do Elite Bosses have a place in a 5-14 arc? Should I just bump the minimum level up to 10 or so in case people with too few powers are the ones having trouble? Should I keep it as a boss that may get steamrolled by certain ATs, or teams?
It's a Thugs/Dark, for the record. Summons punks and an enforcer, no gang war or bruiser, no fluffy. I'd like to keep him as an EB because the fight has ambushes at boss health phases - the ambushes are set to Easy and are standard mobs, plus they're of Rogue alignment so the ambushes and the EB can end up fighting each other, too. -
I don't suppose there's any way for me to just buy the code and not a physical boxed edition of the CoV collector edition, is there?
ProTip: Click the elevator that's not on fire.
Acid mortar takes Accuracy enhancements and Accurate Defense Debuff sets. Detailed Info claims the acid splash has an accuracy of 1.00. This implies it can miss.
I have never, ever seen it miss. Ever. Even if it hits multiple targets, all get hit, always.
Am I just incredibly lucky? Or is it autohit?
If it's not autohit, how much accuracy do people usually slot into it? -
I name them Operative _____, like most named bosses or NPCs.
e.g. my Crab Spider is named Operative Harvestman. -
I dumped the four aura IOs into Gang War on my Thugs MM. I'd do the same with Hell on Earth if I had access to Demon Summoning, probably. Along with two Recharges, maybe.
I wonder if we'll get branching options in the MA at some point, too. Could make for some interesting storytelling mechanics.
Not that anyone plays the MA anymore for purposes other than farming, but it's nice to pretend. -
Not all. Robotics use the same model as Malta Titans and Council/5th Column Mek Man bosses (hunched over and mostly immobile; Protectors go into a more familiar humanoid combat stance when using shield buffs or repair, abilities which regular robot enemies do not have and thus likely lack 'rigid' animations for). They play emotes just fine, too.
Just a quick off-topic mention, that's all. -
Not all. It doesn't answer his question about the Med Pack.
To further advertise Claws, it has a built in reduced rate of endurance consumption, and reduced recharge rates, when compared to other 'standard' melee sets. Something around 20%, wasn't it? It's been a while so my memory is a little off when it comes to numbers.
In other words, it's as if it were tailor-made for Brutes. -
You don't really need a panic button when you have Eclipse.
Aaand it's been so long since I last played CoX with any degree of seriousness that I've forgotten how to properly slot powers with anything more complex than SOs, or what sets one should use, and so on.
Could anyone provide me with an example build that I could work off of? My criteria are pretty simple, I'd think.
Elec/Elec/Mu. Yes, I know how uber Gloom is, but Mu goes together with Elec/Elec for obvious reasons.
If a travel power can fit in, it should be Super Speed. It's not absolutely necessary, though - I've got Ninja Run.
Easy on the costly purples and whatnot. If I can get good results out of a low-budget build, that's super. If it's not worth the bother unless I'm willing to fork over some more serious inf, well, I'll be willing to get off my lazy backside and farm a bit.
Now, what I'm looking for in the build is: Defense. I've heard good things about Elec Armor builds with high Defense from set bonuses, stacked on top of Elec's innate resists and healing power. I'd like to try getting those Master of ____ badges someday without cowering in the back in terror, afraid of getting twoshotted like the squishy bruteling that I am and ruining the attempt for everyone else.
tl;dr: Could anyone give me an example build - or even their own build? - with high defense, using Elec/Elec/Mu as the powersets? Thanks in advance. -
Couldn't they just make enemy-affecting toggles suppress while Hide is active?
Note that I have no idea how easy, hard, or impossible it'd be to code this. -
I don't think this is a badge-window-specific issue. My game crashes when I open my Costume window.
Seconding the default pallette. The colors are nice too.
What difficulty settings are people doing this at? Mostly curious about those who have issues with it. I'm wondering if it was a little girly of me to turn it to No Bosses for mine... -
I'm just hoping for an alternate set of animation to choose from that are less goofy. The animation times would obviously be the same, but I'd rather have a character punch the air so hard an enemy 20 feet away is knocked over, rather than do some flashy tai-chi motions and waving his hands around.
But I'm also a Brute player, so... -
Seconding this question in regards to escorts.